Why wasn't this just made to be a graphic novel...

Why wasn't this just made to be a graphic novel? Everything in this game is just a wall of text full of books lying everywhere to explain the plot

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Because it’s an rpg built around player choice retard

and so was Fallout, but that actually felt better than Morrowind because we don't have to read lines upon lines of shit

if it was just a guy staring at you speaking the lines would you prefer that? like when people tell you long drawn out things in real life?

because that sucked in games where that was in place, such as cybertranny

Its 1 pm in romania dont you have something better to do ?

Do you even need to read any books to beat morrowind? most peeps get through any dark souls game without knowing the first thing about what the fuck is going on

>Why weren't zoomers made to be braindead dopamine-addicted chimpniggers? Oh wait, they are.

Later elder scrolls games suffered for the addition of every character being fully voiced. There are like a dozen or so voice actors voicing hundreds of characters so there’s far less dialogue, each character is less interesting and has less to say

Morrowind is easily the most well developed setting in the franchise and arguably the most well developed setting in any video game. The world wouldn’t have been as fleshed out as it was with the limitations of voice acting

+ you are likely black and illiterate and got filtered

just skim through the walls of text for the important bits. if that's something you're unable to do, you're probably retarded

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quest markers and fast travel also absolutely destroy any immersion

It doesn’t just ruin immersion, it ruins gameplay too.

Travelling is part of the gameplay in morrowind, if you get a quest to go kill a monster in a cave, you have to plan out your trip, make sure you have all the resources you need before you set off, decide which of vvardenfells varried transit systems would be best for that specific trip, check if there’s anything else you need to do in the towns you’ll be stopping at along the way, and find your way by following road signs and identifying the landmarks described in your journal.

Every small quest in morrowind is an entire adventure. The “quality of life” features added in later elder scrolls games completely ruin this

This is correct. But only with games where authors actually put effort into making a good and interesting environment. And since most modern devs can't do that, or fail tremendously when they try, you'll get big empty shitty bland "open worlds" where you basically still go around more detailed "quest zones", from marker to marker, while ignoring the rest.

It is fascinating to me, how games (RPGs) which were in the past about exploration and wandering are nowadays largely ignoring this or put the least amount of effort too. Then again, if you are not making games for players but you are making them for consumers instead, this is what you get.

Prey 2016 is just like this but executes it horribly with bullet sponge enemies on harder difficulties

90% of the game is gameplay

>reading hard
humanity has no future

>rpg built around player choice
Ah yes, who can forget all those quests where I can choose to do the quest or not to do it, since the majority of them lack any actual alternatives.

ITT: Morroboomers that don't know the difference between reading a book and playing a video game

>books lying everywhere to explain the plot
you'd rather have constant cutscenes?
having a complex story that you can engage with on your own terms is the best kind

Zoomer fears exploration and reading
Zoomer is scared of the idea of making your own adventure, not being force-fed everything like a good consoomer
Zoomer is afraid of mere thought of anything deeper than face value
Truly, a subhuman creature is cretinous zoomer

You choose how to build your character and what factions to join. You can be a sneaky khajiit Jew that starts out in the thieves guild picking pockets who joins the multicultural commerce focused house hlaalu and helps abolish the slavery of his people, or you can be an etho-nationalist mushroom wizard dark elf that joins house Telvanni and flies around shooting fireballs out of the sky.

It’s not like Skyrim or Oblivion where one character can do every quest. The quests you choose to do or not do actually matter and determine what kind of character you are. Morrowind is a true rpg that allows a massive amount of player freedom, not having quests where you choose to “kill” or “spare” someone or “say nice thing” or “say mean thing” don’t make it any less so.

I’m a zoomer I’m just autistic

Learn to enjoy the SOVL

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Because graphic novels fucking suck and you're an illiterate dickhead

Except OP is asking why the game is a game which as a game would make sense rather than reading 9 pages of irrelevant shit every two minutes in the game that is all unconnected

I'm 25

Case in point.

You shouldn't post personal information on here, schizo.

I'm white

it’s called an rpg genius


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How did you know I was Minceir

>zoomer afraid of seeing words

so you didnt actually play fallout then because that game was all reading, there were only a handful of voiced npcs

>Zoomer fears exploration
Go outside, talk to people. Take a trip.

>and reading
Literally pick up a book, there are at least hundreds of them.

>Zoomer is scared of the idea of making your own adventure, not being force-fed everything like a good consoomer
Develop schizophrenia like your ancestors before you, the world is now CYOA.

>Zoomer is afraid of mere thought of anything deeper than face value
History extends in either direction for tens of thousands of years, git gud.

>Truly, a subhuman creature is cretinous zoomer
What's that? I already cleared 5 dungeons. GOML newb.

It's a state of mind.

It was a different time user. There wasn't much to judge this against. It is like comparing a Model T to a Mustang.
In its day the Model T was hot shit. It isn't its day anymore.

Retarded post made by retarded poster.
Inability to make a fitting comparison is truly a greatest sign of a low IQ.

It resonated with at least one user.

Morrowind still mogs a majority of open world games made today. Few other games have as much attention to detail put into its world like Morrowind does.

>ach character is less interesting and has less to say
Morrowboomers are the last to criticize and talk about forgettable characters. Everyone remembers stuff, for good or bad, like Nazeem, Serana and her family, Miraak, Alduin, Brynjolf, the Adoring Fan, Mankar Camoran, etc. Exactly because voice acting and the latest cinematic approach in the series helped them define themselves much more and become memorable. Even a random joe in the world can be memorable.

A walking-talking wiki info dump (in which many of the stuff is just the same for most NPCs) is and will never be memorable. Or at least as memorable as NPC characters given life through voice acting, mannerisms, schedules, interaction with other NPCs, etc.
I mean Morrowind has it's few memorable characters, but it's mainly the bosses like Almsivi and Dagoth Ur (who is voiced). Oh and Caius Cosades because every new playthrough you are going to interact with him.
For everyone else, you have to actually search the wiki with its many info and illustrated pictures to get a good look at the character.

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The most memorable non main quest NPC was the dead wizard that jumped himself to death.

Vivec is more interesting then literally any other elder scroll npc. Even Divayth Fyr is more interesting. You remember Oblivion npcs because they act like uncanny retards due.

They fear the soul.

Vivek was a tragic figure who was a victim of his own hubris. In the game anyway.
The fanfics turned him into a messianic zen spaceman and ruined the character. This is the real crime of the fanfics.

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Do they even have a soul themselves? I don't think they do.

To add
Walking around in the only complete set of daedric does not make you interesting.

They do, nascent and small. Manlet souls.

Just enough to fill this bad boy.

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They are probably talking about his degeneracy.

Plane-let > plane-ette > planet
Soul-let > soul-ette > solette

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For me it's an enchanting service. You can spend around 30 000 gold to have a permament flame atronach with you or constant levitation or Hp regen. It's retarded, but fun.

I mean yeah - imaging having daughters.

Yeah, because he has the blessing as a character of having to rely on the best story in the series thus far. I'm not going to deny that Morrowind isn't the best game in the series storywise thus far. Because it is. But aside from the story, which even the OP made a point about just making it an enjoyable graphic novel, the world and its interactions with it don't stand at all on equal ground with the dynamic and cinematic world of Skyrim or the super fun in a charming meme way world of Oblivion. It feels greatly antiquated.
Whether you have a good story in your hands or not has nothing to do with voice acting and other modern techniques making characters more memorable and "alive". It's technical stuff that add to the immersion.

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>it don't stand at all on equal ground
True, because it is way better. It is original, even fairly unique world, while Oblivion is a LOTR high fantasy faggotry and Skyrim just your default nordic fantasy (tm) with only interesting parts being again tied to Morrowind.


i dont understand when people say morrowind has walls of text. the vast majority of dialogue is incredibly brief. i would even argue its too brief.


I’m 20 years old

>Everyone remembers stuff, for good or bad, like Nazeem, Serana and her family, Miraak, Alduin, Brynjolf, the Adoring Fan, Mankar Camoran, etc. Exactly because voice acting and the latest cinematic approach in the series helped them define themselves much more and become memorable. Even a random joe in the world can be memorable.

This entire post is about how “memorable” the characters are. Yeah, those characters are all memorable but fucking none of them are interesting bar Mankar Camoran. Adoring Fan and Nazeem are walking catchphrases. I don’t understand how you think this is an argument against my post. If I said “Citizen Kane is a good movie” you could definitely make the argument that marvel movies have more memorable characters, but it still doesn’t prove anything other than the fact you’re retarded enough to think that constitutes some sort of valid counter argument

>A walking-talking wiki info dump (in which many of the stuff is just the same for most NPCs) is and will never be memorable. Or at least as memorable as NPC characters given life through voice acting, mannerisms, schedules, interaction with other NPCs, etc.

My post was about how well done morrowinds world building is, and the walls of text serve that purpose perfectly. No elder scrolls game (or any game) has come close to having a setting more interesting and fleshed out than morrowinds. But since you’re a sub room temperature IQ low functioning crayon eating retard who only cares about memorable characters I’ll rattle off a handful of characters from morrowind that a far more interesting or memorable than any of the characters in TES games that followed

Dagoth Ur
Sotha Sil
Divayth Fyr
(The original) Mia’q the Liar
The mudcrab merchant
Caius Cosades

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How the FUCK do I play this as vanilla as possible but with as much QoL shit I can? How are utility magic builds?(Illusion/conjuration/mysticism) I wanna really give this a go but at least start off with a bit of guidence to get it running/playing good.

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user, Morrowind had a good story and setting (maybe the best) that however aged horribly due to technical limitations. Nobody can deny that and you can spin it however you like. It's a 20 years old game for fuck's sake, stop trying to portray it like it had this vibrant engaging world or that is has no junk and can stand up from a technical standpoint nowadays. You make yourself look bad and throw shit to every other video game of the hundreds and hundreds that came out since then.
That's why everyone makes fun of Morrowind fans, asks you to take out the goggles, etc.

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Download morrowind code patch so you can play at a high resolution and change the FOV and download a mod that increases the walking speed or makes it so stamina doesn’t drain outside of combat

The dice rolling combat is actually good, the problem is that you will miss 9/10 hits when your out of stamina which you always will be because the walking speed is so slow and you have to run everywhere if you don’t want to spend an hour walking from one side of blamora to the other.

That’s really all you need, the game is completely playable otherwise

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, zoomers

But you live in an altogether worse world than your parents or even your older siblings did. This includes video game trends.

Sorry, I guess.

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Depends on your style.
Melee? Assassin? Mage? Combination?

Thats a stupid assumption. In fallout you don't have a huge info dump where it takes a minute to find what you're actually looking for. If you talk to an npc you can quickly jump to what it is you want. In Morrowind you have to sit through clicking random shit to find what you want.

If you're working all day and come back home to play a game, I want to play the fucking game. I don't want to read non-stop irrelevant shit, if I wanted to do that I'd pick up some shit that George RR Martin has written for entertainment

I found openMW that seems good.
Combo, is Dark Brotherhood a faction you can join or something like it in morrowind?