Thoughts on fluffy characters in video games?

Thoughts on fluffy characters in video games?

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Best companion to cuddle with

love em

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what is the optimal kind of coat for waifurs

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Bless his heart for working on reviving the game. A better revival than Catbusters.

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Jap developers put kemono characters into non-gacha non-mobile game challenge (VERY HARD)

Yes, I do like Pokemon.

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Need more but only we can enter relationships with them and they are female.

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Does Ran count?

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Gotta breed 'em all!

Hmm... That sylveon doesn't know it's place. It seems rape correction is needed...

Cute and funny

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patrician taste

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Simply the best.

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antros - best wife material
real life girls are sucks

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They make my penis fully erect

That's one cute furmaid
Not sure if I'd play a mobile indie cute-em-up for her, though

But user, how will the player relate to the characters if they aren't human?

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I want to impregnate Krystal

I like em

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They're neat

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There are not enough of them

I like them pretty fluffy
Not 100% fluff, but not fluffless
As long as some part of them is fully, they're fine in my book

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I like em
Usually resort to mods due to their scarcity.

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im just want to be happy with blue fox wife

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Video games need more fluffy kemono characters is what I think.


It's too late for me, I've drunk too greedily of the glass of fluffiness.

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Great, I jacked off to furry porn at 5 am. Are you happy?

same but 10am

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They're very important.

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this looks like fucking shit get away from me

>w*stern furry

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>that fucking krystal mouth

>tfw I can recognize a pic from a small crop

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>Kemonos are mainly inserted in gachashit and play a minor role
>Non-gcacha games with kemonos preform poorly
>Japs aren't as interested in PC gaming as westerners so the modding scene is practically devoid of them
What a shame

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It's a vidya related thread tho

What video game is that character from?

Super Mario 65

just hope

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I want to bury my face in a kemono girl's fluffy tummy and inhale deeply

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There should be a law that says all games should have furry woman.

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There ought to be more of them.

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>ywn burry your face in her fluffy chest fur
my existance is pure suffering

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They've already done it, user.

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Why do zoomers talk like this? Is it some twitter thing?

Kind of ironic coming from an oomerposter. Just say gen Z, faggot.

You are trying way too hard.