Arena, Daggerfall, and Battlespire on Steam
I hope no one ever gets memed into playing fucking Daggerfall
This. Arena is way better.
one of my friends is excited to play it, keeps going on about "dude it's the size of england"
Why would anyone play the original Daggerfall when the Unity version exists?
Bethesda is in panic mode after Elden Ring. This is just like when they released the TES4 trailer because Fallout76 was a steaming pile of shit and it looked like CDPR were about to mog them again with CP2077
You know what, I changed my mind. I hope people like him play the game and it finally kills their hype for OMG GIANT OPEN WORLD
>Arena, Daggerfall and Enemy Territory still free
>Redguard and Battlespire six bucks each
Lol suck a dick
>Enemy Territory
the first online game I had to bother with an actual installation tutorial good times
>Wolf ET
oh boy! Steam is what made me give up gaming for 15 years
I thought it was more to due with the fact the Bethesda Launcher sucked ass so they're abandoning it and just putting everything that was on there on Steam and transferring games people bought over to their Steam account.
They even brought the creation kits for Skyrim and Fallout 4 over to Steam.
>doesn't even come with dosbox
>just an exe dumped onto your pc with a bunch of other steam dlls
Steam is shit for old games.
Does it actually run? I know steam versions of old games often don't work because they're not set up to run on modern systems
what's the gimmick with it? just everything is copy/pasted?
If you don't fast travel the giant open world is literally
>Walk away from town
>Game puts you on a treadmill for like a literal week
>Game finally takes you off treadmill
It's elite dangerous basically, if you've played that
>tfw game released in 1996
>tfw they were limited by the technology at the time
the game was supposed to be even bigger with more shit to do, like you could be a prostitute and shit.
But they were as I said limited by the technology of 1996.
Zenimax bought the license to make nuWolfensteins ages ago, user
Daggerfall is actually the best TES game by far, before Todd and Kirkbride started moving the series into the cinematic stuff of today.
Why did they decide to make Redguard and Battlespire cost money and not Arena or Daggerfall?
they made arena and daggerfall freeware few years ago and let you download them from their site.
Any way to get enemy territory to download and run in Germany?
Lol probably they will not be optimised in any way (like most of old games on Steam). So why bother and give your money to Todd if it is as raw as it was years ago.
there are "leaks" about bethesda remasters
which games you think would get those?
>No dedicated steam servers
>Just same old shit
They're free except for Adventures
TES and Starfirld eereannounced less than an hour after 76 was announced.
For your theory of the case to be true Bethesda would have had to recognize the backlash and produce two videos in less than an hour.
You have caught the dumb user. It is a severe case.
Do they work on windows 10?
only arena and daggerfall are free (not counting ET), which were free for over 10 years now
there's nothing wrong with having the community keep the game alive
Weren't they giving away Daggerfall for free for the longest time?
Are they expecting to turn a profit from selling Battlespire or Redguard?
So what it's not worth you time. Just pirate it with a bunch of good mods and optimisation like a true gamer. Or... you are...marooned perhaps? :))
it was, you just had to download from their site or their launcher until now. Also had to set up dosbox by yourself
Most servers you see are full of bots
>something is cinematic because it doesn't look like shit
Okay retard.
fearless assassins servers always have real players
Why does Redguard cost money? Its a piece of shit game.
todd's pet project
Oblivion is the only one that needs it. Morrowind already has OpenMW. Oblivion just needs ported to the new, more stable engine so that you can mod it without it crashing every 20 minutes.
Daggerfall is straight garbage and literally the ONLY people who think otherwise are people who have read extensively about it but never played it.
you can already if you know what you are doing
I fell for the oblivion reloaded meme and my game crashed every 20 minutes, smooth sailing ever since I removed that
Ultima underworld blows the elder scrolls out of the water.
What are they doing with quake champions now that they're abandoning their terrible launcher?
You've posted this before, and it has always been retarded bullshit. That game sucks.
Not really. Any combination of 'compatible mods' can turn to shit real fast if you start doing certain things in-game. Even the vanilla game is fucking buggy as shit, even with the community patch.
>stuttering when facing enemies/shooting etc
Wat do
works on my machine
works flawlessly for me, only ofc from time to time as in few hours have to go back to main menu, because of memory leak from saving the game
Haven't they been free to download on Bethesda's website for years tho?
It's because Microsoft owns them now, Microsoft already has a store but people would be pissed about migrating there so steam it is
>Arena: Floppy disk version so no FMV
>Daggerfall: Not unity version
>Battlespire & Redguard: Costs $9 each
I'm happy they're acknowledging these games but sweet Jesus this is lazy
Replace the et.exe with ET Legacy exe and files and turn on the no bots filter on the server browser.
yeah just have them steal unity version and distribute it under their name haha
They legally could, it's their IP and they're distributing it for free
its their IP
they're free
>free without microtransactions
why are all daggerfall women such whores?
Not worth it.
Been on GOG for years...but pic related for the steamies.
>doesn't even come with dosbox
How does it feel to be retarded?
I only use GOG if there's no other choice, Steam is way better overall.
Oblivion runs a lot better for me after I applied DXVK rendering
Same goes for Saints Row 2 although that does crash a lot still
didn't ask, chud