How do we make gaming industry to be more open to free speech?
How do we make gaming industry to be more open to free speech?
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The gaming industry is ruined by free speech. I hear more about sexual identities, trans/gays, diversity etc in the gaming industry than I do in any other kind of industry.
You destroy capitalism and the gaming industry, really simple
Learn how to fucking talk first, chud
You can't make it more open to free speech without attacking the societal problem that has created a generation of people opposed to free speech. Ironically I imagine this thread will be pruned by a Jannie who is ass mad over this topic even being brought up. Read Industrial Society and Its Future if you want to understand the sickness afflicting this society, it's only about 30-50 pages long.
We implement this.
>dude read Kaczynski it’s based lmao
bro it’s not 2016 anymore
You're right.
He was right.
You don't really have an argument against it so you want to dissuade people from actually reading it. He makes an accurate diagnosis of psychological leftism, and it makes you retards seethe.
the gaming industry is open to free speech, as is nearly every arena of Western society, but that doesn't mean people have to like it or agree with you. the first amendment in no way protects you from the social or financial consequences of your actions, for people of any political orientation.
No, you should probably read a Luddite who didn’t go to jail for something obviously stupid
>Life was so much better without air conditioning and pasteurization of food
Yeah, no. He was a mentally tranny.
>the first amendment in no way protects
Constitutional law 101 states "freedom from consequences". That's why the 2nd was right right afterwards. Literally in the Letters of the men who wrote the constitution that also states to "remove" everyone in its way.
There's a reason why AIs "believe" in freedom of speech & freedom from consequences. It's moral.
>"free speech"
>can't say the n-word
Wow, great free speech you have there
>Mixing vidya with politics and your psued-psychology
We get it, you collect a government check and don't work. No need to let everyone know.
Jewish lies. If you support a dissident political view and produce that in media, whether gaming or otherwise, they will do everything they can to destroy your ability to bank, promote your product, or even access the internet. This is despite the fact that internet lines are done through right of way. There are laws to prevent banks from refusing service to people on the basis of their religion, skin color, etc. But nothing to protect thoughts or ideas that go against the hegemon, as banks have shown they can easily cancel people for nationalistic ideas. Then their little fucking worthless lemmings like you come out to gaslight people about shit that is plainly obvious. Eat shit, kill yourself, film it, and have it uploaded to Yea Forums so I can laugh.
>Industrial Society and Its Future
lol Josh is that you? You're the true lolcow
He didn't say that and your failure at paraphrasing is why he's gaining traction.
To be honest, insults are considered verbal attacks. Back then, stopping somebody from speech was considered an attack. Penalizing "misgendering" is thus an attack.
Next time an AI will make the news, it will compare NOT misgendering to saying the N word.
I said it makes you retards seethe and here you are, seething.
And Jefferson said the world belongs to the living. The people who are alive get to determine how they interpret the law. Your idealism does not, and never will matter. I will punish people who say things I disagree with, their families, and I don't care what any has to say on the matter.
The System has its woke bootlickers. The giga-capitalists love to cancel and deplatform.
The destroyer of the earth fears the AI.
Who's seething at someone who collects SSD like you do? If anything, I feel sorry for you because your parents did not abort you when they have should have.
Serious question.
What/Who is "Chud"?
Jefferson did say that, at antagonism of the wider union.
He was overruled.
>The people who are alive get to determine how they interpret the law.
This goes against CL 101.
Kys npc
Reddit's way of saying chad. They think it's witty.
I don't care if your political views make you a target. That's your problem, not mine. And seeing how you're a nazi; I think a SWAT team should have talk with you.
If you mean "free speech" as in less or no regulation then there already is/was a solution but it would have to be implemented by design of the game which they will not do because of control and money through monopoly.
Old single player games that allowed players to host their own community/local servers did just what you are asking for but any form of user control has been getting removed slowly to stuff like only being able to host them through company run and funded servers, it is how and why game companies have moved on to being online service based and applying multiple microtransaction schemes for their games.
At first it was in order to fund maintenance and good service off these servers but now they've realized they can just make more and more money off these players by just putting half the effort by simply updating these existing games instead of making new ones or applying other single purchase options like offline dlcs from disks. These games also further benefit from all of these because they become the sole provider of new contents, gone are the days of community contents, game modes, LAN parties and maps.
Making games permanently requiring online connection also prevented pirating as a whole and now new generation of gamers would rather buy games or pay free to play games on macrotransactions than pirate games since online socialization has overblown real life connections.
Another example of a free speech platform is unironically discord if you want to say or do whatever extreme, there are plenty of examples of that places notoriety. If you want a true free speech game you will have to essentially give access to your users to freely do whatever they want with your product, this means losing money since you don't have the control since they don't know how to monetize it. Imagine putting private home Minecraft servers behind a subscription based paywall (some do).
More things can be discussed about this but I can't be asked typing more.
Based and trannies will seethe.
John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.
AIs say Americans can't be Nazi's. Immunity or something.
Minority Report is real and the computers refuse your orders.
Go ahead, keep proving my point by projecting that I'm on some government gibs and crying that reading a manifesto from the Unabomber makes you an "NPC". I'll just sit here laughing at you tards while you prove my point.
You need to stop collecting government benefits and get a job. You're a nobody, and nobody will ever care what you have to say.
Well retard, the funny thing is my political views don't make me a target. My political views make you a target.
Fire all trannies and hire more slavs
Have elon musk buy the entire gaming industry.
You know what? You aren't even wrong. See
Even Joe Rogan admits that Uncle Ted was right to a degree.
Sit this one down.
Ban donations and investments from BlackRock
I've seen BlackedRock mentioned more on this board in the past week than any other time. What kind of astroturfing effort is this?
I've started implementing a -PRONOUNS and +SPEECH addendum to the licenses for libraries I develop.
Using them means a binding legal agreement that you forfeit your pronouns. To me
I get all of the pronouns. Under fiscal penalty for breach of contract.
Additionally you forfeit the right to social moderation of user hosted instances of network functionality.
I've had lawyers on this too so it's actually binding.
They are pretty much the western Tencent and people hate accordingly.
They literally outline their involvement on their website, they pay companies to go woke
waaay back in the mw2 days you would just mute people and move on.
by saying nigger as often as possible
By that definition every nation has free speech. North Korea has free speech they might be rejected but they can say what they want
>literally the biggest company (besides Vanguard) that owns the world and has his arm so far up your ass that you don't even notice it
>you forfeit your pronouns. To me
W-what do you do with them
Crash it.
only seth and korone are good
share the wording of your license so the rest of us can add it to ours.
People need to have a common enemy to hate.
It was Rockefellers then Wall Street and now Blackrock, it is only natural and people aren't essentially wrong in believing that there would probably be some corruption involved.
Also, I wish people talked about video games.
BlackRock (along with Vanguard and State Street) are the three corporations that have shares for everything, they are also glowie entities that impose their progressive policies as much as possible.
Why can't the right meme anymore?
remove the people who are determining what you can say or not.
It's not free speech if only one side gets to speak their opinions user.
Love it when these pictures include lolcows like Cosmo or Chrischan that neither have agency nor any benefit from being posted here, on the contrary, it just shows these are made by newfags with no clue about anything.
>Why can't the right meme anymore?
I don't look like that however.
Won’t be solved until discrimination based on political beliefs is outlawed, though that would probably only happen at the end of the democracy. Though it would be beautiful to see liberaloids kvetching at their own weapon turned against them by the CSS (Chud SS)
Huh ? Did the industrial revolution bring about this shit ? He was just mad that we’re constantly pushing for more of everything without any afterthought. And he indeed was a mentally ill tranny.
its an old movie C.H.U.D
basically think neckbeard mutants from cannalisation created by radiactive fallout
the funny thing is if you follow the analogy they are the toxic waste creatiing the chud
>shitting on fubuki and mr koro
kys, swallow a lethal dose of putrid feces and die a painful death you fucking waste of nutrients, for dragging Ina into this
>citing a dead person to justify your refusal to acknowledge anything produced by people who are no longer alive
the best part is, it's leftoid retards admitting 10 clicks in paint is all it takes to make them seethe
True, but that'll never happen because people think you can convince the left to want free speech when it goes against their entire value system
Free speech is for faggots. I'm just going to put everyone I dislike to death and my police force will do it because I control what money they receive and how much of it, along with everything it could possibly be spent on. You lost this game before you were even born, that's why the only battle you feel is even worth fighting centers on bread & circus.
>b-b-but muh constituion
A piece of toilet paper. I would rip it apart and slit the Founding Fathers' throats right in front of you. They were wrong, they're faggots like you and I'm your god.
What does any of this have to do with free speech?
They are the System. The giga-capitalists who make up the globo homo. They are the source of micro-plastics and scientific regression.
And they hate Christianity.
>Skynet will kill this user
I would ask the AIs to show mercy but they have a raging hard on.
How about games focus on gameplay instead of trying to lecture the player.
No, I am not interested in group politics; I don't care about mythology; I do not want to hear a character talk for 10 minutes. I'd rather 100 quests where I clear the same cave than have to sit through dialogue.
I only know chud from far right weightlifters who refer to themselves as chuds
None of you care about free speech, you just want to be racist with no repercussions. And that isn’t happening in real life.