What are your red flags Yea Forums?

What are your red flags Yea Forums?

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Game isn't made in Japan.

Game isn't made with the Creation Engine

>release date post 2016
>pixel art in current year
>open world
>sci fi

Game is made by Nintendo


>Open world
I'm so tired

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>steam reviews are overwhelmingly positive
>they're all just joke/meme reviews

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>open world
>card game
>roguelite when it could have been a great metroidvania (looking at you Have a nice Death)
>roguelite card game
>inspired by this game, and that game, and this one game, and that one other game

Attached: 1519774298427.png (600x600, 440.54K)

>In collaboration with...

Attached: 1426538632.png (1854x1068, 46.61K)

Why do you hate collabs?

Female protagonist.
Playable female.

>It's popular on Yea Forums
>Any notable amount of streamers play it
>Early Access
>"Souls Like"
>Open World
>10+ year old franchise

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Roguelite or likes

It's an easy way for studios to lie in their promo materials. In my case I was referring to picrelated, but it happens with a lot of games. If a studio tells you some big name is contributing to a game, take it with a grain of salt that their contribution is going to mean anything to the actual game.

Not him but it means they have nothing else to offer othen than a no name fag.

multiple threads of the same game on Yea Forums

>cinematic instead of gameplay
>devs sit in cali

Ma man

>protagonist talks to themself
>'sense' pulse to scan environment
>female protag
>Early Access
>deckbuilder / card game
>photo mode
>bandit camps
>live service game
>quest markers
>celebrity cameo
>colored loot
>weebshit anime aesthetic
>made in China
>made in Korea
>romancing companions
>damage numbers
>hero shooter
>e-celeb/s as voice actor
>boomer shooter
>walking simulator
>trailer has a rap song
>"stealth or guns blazing"
>"your choices matter"
>"going back to our roots"
>"from the creators of..."
>"spiritual successor to..."
>voiced by Troy Baker, Nolan North or Laura Bailey
>studio is located in California

Attached: 55555.jpg (600x800, 79.2K)

>It's popular on Yea Forums
Could have just stopped with that kek

Pic related as an aesthetic

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it's like the calarts style of videogame aes lmao

oh, I forgot

>blue team has a base on the opposite side of the map
>have to get all the way there and carry something all the way back in order to score
>all while stopping them from taking the object in our base
that's a red flag for me in almost every game


Early Access
Korean mmos
Team Ninja

hello, based department? i think you'll want to look at this...

korean mmos are unironically fun for about a week or two. Always
>better combat than west
>some unique gimmicks
>nolive endgame

Koreans make gambling sims not mmos. Even EA would call them predatory

holy SHIT. Most based post of the year.

>souls like
>open world
>praised for it's high difficulty

>game for everyone

Live service game, this game will have xxxx hours, dlc on launch

as said thats the endgame grind for them.
If you play bdo or bns you get about 30h normal gameplay. Bdos sim city shit is the gimmick in this case. You can have fun and quit before you hit the rng endgame grind.

The classic.

Attached: cc7.png (1930x315, 388.39K)

>Dumb protagonist
>Cringe anime tropes

Always online.
Balance updates.
Uncompressed audio in multiple languages.
Advertising that talks about the story or characters.

Any story choice that would not be made by me. Having no story will always be superior to this. Dragon Quest 11 is the worst about this. No I don't want to help gays, thieves and serial murderer drug addicts. Fuck right off with that shit.

Honestly not a single good thing in here, thread should've ended here

Diablo-like colored rarity
Grinding is necessary to progress
Magic spells are just bolts of different colors

You're an idiot

raw files in commonly used format are neat. Makes for easy modding. Custom file formats are cancer, extra cancer if the custom is just to hide and doesn't compress.

Unskippable cutscenes

>Compile Heart

>OST by Andrew Hulshult

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>what? Somebody doesn't know X faggot known for X faggotry??? What a FUCKING RETARD!!
seethe more braindead consoomer manchild.

Interactive storytelling

>Employees are vocal on twitter/social media
>Employees have pronouns in social media bios
>"this game was made by a diverse group" messaging
>more than 10% of the staff is made up of women or minorities

Stop being disingenuous, grr martin is objectively not a no name. If it was some faggot called spencer davidson and Yea Forums was collectively going "who?" then I'd understand. But until then stop being a retard.

Add pixel art style and metroidvania to the list and it's complete.

You keep Spencer Davidson out of this you fucking nigger, he's amazing

I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. He truly is the voice of a generation and one of the greatest literary minds ever known to man.

>hero shooter
The fuck is this?

What Blizzard called Overwatch and tried to make into a new thing.

>Comes from California
>Comes from Ch^na
>Has NFTs / MTX / gacha mechanics
Verification not required.

Wokism anywhere


bro have you been living under a rock?

>the game is popular with youtubers

Probably. I haven't played multiplayer games since 2008. It made sense after I read

You forgot gacha you stupid SEAnigger.

>American devs
>Preorder bonuses
>Day 1 DLC/Season Passes of any kind
>Early access/Dev has a Patreon
>Old IP being handled by new devs/"here at X we're all big fans of Y IP"
>Any kind of marketing deal with [food product]
>It's being made by modern Square Enix

How is gacha even relevant outside of asian countries? Don't tell me you're a weeb lol