Anyone else going back to Dark Souls 2 and being disgusted?

>Played the game only on release and with Sotfs
>Replaying the whole series after Elden Ring
>Reach DS2
>Plays bad
>Looks bad
>Feels bad
I can't beieve there's seriously retards thinking DS2 is anything but bottom of the barrel

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Me. Powerstanced Bonefists.

You are strangely dedicated to this Dark Souls 2 shitflinging.


skill issue, git gud

Dark Souls 2 is the easiest Souls game

lul, Dark Souls 2 continues to live rent free in people's heads eight fucking years later.

Contrarians gonna continue sucking this game off

I came back to ds2 after being disgusted by elden ring.
No revised sotfs garbage mind you, but the OG ps3 version.

Softs and vanilla are equally garbage

if ds2 was an ice cream flavour it'd be pralines and dick.


games animations just feel horrible, i actually like how alot of stuff in the game looks just your character feels so slugish.

I find I sort of get used to the jank later in the game, but yeah fuck it's ugly and plays a bit weird. the jump sound effect is arcadey and weird too

Feels like you are going through a swamp or something

It was a terrible game and threw out most of what made darksouls enjoyable.
But beyond the disjointed world and horrid absence of likable npcs, the trailer lighting bait and switch, dark souls 2 left a legacy.
The inclusion of soul memory, pvp covenants, and arenas leads me to believe this game was heavily influenced by the western audience, and specifically dueltards.

This lasting influence on the franchise has lead to literal actual rivers of blood in elden ring.

I don't get it, how the fuck did they manage to make even the falling attack feel mire janky than DS1

It threw out most of what made Dark Souls a fucking slog.

Impossible, DS2 is the slog between the two

the other games made it look like your character is running around the scenery, ds2 looks like your character is playing a running animation while the scenery moves around under them. it's been said a million times but it just feels like a cheap knockoff. I'm still glad it exists but yeah it's just kinda crap

Try sprinting down the path to the Throne of Want.
Multiple times it looks like as if your character is just hovering over the ground.


We all played Crystal Cave.

Indeed DS2 is like an entire game about Crystal Cave and Lost Izalith

Every time I remember that sfx of an arrow hitting you and your character slowing to crawl despite it doing .5% of your HP, I feel disgusted

Played it again after ER, was surprised how well it holds up. The soul really is timeless.

nope, i'm quite content to never play ds2 again
i did try ds3 again a year ago, played a few hours then got bored

We fucking told you nobody was trolling. Everytime people say they like DS2 the most or call it good it's fucking bait.

Is this the daily 400+ reply Dark Souls II thread? Beat Darklurker for the first time. Feel like a god atm.

Just like yakuza 3 only people with a high IQ enjoy them.

Attached: yakuza3.jpg (994x1024, 107.2K)

it is unironically the best game in the series,

>t. DkS3 babby

>Muh DS3
mental illness

Attached: The mind of a DaS2fag.jpg (714x1000, 662.31K)

Not reading all that shit
Dark Souls 2 still lives rent free in your head almost a decade after its release.

Oh boy if you think thats bad,wait until you get to ds3

DS3fags are the only ones who consistently shit on DS2 in every appreciation thread we've ever had. You literally cannot hide yourself. All someone has to do is post "2 > 1 > 3" and you shit your pants.

>ambushed by 2 enemies with shields
>they put guard up the instant you press attack
>enemy guard always takes precedence over your attack
>they never attack while you guard
>if you attack at the same time as the enemy, your attack is cancelled and you take damage
>if you attack enemy 1, enemy 2 attacks you immediately
>if you guard at the same time as the enemy attacks, your guard is cancelled and you take damage
>literally can't get through them
>uninstall game
rigged bullshit

DS1 > All.

>He can't parry multiple enemies at once
ds2 not for you

>Nobody mentioned DS3

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Spotted the 3fag here's your (You).

Out of the 360/PS3 era souls games, DS2 is by far the least clunky to play as it pioneered most of the modern souls game mechanics:

-estus shards/bone shards (seeds and tears in ER) and instead of kindling to buff your heal
-casting magic also consumes stamina to limit spamming of quick spells that have tons of charges/cost little FP
-multi direction rolls while locked on
-midroll up to 70% weight
-effigy/ember/rune arc at any time and get HP penalty removed or HP/stat boosts
-backstab has a 2 way confirmation via an extra grab animation (this singlehandedly saved PvP from the horrors of DS1)
-parry frames at the apex of the swing
-infusions separate from upgrade levels
-reasonable poise/hyperarmor levels meant for trades with fast weapons, not tanking greatclubs or giant bosses
-4 ring slots (plus rebalanced rings so more niche effects aren't just ignored like DS1 where everyone used Havel's and FAP)
-ultra weapons unpariable when 2H
-jumping attacks on almost all weapons unpariable
-guardbreak allows for a riposte
-blue sentinels to save noobs from reds
-limited respec
-longer messages with 2 phrase structure

DS2 has more interesting enemy design (grotesqueness isn't interesting, armour is cool), better level design with more varied and beautiful environments, better world design because it actually feels like a world (interconnectedness is a meaningless gimmick, ds1 fags should stop banging on about it) and better bosses that encourage different kinds of combat skills like precise timing, crowd control or long range combat.

It's not perfect, the original story and cut areas should have been in and the torch mechanic should've been bigger, but it's better than DS1 which is initially impressive but lacks replay substance.

this but with elden ring

No I was the disgusted the instance I touched the game.

>DS2 has more interesting enemy design
Holy kek

Attached: DS2 MMO.jpg (1200x4691, 3.95M)

Not at all, even if you play DS2 casually and just kill every enemy you see, you finish the main 4 lord soul branches in 5-7 hours because the early levels are small to mid size, plus you can warp.
Things start to scale up in the endgame an DLCs, so the game ramps up more more naturally than having Blightown be x5 bigger than every other level.

In DS1, areas were overly big and empty with TONS of walking to just do simple stuff.
Doing a similar "clear the area then beat the boss" casual run in DS1 would take 10 hours to even reach Anor Londo.

idk the other day i was chilling in chat with Brendaniel and he was playing this game and it looked really good.

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Dodging physical strikes being tied to a stat must be the dumbest thing ever

>Dodging physical strikes being tied to a stat
You mean like in DS1 where it's tied to weight/endurance?


I think it's time for my sacred pilgrimage boys

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>DS1 where it's tied to weight/endurance?
Wtf are you talking about? Retard

You need to be low weight to fastroll, so you need to be naked.
Or you need high END to fastroll with light-medium armor.
DS1 midroll is fucking atrocious in terms of speed, as slow as a DS2 fatroll.

DS2 system was far better because you can get both DS1 tier iframes and 70% weight worth of armor by just leveling to ADP 15 times.
Levels in DS2 costs 1/2 of what they do in DS1, so you can get DS1 iframes by just killing Dragonrider or Last Giant and jump pumping ADP.

DS2 was a much faster and more fluid game for this reason and that's why DS3 and ER adopted DS2's universal roll speed system under 70% and just made under 30% give you more roll length.

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Yet none of these games tie i-frames to a stat
Dark Souls 2 is the only piece of turd where the same roll can have up to triple the i-frames

Yes, they removed ADP because everyone just pumped it to 20 anyway and only noobs that weren't in the know got trapped into low ADP builds that got them killed.
ADP was nor good nor bad, just irrelevant.

But DS2 was mechanically much better designed than DS1 and DeS, that's why almost everything else was ported over into DS3 and ER.

dark souls 1 definitely has worse bosses

Better start believing,


this but with DaS1