This is entirely valid

this is entirely valid.

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>he cant be objective

given the fact that the world is seen exclusively through your perspective and that your perspective can change at any moment, there's no such thing as objectivity

Glad that you accept me giving every game that features a female or minority protagonist a bad review

games shouldn't have protagonists.

enjoyment isn't objective you fucking moron. You can't honestly be this stupid

It is and it helps keep the other retards away.
I fully support this.

me and a lot of other people would probably not leave a review at all. Unless it was a $60 game

>he thinks objectivity is about "My view and only my view is the correct one"
>he doesn't realize it's the facts surrounding a game's quality that can't be affected by personal taste

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laymen reviews only get read by bugmen.
it's just a ventbox so that Steam's customer support third worlders don't have to hear about why your purchase of Pickle Hole Simulator 8000 was misguided and exclusively the fault of the developers.
you can leave all the bad reviews you want but they're not calling you an fuckin moron for the reasons you think.

personal opinion can't be objective

a BAD review is for a BAD game
if you didn't enjoy a game it doesn't make it BAD

>a fan of this game would enjoy this game
this, however, is not valid, and I'm tired of fucking seeing it

>he leaves a steam review

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One person can like rides and one person can hate them but understand why people would like them, what the fuck are you talking about?

This game is for me and therefore I gave it a good review

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nothing exists outside of your perception. if you don't know about it, then it doesn't exist. thus, only your perception should matter to you.
but then again, given that you can learn something that contradicts something else you know, then your own perspective is illegitimate.

therefore, objectivity and reality as a constant do not exist.

He is objective. He is stating that this game is not for him and people like him. That is an actually useful review.

>he doesn't write meme reviews with ascii chad and pepe

Correct, game reviews can't be objective by definition. You are comparing them to something only your have experience with.

I bought the entire bundle on DLSite last year because it was 96% off

Sadly most of the badges require some sort of social interaction and yes you may say:
>He cares for badges
They are neat and compliment my OG green steam profile.

>Be me
>Alpha as fuck
>Omega as fuck
>Opinion is a transcendent ethical force which is the eternal, divine, and natural order of things
>Decide Game is bad
>Game is now bad objectively

I don't like DLSite, plus it's funnier when I launch the games through steam and my sister immediately sends me a dm calling me a pervert, she does this but she still adores me, asks me to buy her extra copies for herself if she's interested

>i bought a RPG and expected a Shooter
>the game had no Shooter mechanics so it wasn't for me
>i left a bad review because it had no Shooter mechanics
TL:DR retard buys game without making the absolute bare minimum research about it and blames the game not being what he wants

Only becomes false if leaving a negative review was "this game is shit"
Which is what most people here do anyways and generally leave out the not for me shit when reviewing things

>>Decide Game is bad
>>Game is now bad objectively
this is all you needed to post. nothing else matters.

>he reads "professional" reviews

lets take a world where this is valid and see what happens. (spoilers: everyones time is wasted)
the reviewers time is wasted, they're spending their time writing about a game that they dont like when they could instead be playing a game they like instead, what a reatrd.
review pages will be flooded by reviews from reatrds that provide no substantive information, wasting the time of game developers and potential buyers as they are forced to scrape through a waste of reviews

luckily we live in the world where your opinion belongs to a reatrd and instead i'm wasting time writing a reply to it :)

How often do you fuck your sister

What is 2 + 2

Yeah DLSite is kinda scummy but what can you do.

whatever BB tells me it is

None of your business.
But I visit her at least once or twice a week, it's gonna be changing soon, she's going to be moving with me within the year

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Why is the page for this game in chinkrunes?

Why would I play a game that's not for me? I'm not retarded enough to play Elden snore or Genshit noimpact so I don't. It's like eating sushi when you're allergic to fish and then blaming the sushi for your stomach ache.

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I didn’t like Mario Odyssey much but I wouldn’t give it a bad review because it’s obviously a very solid Bing Bing Wahoo game.

Thanks, I'm super happy, I adore her too and I'll be a lot easier living together with our combined salaries and what not

because if they don't make every dish for you, they are gatekeeping you from enjoying food

It absolutely is valid. Negative user reviews with a proper list of things he did not enjoy are worth thousands of "haha nice game I had fun" positive user reviews

Because you might not know that the game has features you'll end up not liking. You might be branching out and trying something different for once
>only reference point is AAA shit and mobile shit
Well okay if you only play what's most marketed, you won't have this problem

No? I can recognize a game is well made but I have no interest.
>sports games
>(most) JRPGs
>racing games
Fucking can’t stand the lot of them, but many are hitting the mark they aimed for and the fans love it.

>eating sushi when you're allergic to fish and then blaming the sushi for your stomach ache.
i fail to see the fault in logic here.
similarly, it is always the fault of the stove for burning your hand. if you want to touch a hot stove, its heat being able to burn you is not your fault.

this is partially true
if they don't make every dish for me, then i shouldn't want to know about them.

>Humans have no agency and I am retarded

If you know you're allergic and you eat the thing that makes you allergic it's your fault doofus, if it was the restaurants fault you know how many lawsuits would be flying around?

it's the fault of reality for not being how i want to perceive it.

I can recognize a game being well made and still not liking it because of my personal tastes and interests. The only people who can't are subhumans who can barely think outside of their own experience. I don't care for the type of game, that doesn't make it a bad game. I'll leave the judgement of it up to people who do like the type of game its trying to be.

If you don't like meat, how are you going to critique Gordon Ramsey? Don't be a retard.

This is a video game. I did not encounter any major bugs while playing. The graphics are visual, the music is audible, and the gameplay is interactive. The story is context for the gameplay. I did not enjoy this game.

How do you know a game is not for you until you play it or read a review that lays out why the game might not be for you, something which OP pic is implying to do. It would be more like
>Hey I never had sushi, but everyone is talking about loving it, I'm going to try it!
>Oh, I tried it and it is not to my liking, now I know and will tell others.

>watch trailer
>"this game isn't for me"
>purchase game anyway
>play the game
>zero enjoyment
>"this game isn't for me"
>leave a bad review

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You can grasp the gist of the game from just watching it just like you can kinda tell what a dish is like if you know the ingredients.

Yes the mix itself may prove to be better than you expected but a seasoned chief (autist that plays too many games) can probably tell the dish is awful.

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Excellent, now I know that the game won't be for me for the reasons laid out in the review

>pirated Dark Souls
>played it up until beating Abyssal Demon or whatever the fat fuck is called
>realize game is not for me
>drop game
It really is that simple. I didn't leave a review because I pirated it ofc, but I also won't claim it's a bad game because I haven't experienced nearly enough of the game to form an opinion with any basis

>inb4 "filtered"
Yes I was, and I am glad for it. Souls series is just not to my tastes. Felt more like an adventure game than an action game.

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>2+2 can = 5 depending on my perspective
no retard

Similar story
>pirated Dark souls
>played the tutorial boss
>beat him but the controls were shit on PC
>tried rebinding them
>don't understand what buttons do what yet
>fuck it
>delete game

No review or anything but I don't feel like playing any souls games after that experience

Understandable. I played DS1 with KB+M but you really needed DSFix and DSMFix on the original
For what it's worth, DS3 and Elden Ring are slightly better (still shows controller buttons in the menu but you can right click to access all the functions), and Sekiro has perfect keyboard integration

yeah thats pretty cringe dude. You need to get older.

The biggest issue with Steam games isn't being shit, it's failing to live up to expectations
If people know what they're getting and they get it, or they get even more, they'll leave a positive review
If they get less than they were expecting, they'll leave a negative review
The key to high quality steam reviews is to make sure that the only people who buy your game are people who would enjoy it

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The world doesn't have to be "seen"; it can be conceptualized. Nice middle school understanding of reality, loser. Lol

Should be more like 5 or 6.


Only faggots use cringe.

>nothing exists outside of your perception.
this fucker was asked "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it fall did it make a sound" and answered no.

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>man I hate this fucking game
>but it has a 90 on metacritic so it must be good
>leave a positive review

That's flawed logic. Even should the premises be true, the conclusion does not follow. Doesn't mean it's not there.

Now this is a 106IQ move

>"man, I fucking hate racing games"
>buy racing game
>hate it as usual
>review: "I did not enjoy this game, this game isn't for me"
>"I feel so euphoric about this intelectual conclusion that I can't help but post about it with my like-minded brothers on 4channel™"

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