We will never understand Elden Rings lore, because the translation may as well be fanfiction

We will never understand Elden Rings lore, because the translation may as well be fanfiction.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares? It's just basic fantasy shit either way

Why is there always a "who cares" nihilismposter on every board now? Do you faggots think you're being witty? You are not. You're annoying cumguzzling cunts. Fuck off and stop posting on a forum about vidya if you don't give a shit about vidya you stupid nigger.

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Here's me giving a shit about Elden Ring lore

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Post comparisons and make your argument or fuck off.

>The Erdtree's old sap becomes amber, treasured as the most precious of jewels in the age of Godfrey, the first Elden Lord.
>A primordial life energy resides inside

if you think theres meaningful difference, you need to touch grass autist

Reminder that she's only bloomed twice

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my negro

God I want to penetrate her scarlet flower until she reaches the climax and blooms once more.

Because shit like this, and all videogames for that matter, are retarded stories for stupid faggots that can't into a book because they need to press X to awesome in order to keep their brain engaged. You're a retard.

why are you posting on a video game forum if you hate video games

? you are just repeating the justification for what he said, go back to your containment board retard.


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>good narratives happen exclusively in the medium I have selected
What a fucking brainlet

I like videogames. Not the faggoty stories in them. This shit is for people that don't like videogames. This is you, fatfucks

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There isn't a single good videogame story.

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>ummm ever heard of a BOOK?!

Miyazaki literally ripped off Attack on Titan.

It's unironically worse than those. It's literally Game of Thrones combined with a guy that doesn't understand what a story is.


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...and the significance of this isssss?

There's a pretty big difference between something being old and something being primordial.

>RPGs are for people who dont like games

meds, now. adhd meds too.

This is Kenneth's dialogue, it's probably the most significant line about the shattering and I am pretty sure it's mistranslated.

Need a moon rune expert to break it down, I am too stupid.

>[321004000] ああ、そうだ、ひとつ忠告しておこう
>[321004010] ゴドリックの褪せ人狩りに、気を付けたまえ
>[321004020] 奴らは、お主たち褪せ人を、おぞましい、接ぎの贄としか考えておらぬ
>[321004030] …そもそもゴドリックなど、君主の名に値せぬ余所者よ
>[321004040] 王都から、女どもに紛れて敗走し、ラダーンに怯えきって城に引き籠り
>[321004050] マレニアを侮り、敗れ、その足指を舐めて服従を誓う
>[321004060] まったくもって惰弱な、恥ずべき男よ
>[321004070] いかに名家とて、黄金の一族、ゴッドフレイの血は、いかにも薄いと見える
>[321004080] 思えば憐れな者よ

how can you know it's significant, when you don't know moonspeak at all

Banished knights all serve under the faction Niall and O'Neil either currently or originally belong to, and whatever that faction is was the previous inhabitants of Stormveil before Godrick showed up.

because I know what it says in english, but it's probably wrong.

the word primordial is still used, old is also primordial. "primordial life energy" vs "primordial life energy" . Your autism meds.

>The red tinge in the gold coat mirrors the primordial matter that
became the Erdtree. The color of homeward yearning.

The only significant difference here is that its written in a way that doesnt make you sound like ESL.

be honest, do you have autism? It will explain alot.

The most interesting part, the knights and soldiers are still there too, which seems to mean when godrick fled to stormveil with his soldiers, the dudes there decided to just team up, let Godrick in, put up his banners and they then defended him.

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This game was written in Jap text so the story makes more sense in Jap text
>Just accept the shit translation bro

Prove that it's a "shit translation", the only way youll ever understand what it says is through translation, and a different one wont mean its better.

eh, just dump your translation here. better than nothing

he doesnt have a translation, he thinks english translation in game is wrong, because of his autism.

>[325022020] It happened during the Golden Age of the Erdtree, long before the shattering of the Elden Ring.
>[325022030] Someone stole a fragment of the Rune of Death from Maliketh, the Black Blade.
>[325022040] And on a bitter night, murdered Godwyn the Golden.
>[325022050] That was the first recorded Death of a demigod in all history.
>[325022060] And it became the catalyst. Soon, the Elden Ring was smashed, and thus sprang forth the war known as the Shattering.
Here is the most Egregious one, Rogier directly contradicts himself at the begginning and then end of the paragraph which is why Vaati had a retarded initial theory, you go into the jap text, there is no "long before the shattering" in the first line whatsoever, Frog just put that shit there for no reason and it had absolutely lorebreaking connotations when set next to all the other lore in the game.
There are other examples, so yeah, there are a couple really shitty translations here and there.

"Oh, yes, and a word of advice.
Beware of Godric's fugitive hunters.
They consider you fades to be nothing more than a horrid, grafting sacrifice.
Godric is a stranger and unworthy of the name of lord in the first place.
From King's Landing, he fled in the company of women. And holed up in his castle, frightened of Radan.
And, in contempt of Marenia, was Defeated
Licking her toes and swearing obedience
A man of inertia, a man of shame, shameful man
How thin the blood of the golden family, the Godfrey, may be! Think of him, poor man!"

That's what I get.

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If you want me to agree with you show me the comparison between Japanese and English. And isn't Japanese just a translation of English, rather than some kind of "original" Japanese script?

You might think original of Witcher 3 was polish that was translated into English, but that's not true at all, the polish is translation of English.

eh, but that's an already well-understood piece of the lore

>I posted Wojak and mockquoted your argument! That proves I'm right

Marika literally ordered people to hunt down TWLID and chop off the horns of omen babies which killed most of them. that was the golden order. she used her free will to make it that way. im asking why couldn't she go one step further and make a mending rune that does that all for her instead of doing it the hard way like a normal government


GO hunts down TWLID

>Highly effective against Those Who Live in Death, even preventing them from rising again. The Golden Order has no mercy for those who trespass beyond life's bounds.
>There is no place in the Golden Order for those who have exceeded life's bounds. These blemishes must be hunted down by the Virtuous.

GO is a bunch of murdering bastards forcing their laws on people.

>Grace was brought to the very fringes and lowlands of the Lands Between. And with the Golden Order came the weight of its history. A history of conquest and subjugation.

GO is just a set of laws that can change cuz Radagon got horny.

>[325005030] Fascinating, isn't it?
>[325005040] That the Golden Order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself in the past.

The GO mistreated Omen, even those part of the GO Royalty

>That the Omen King was born of the golden lineage, and that he was indeed the Lord of Leyndell.
>Omen babies born of royalty do not have their horns excised, but instead are kept underground, unbeknownst to anyone, imprisoned for eternity.
>Tricia was once known as a healer who dedicated her efforts to treating Misbegotten, Omen, and all those seen as impure.

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"swearing obedience (to Malenia)"
"frightended by Radahn"
Those are pretty loaded lines if they're real.

still not joining r*nni, simp

>still posting his retarded Hallucigenia theory
>still throwing tantrums about dubious 'mistranslations'

Holy autism OP


there are no good endings


Hallucigenia wasn't a parasite

>It happened during the Golden Age of the Erdtree, long before the shattering of the Elden Ring.
Jap translation:
>In the height of the old golden tree, before the Eldenring was shattered.
Breaking down each jap rune never indicates a time gap. It doesn't exist, and that makes sense. Because Rogier's dialogue here in english makes zero sense otherwise.

In the English version, the mending rune of the Death Prince describes when the Golden Order was founded as when the Rune of Death was:

>plucked from the Golden Order

Not from the Elden Ring. Isn't that weird and nonsensical?

Do you want to know why this line doesn't make any sense?

I mean, maybe it makes sense if you are translator just looking at a spreadsheet of lines to translate in a weird fantasy game. But to anyone that knows the games lore, this line makes no sense. How do you pluck out a rune of the Golden Order? The GO is not the ER. Also if you know the timeline in the OP, you'll now that Maliketh "plucked" the Rune of Death from the GEQ.

Here's the big reveal:

>"A shadow taken and sealed away at the beginning of the Golden Order."

In the original Japanese it doesn't say who or what it was "taken" from.

In the English the TRANSlator decided to just make it up and specify that it was taken from the "Golden Order" even though that is NOT what it says and does NOT make sense from a lore point of view

All in-game dialogue and item text is written by From in Japanese. GRRM did not write the story of the game, Miyazaki even said he might be shocked by the story he wrote and how he changed the characters GRRM gave him. GRRM did the backstory in English but it had to be translated so From could understand it.

The Japanese translator who translated did GRRM's English backstory for the game is listed in the credits. She didn't expect to be credited because the stuff she translated wasn't actually used in the game, and thanked Frognation for it on Twitter.

Frognation's Ryan Morris talked about how everything was given to them in Japanese and they translated it to English.
archive .ph/zHRHt


The most viewed Elden Ring lore video of all time is based on and prominently talks about the existence of something called "The Greattree". A thing that doesn't exist, the word only shows up in 2 or 3 places and everywhere else it gets translated as the Erdtree

>Breaking down each jap rune never indicates a time gap. It doesn't exist, and that makes sense. Because Rogier's dialogue here in english makes zero sense otherwise.

That's hyperbolic at best.
It's not an absolutely ideal translation, but it doesn't eradicate the logical coherency of Rogier's dialogue either, which is mostly focussed on everything but the time. You could even put it down to idiosyncrasies in his manner of speaking.

>It happened during the Golden Age of the Erdtree, long before the shattering of the Elden Ring.
Obviously establishes that the event occurred prior to the tattered state of the current world
>And it became the catalyst. Soon, the Elden Ring was smashed, and thus sprang forth the war known as the Shattering.
Establishes that the event became a catalyst, prompting events of similar consequence to occur, implying a sort of chain-reaction. The 'soon' here, can be taken as a direct indicator that some unspecified yet 'short' amount of time passed, or it could simply be a way of Rogier skipping over details to deliver the most crucial information in a dramatic fashion, or a mix of both.
This is simply a natural consequence of the English language's malleability, dialects, and idiosyncrasies.
If it were a one-hundred percent honest translation of the Japanese text, which is basically impossible anyway due to that language's own peculiarities, then we'd likely be deprived of the variety of different time-period vernaculars and language-appropriate idioms that aid in enriching various characters and texts.

Honestly, being so emotionally invested in this one line of dialogue, which regardless of a perceived slight temporal flaw, still serves its purpose thoroughly well, is worrying. Hyper-fixating on trifling things like that might mean you have a mental disorder, and it'd be best to get yourself checked.

that proves vaati being a midwit more than anything else

The Golden Order was the incarnation of the Elden Ring during the time of Marika the Eternal. The ring itself is malleable, so when you add/remove runes it changes things.
Any changes and its not the Golden Order anymore

>Vaati corrected himself and updated the video
>faggots will bring this up constantly forever regardless

He did not correct the Greattree claim.

Anyone that plays the English version is going to get confused by that text

doesn't goldmask rune say it perfects the golden order?

If it's in the official translation, then I don't see how it's Vaati's problem for considering it genuine.
Even if the Greattree is indeed erroneous, he's simply elaborating on what's present in game, and noted in multiple item description sources.
Frankly, it'd be remiss of him given the content he produces not to take it into account.

So you're just a cum guzzling troll then?

>doesn't goldmask rune say it perfects the golden order?
They call em fingers, but I aint never seen em fing

>Not from the Elden Ring
That's because you interpret everything autistically and literally. It can be plucked from Golden Order and from Elden Ring and both can be true. The meaning can be the same.

Most people wouldnt even blink, because contextually its understood meaning the same. Remember how Elden Ring was shattered?

Well, the Golden Order is also broken, in the same paragraph. On the front page of Bandai namco.

>The Golden Order has been broken.

>Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.

>In the Lands Between ruled by Queen Marika the Eternal, the Elden Ring, the source of the Erdtree, has been shattered.

The ER was essential part of Golden Order. Something was stolen from their religion, like a sacred relic, belonging to the people/land.

Anyway "golden order is broken" is repeated in game and trailers many times, I imagine you can talk about other things like that. So while literally its from ER, its also from Golden Order, its not like its some random sect.

That's my whole point. Thank you for agreeing.

>It can be plucked from Golden Order and from Elden Ring and both can be true
that's nice but the text does not specify either of those

>You see it could HYPOTHETICALLY have been this or this or even this, do I proof? Haha, no.
>blah blah blah
>you just can't no nuffin

Black Knifeprint [8172]
>On the Night of the Black Knives, someone stole a fragment of Death from Maliketh, the >Black Blade, and imbued its power into the assassins' daggers.
>This mark is evidence of the ritual, and hides the truth of the conspiracy.
Bandai Namco:
>The assassins’ targets were multifold, but none was as devastating a loss to the Eternal Queen as that of Godwyn the Golden. After his death, the Elden Ring was somehow shattered, and the order of the world broke with it.

The shit I linked was confirmed to be accurately translated. All this shit happened relatively close to one another, only thing that might have a time gap is the shattering wars, not the shattering of the elden ring itself, which is the thing Rogier tells you there is a giant time-gap in between.

Either Rogier is wrong or the game is wrong, It makes more sense rogier is wrong. Also (you) are wrong.

Rogier is definitely wrong because he claims Ranni did it, but it was just the BK's who stole the rune and infused their own daggers

>Legendary ashen remains.
>Use to summon the spirit of Black Knife Tiche.

>Tiche was one of the assassins who, on the night of the plot,
>imbued her black knife with the Rune of Death and slew Godwyn
>the Golden. She was the daughter of the Black Knife Ringleader,
>Alecto, and was killed protecting her mother during their flight
>from the royal capital.

Words have meaning.

When you add words that were not there in any shape or form in the original, it changes the meaning. Sometimes this change is trivial and makes no difference, other times it can cause the meaning to change quite a lot.

Ranni said herself that she did it, she came up with the plot, hell she even killed herself too.

Black Blade, Tichy [200000].
>One of the Ashes of Legend summons the spirit of Tichy, the Black Blade.
>One of the assassins who killed the Golden Godwin with the rune of death in his black blade on the night of the conspiracy, Tichy is the daughter of Alecto, the chief of the black blade, who lost her life protecting her mother during her escape from the royal capital.