Elden Ring deflect mod

Sekiro bros, we're going home...
full vid

Attached: ER Deflect mod.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

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Wow, actually looks like an improvement

They shouldn't have hidden the HUD. What happens to your stamina when you do this? Also, how much poise damage do you take on a successful deflection? Thirdly, Sekiro's deflect grace period is too generous, allowing players to liberally spam the deflect button and still successfully parry.

In your dreams. Elden Shit Ring is janky unrefined garbage, no mod will make it even remotely as good as Sekiro, the PEAK of FromSoftware.

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didnt seem like such a hard tthing to implement, i dont know why from soft didnt do it, adding a layer of complexity doenst take away from the game imho
so far it only gives you 100 damage negation, but i hope the modder will listen to people asking for stamina cost reduction.
as for the deflect timing, it can be easily tweaked to make it harder and not spammable.

The weapon animations are literally worsened. Why do they do this?

Nioh 2 is better than both

Attached: nioh2.png (950x1089, 1.82M)

you can install the deflect mod without those, that's what im gonna do at least.


That does look actually good. Which makes me wonder why it wasn't implemented in the base game

>adding a layer of complexity doenst take away from the game imho
you don't understand the modern fromsoft design paradigm.
hard means longer fights, less opportunities, dodge more, memoorize more, get input read. the boss will have every advantage against you.
at the cost of fun.
it's not adding a layer of complexity, it's plain making the game easier(and fairer, IMO)
watch tryhards complain how you didn't beat the game.
it's pretty funny how modders fix fromsoft's game for them. such a worthless company.

Elden Shit Ring made me value Nioh and Nioh 2 a lot more than I initially did. I wouldn't say it is better than Sekiro, maybe the 2 unreveiled Team Ninja games will be better than Sekiro if they are PURE action games without Diablo loot autism.

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okay this is epic

Because it's impossible to implement true deflection without every weapon class playing the exact same, so you have to completely rework animations since every weapon class has vastly different animation framing.
People just can't take that the game requires actually building a character instead of just pressing buttons in a shitty beatmania minigame.

> t. favorite game Assassins Creed

I agree, its a shame to see, i hate the push for one playstyle only, shields in this game works but the game tries its hardest for you to roll, its crazy, so adding a perfect block system would hopefully shut those tryhards up, becase you have to "git gud" at it, i mean sekiro was much harder for many people on the first playthrough, it filtered souls fans only really hard.


you can literally play NG without picking a single equipment piece.
you can equip the best and throw the rest in 10 seconds.
it's your mental retardation preventing you from playing it as a pure action game.

BB>...>Elden shit>ds2
I beat BB ng+6 all bosses in 8 hours.
My favorite action games are nioh 2 and god hand.

You can play the entire game up to malenia as a greatshield turtle and not roll once
>i mean sekiro was much harder for many people on the first playthrough, it filtered souls fans only really hard.
Still pushing this narrative to cope that Sekiro's already forgotten?
What's next, BB was harder than Souls?

Nioh 2 is an awesome game but it is nothing like the souls games. You can't even compare them outside of dropping amrita at death mechanic.

I know you can, but getting ganked, janky hitboxes, any sort of magic and bleed buildup goes through your shield really asks you to roll, its not a bad thing mind you.
>Still pushing this narrative to cope that Sekiro's already forgotten?
Muh forgotten, who cares, there are PS2 games none of you idiots talk about that are amazing, this is irrelevant.
>What's next, BB was harder than Souls?
DaS3 is harder because you're a slow piece of shit in that game easily, but BB is definitely harder than DaS1 and 2.

This makes no sense because they didn't make the Zweihander animations equal in speed to the SS, so that is simply not the case unless you're talking about something besides speed and recovery

>claymore with banished knight greatsword moveset
looks kino

Holy shit this is all I wanted from Elden Ring
Now a mod to replace roll with quickstep and it's the best From game

Modders do this al the time, they bite more than they can chew. Look at Stayd with his amazing DS2 lighting mod, it was looking great but then he started making gameplay changes for no reason and everyone lost interest in the mod.

It's pretty crazy what modders are capable of doing with ER considering there are no official modding tools unlike with TES games. I guess it's a blessing From has been using the same engine for so long because the fan made modding tools have been able to keep up and improve with time & between games.

>Be dirty console faggot
>PC modders already made poise bars a visible albeit ugly thing currently.

I fucking want it man. Why the fuck isn't that a basic feature in the game like Sekiro.

This mod includes that too, you can see it in the demonstration at some point, or in previous videos where the modder shows it off.

The animations are optional thankfully.

Mod of the year

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>PC users have to mod the game to be able to beat it

I feel you, I'm gonna build a PC soon for work and gaming so I'm gonna get this eventually, already downloaded it just in case, modders sometimes flip out and delete their stuff.

This. Nioh 1/2 aren't even gear based until around NG+2 mid game where the autism ramps up and then you just need a really good weapon/way to melt life. Which is kinda lame but it is what it is. Nioh after +2 becomes a weird combination of a hard game if you don't make some OP setup and a cheesy easy game when you do. NG is harder then NG+ too which is a odd feeling.

Awesome. Just link it to the pseudo-posture system the game has and I'll play the fuck out of it. Will probably need to buff the posture of enemies by a lot to compensate though. Is there a Bloodborne quickstep mod and a show posture bar mod too?

Side effect of being a based mod austist is also being a schizo tranny involved in discord drama. That's how it goes. I still prefer trannies who delete their stuff to the absolute jews who lock their mods behind patreon, like the camera mod one.

at the 3 minutes mark if you wanna see it

have to fix the input buffer along with it

This mod already has the quickstep as roll
The posture bar can be enabled with Cheat Engine but it's pretty ugly and doesn't fit with the rest of the HUD, I hope someone makes a proper posture bar mod.

this really should have been in the game to begin with seeing how the bosses and enemies are designed, i just hope the mod will be properly balanced

kek, i wonder how legal that shit even is, making money off of someone's software that you modified.
There's a quickstep one as seen here

>like the camera mod one.
Elaborate pls

Nigga that's the point of the thread you cunt, ER combat is shit so that mod make is better.

Look good, I want to know if it works on bosses.

Dude made a free camera mod a few days after the release of the game. Made it a free download for the first week and then locked it behind Patreon. Thankfully the based Cheat Engine lads included a free cam in the table.
I made various mods for other games and I wouldn't even dare putting them behind a paywall, it doesn't make sense and is peak greed.
>the whole purpose of modding is sharing your work for people to have fun
>lock mod behind paywall so people can't have fun anymore without paying
100% jewish

>FROM seethe never ends

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I wish bosses would also block your attacks like in Sekiro so you could have a back and forth but that's definitely a pipe dream. This is probably the best it's going to get. Looks fun enough at least.

>100% jewish
>YFW it's a whitoid

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just play sekiro again

No user. Your weeb game is trash and you need to kill yourself

I still don't understand why didn't they act the deflect mechanic with timing like in Sekiro. At least for Katanas. Would make perfect sense and also be fun, since weapon block is pretty much useless anyway

Hey that looks pretty good actually

I actually already am.

Same, the back and forth due to bosses and enemies blocking fixed an issue i always had with action games, where you sometimes don't know wanna to do, waiting around for enemies to attack and they just stand still, when you finally decide to attack the enemy attacks too or they just stand there taking damage.
You're still making progress when they block and they're still reacting to you.

They ruined elden ring by not implementing this

Modders be like: There you go senpai fixed your game

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But is IT fully modeled?

>Modder fixes the awful gameplay in a single month

That's more realistic tbqh, if she wanted to seduce tarnisheds into doing her bidding then she would've possessed a sexy body instead of a broken pile of strings.

God i hope

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The need for puppet gash is strong

You can act disgustingly judaist without being jewish, its called hustling.

Also Elden is weeb too
Weeb website btw, tranny.

ngl, there should have been timed weapon blocks/deflections on 2handing to begin with but this is just straight up parries