What's Yea Forums's opinion on Final Fantasy XIV?

What's Yea Forums's opinion on Final Fantasy XIV?

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XI but everyone looks like a soulless porcelain doll

Tried Savage, flew too close to the sun by trying to rely on the stable of idiots that is party finder to get through the damn fights, burnt myself severely because of that.
Otherwise a fantastic game in almost every other aspect, though. Once I stop instinctively wincing at the thought of playing it thanks to a whole wasted month with that nonsense I'd like to come back and continue leveling all my jobs.

No butt or belly sliders, very disappointed

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I think all futafags should be lined up and shot in the back of the head.

I think you're an ugly tranny.


Replace futafags with yuricucks and we have a deal.

I think all futafags should be lined up and shot full of cum in their back sides.

I require more, and no lardy ass fatfag shit. Only big round faux pregnant bellies!

Based also trannies too.

I made a friend earlier.
I hope It sticks, but during alliance raid they kept saying cringy shit like "BELIEVE IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU" in the alliance chat.
Then they called someone a loser or some shit.
That bothered me because I've gotten a fucking warning for just calling someone a nerd.
The GMs are fucking NIGGERS hands down so I kinda feel like this guy's gonna get banned before I can drag him into some savage raids with me.

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It's overrated with an annoying fanbase and such a mess from a technical standpoint, that I wish they'd drop it and build something new from the ground up. But then they'd have to deviate from their tried and true formula of laziness, but that won't happen anyway as long as retards eat up this shit and suck off Yoshi for jewing them.

who's in the lead in the WF race

What's wrong with yuri?

Hah, too bad.

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Lalafells are cute

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It's a singleplayer game for 90% of the main storyline you have to finish. All of the surrounding content is fun, but you have to finish up this god awful story that drags on for hours
>I wish they'd drop it and build something new from the ground up
>I wish they'd drop it and build something new from the ground up

I wish FemRoes, Elezens, and Alisaie had better butts.

Yea Forumseddit thread woohoo

>Just drop everything and start over lmao

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Soon to be dead when WoW's latest expansion Dragonflight releases

as opposed to 40,000 elden fucking ring threads we've had for the last month?

Don't worry, wow is already winning

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The story is basically over. So yes, let it fizzle out and focus on a new game instead. What's so bad about this? Do you want a game running on archaic systems and excuses because they can't untangle their shit code forever?

t. Yea Forumsedditor

>which has no housing
at least make believable fake news

you can clear the whole tier in a week through PF maybe two weeks for NA i wouldn't know. The players aren't bad but P3S is a shit fight to do without static positions and having 8 people constantly readjust all their positions in new groups. people are wiping to that instead of the actual mechanics. i just joined a static after P3S cause i didn't have the patience for it either anymore

When I'm not playing it, I often find myself wishing I was.
When I am playing it, I want to uninstall it and never touch it again.

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Tell me about Tataru, why
does she rape the wol?

This game has one of the best races

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Starting from a couple days after the patch released, I spent two or three days on P1S, double that on P2S, maybe a fucking month on P3S, and got all the way past the door in P4S until a very annoying encounter with a team of faggots and the release of Elden Ring made me snap and abandon the whole fucking thing for good. Wasted fucking effort on my part. So close, but all down the fucking drain.
The highlights were the fucking mess of people getting all the way to the end of P2S only to die at the very last coherence because they're not patient with letting the tank take the fucking tether, and two or three of the four weeks or so I spent in P3S being all looking for people who could kill the fucking birds.

It has alot of good futa on female porn


Troon game with better progression systems and mini games than WoW. I wish I could play FFXIV with Wotlk graphics, art style and animations.

well i cleared everything w/ pf but i started on the day of the patch
1 day for p1s
1 day for p2s
3 days fo p3s
week 2 for p4s
you gotta know when to dip if the group is going nowhere. i really cant imagine getting stuck on p3 for 1 month lol unless you played 1 hour a day. during the first week i was playing 12h a day

you either got unlucky or made poor decisions joining parties. P1S only took a few hours, P2S took a little longer but wasn't too bad either. Both in a day each. P3S was the first wall and took me like 3 days (i put in a lot of time though). P4S i never attempted because i was already in a static then and cleared with them but i feel like it would've been easier than P3S. I skipped week 1 of the patch and did this in week 2. Once i understood that people lie about their prog and joined a little ahead of where i was, things went much better for me.

Adolf Hitler

Holy brap

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p4s was not easier than p3s on pf by a long shot. the dps check was insane the first week and no one knew north towers or uptime pinax

i kept doing ARR and HW extremes + Alexander savage until I found enough people that don't get butthurt when you call them out. i have a comfy cross world linkshell to do this type of content. dont torture yourself with PF anons, find fellow adventurers.

That last thread was amazing, great to find another Yugiri lover in the wild.

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i think the game has a very nice and welcoming community - it can definitely be sort of so sweet it becomes cloying at times, but still nicer than most games and people are genuinely willing to help and be quite patient
i like the class design, and fight design (have cleared savage) but often find the raids themselves are in a totally isolated area/instance and are usually just a series of circular rooms - compared to other mmos it feels like the outcome of the raid isn't really influencing the world in the same way as say, killing the Lich King or Garrosh or something.
The story is good by MMO standards but still pretty standard JRPG fare, it's also a massive commitment and prevents the game being a good 'recommend to a friend' because it boils down to 'play for 200 hours of story, then we can play together'
I think the art/sound design is great, a little held back by consoles and EW was definitely the weakest music wise, but given Sokens condition that's understandable
The game has lots and lots of casual side content so is great for casual players but also just never really runs out of things for you to do - the crafter/gatherer system for example is really really good
The PvP was abysmal until the most recent update which seems to have improved it somewhat but is still definitely not a focus of the game

of course you get your weird troons and groomers and erpers in cities but if you don't look for that stuff you will pretty much never find it unless you afk in limsa 24/7

I can't believe an expansion so good like shadowbringers was followed by shitty expansion like endwalker

I stopped mid way through
Once they release the new expansion I'll literally rush everything to finish it
don't care if it has an epic moment in the end where you kill zenos I don't give a fuck

Haven't played since January


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Endwalker is really backloaded. It's like they made it backwards or something.

Based fellow best-girl-appreciator

See, I am a faggot, so I actually join parties for the part of the fight I'm actually trying to get through, and don't allow myself to join parties for subsequent phases until I have cleared past the previous mechanic So if I'm stuck at the faggot birds, I join parties for the faggot birds, and only after I have had a case where a party I join for the faggot birds manages to clear the birds, do I allow myself to join FoF.
That, plus the fact that I tend to stick with groups once I join them probably account for much of the "issue".
I was supposed to be in a static but the friend who invited me to play with him and whom I told I wanted to play with him went silent a couple days and just casually told me later that he had someone else in my place because he thought "I didn't want it"
Man, just thinking about all this rots my fucking mood.

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Posting third best wife.

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I want to fanta from Femra to Middie but don't have the heart to do it

But the backend has Labyrinthos 2....

>every group streaming is still hard stuck on the first mechanic in nidhogg phase
oh no no no… it’s gonna be another TPS wash bros…

Why are the bike seats perfect circles?

play miqote

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Modern males have been brainwashed and T-drained to believe that two women fucking each other is bad because gay.

Pretty good, spent 100's of hours getting the necromancer title but now I don't want to play anymore.

That's fucking hot

I stopped playing right before the MNK revamp. Other shit got my attention.

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just see if you can find a static to join man
i did pf raiding for a while and it's pointless - playing with 7 strangers in fights where 1 person fucking up can wipe you is just not worth it
my static is me and 6 other grey parsers (the one healer does good damage) but we get through it because we can coordinate to not be retards and therefore not die. Non of us had done savage at all and we did this tier in no time at all.

Still no sexy burmecians.

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Alphinaud looking kissable
