No one has beat this boss without Cheat Engine, search your hearts, you know it to be true

No one has beat this boss without Cheat Engine, search your hearts, you know it to be true.

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He goes into a guardbreak with 2 hits of flame of the redmane. Just use Alexander's shard and a high crit weapon and you'll kill him in like 30 seconds.

just jump attack

lol i just used ranni's dark moon + stars of ruin + adula's moonblade
he's ez mode bro

>Cheat Engine
Ah yes, PC cucks everyone.

This boss has a pathetic health pool

git gud scrub

Dual Scimitars with Bloody Slash and Mimic. Took me 3 tries. Use the tools the game gives you and ignore the YoU dIdN't BeAt ThE gAmE shitters.

Consolecucks use summons and broken gear, it's literaly the same as running through the game with Cheat Engine.

None of you retards use bloodflame huh?

he has more openings on this phase than phase 1 lol

I beat him 3rd try with just a UGS. He was easy.

He's nothing compared to Twin Gargoyles, Malenia or even Radagon. Quite literally git gud.

I accept your defeat.

I'm glad that Elden Ring proved that Yea Forums is terrible at vidya.

Is he hard when you're a melee character or something? I just spammed Shard Spiral against him and he melted in seconds.

>twin gargoyles

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I beat him with just using the halberd from the start of the game lol

How does one beat Elden Ring the proper way?

did anyone ever use the blasphemous claw? I tried it but saw you had to deflect his attacks and that just felt annoying to do. Does it do a lot of damage?

Try doing the fight without any summons or ashes and tell me how it went. The only time I had an easy time with the Gargoyles was with my mage character because the 1st one melted before the 2nd one jumped down.

i just walked into his crotch and 90% of his moves whiffed.
still harder than malenia.

I unironically died more often to that stupid draconic tree sentinel in front of his boss room than I did to Maliketh himself. In fact, I think I died to that tree sentinel more times than to any boss in this game, including Malenia.

one of the easier bosses desu

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I did it without summons/ashes/ranged/magic and it's not a very hard fight, wait till you get to Godskin Duo.

NTA but I did that on my third try, managed to get the first one down to one or two hits left before the second one reached us, then ate through a bunch of flasts trying to finish him off. Had to fo the final 40% of the second Gargoyle hitless which felt fucking sick

I recently finished my 3rd playthrough and Foreskin Duo weren't that tough. Definitely more enjoyable than Gargoyles.

>buy a boss gallery game
>skip the bosses
Do you also go to a buffet but leave without eating anything?

Godskin duo are piss easy, literally just avoid the fat one and keep killing long lad until they die

its a parry and he staggers backward making it hard to get more than a couple hits in.
feels good though.

ah ok I was never a fan of parrying. Only did it in Sekiro because I was forced to.

The game hands you a hard counter to his dps and blasphemous blade makes short work of him.

I did it with a STR claymore and #1 was nearly dead as #2 jumped in.
Then I just retreated and rushed #1 during an opening.
It's literally a DPS test and if you pass it's just 2 consecutive 1v1s.

I would enjoy Elden Ring way more if it didn't have any bosses at all and was 100% just exploring and killing regular enemies.

hes one of the easier bosses in the game

The bosses are the worst part about Elden Ring.

I always make posts like this when I'm stuck in a game to bait anons into giving me advice and motivation.

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you just activate it when his sword glows gold. like at the end of those 3 slashes he fires off mid air

meant for

I considered this guy to be the easiest end game boss. Had planned to just learn his moveset and chill but he had so many openings

What a shit take. The bosses are what makes the game fun. Otherwise it's just two-shotting 99% of enemies on the map.

he already has a low health pool, he hits like a tank but you also hit like a tank

dragon weeb is the biggest nigger in the game hands down

it's more that you probably can't mitigate his damage at all. malenia hits hard as well but it's all phys damage so you can easily be tankier with buffs. the holy dot will just fuck you no matter what if you get clipped at all

The bosses are shit. Almost all of them are reused and rehashed endlessly. The game has no less than four Ludwig ripoffs and like three O&S ripoffs, each of which fails. Latter half bosses are barely interactive, mastery only being derived from knowing the tiny windows where you're allowed to get one hit in, or just spamming jumping attacks with dual colossals to ignore their mechanics. They're not difficult, just obnoxious and boring. They're about as interactive as watching a cutscene of overblown anime attacks, interspersed with QTEs.

Everything you wrote applies even more so to regular enemies so I fail to see how those are superior.

I have to agree. For some reason DS3 boss fights felt much tighter and fun overall.

It‘s like they purposefully went out of their way to punish “Natural“ rolls by adding retarded delayed attacks that don‘t feel natural at all and constantly punish you with spells by not rolling to the right direction. The game is not balanced, because how could it be?

Never said they are.

it has itagaki balance

Nah, DS3 had tons of delayed attacks too.
ER just gave rolls more recovery frames, so spamming them and button mashing is far less effective.

DS3 rolls were 80% iframes 20% recovery, very easy to chain spam and get away with.
ER rolls are closer to 60% iframes and 40% recovery and thus bosses will roll catch far easier if you mash buttons instead of pressing it when an attack is dropping toward you.

>It‘s like they purposefully went out of their way to punish “Natural“ rolls
It's not "like" that, that's precisely what they did. They made armor and poise trash, and went all in on rolls, with the intent that, between input lag and delayed attacks, you can't really roll on reflex anymore. It's padding, really. Trying to get some cheap kills in so bosses feel hard, when in reality they just fuck with their own rhythm and want you to memorize each individual move set as opposed to building general skill at using your defensive tools like, say, Bloodborne did.

Beat him first try, Placidusax too.

My favourite webm of that boss was the one where user managed to spaz out his animation to the point where his head did a full on exorcist and user got 2 shot. fun game

Gargs are just a dps/rng check.
The annoying part is when the one you've beaten half to death starts flying and zooming out of range all day, not letting you finish him off quickly enough for the ganking starts.

Who the fuck approves bosses like Astel? I kept missing attacks half the time due to his fucking retarded hitbox. What‘s the point of having a lock in camera system when it sucks so much fucking duck on large bosses?

bitch I did it butt naked as Gigachad with a Claymore

>you can't really roll on reflex anymore
Absolute bullshit.

The game is 100% about rolling on reflex, but your reflex should be to press roll on seeing an attack swinging, not mashing randomly when a boss does the slow wind up animation.
Bosses in souls games track heavily during wind ups, but have almost no tracking when the attack releases.

If you're constantly getting hit it's because you're rolling too early.
This has been the #1 noob trap since DS2 started doing delayed attacks and grabs.
Even things like the infamous DS2 ogre grab can be rolled at base SL1 ADP as long as you roll late so you roll his lunge, not his "walking with his arms out" wind up.

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>Who the fuck approves bosses like Astel?
Progress at Fromsoft is very slow, and I think they don't really pay attention to things like player opinions or metas because they're a japanese dev. The camera on large quadrupeds has never not been shit, and continues to be shit, and I'm not even sure they know about how shit it is. Maybe by Elden Ring 3 we'll be able to fight dragons and large creatures without the camera clipping into my character's ass and every swing hitting nothing but air.

>"b-but bosses are what makes the game fun!"
>a bunch of the boring enemies made into bosses
>a bunch of the bosses made into regular enemies
>a bunch of the same enemies/bosses being reused and turned into duo fights a la DS2
>90% of the bosses AI can be categorised into "angry spaz beast", "horse boss" or "magic user", which makes most of the bosses completely unmemorable aside from one or two
This is the same kind of tard who will defend the "exploration" and nonexistent PVP as being fun. the actual state of the souls fandom lmao

You can't possibly know what a boss does on your first try, the fact that you beat it on your first try is a very good indication that you're cheesing the game and missing out on the spectacles that the bosses truly are.

And they're still the most fun aspect of the game and its combat. If you enjoy walking around copy-pasted camps and two-shotting every zombie that's mindlessly shambling around, that's great, I don't really care.

The bullshitter here is you faglord.

I cant tell you how many bosses have at least one slow windup move with a sub 10 frame attack window for you to just "naturally react to". Mixed in with moves and combo's that come out naturally and don't require any foresight. Indeed, some bosses need to play these kinds of mind games with the player because vets to the series would never get hit otherwise.

The game is still good even if you admit some things are designed poorly user. Quit being a faggot.

Easiest endgame boss. Furry cuck has no hp and gets deleted in 2nd phase. Also a literal non-character. We fight cool demigods everywhere or cool dragons etc. and then there this is "heh nothing personnel kid" big furry.

i've never seen so much raw copium

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>I did it without armour in a game where armour does nothing except make your character slower
Wow, congrats. You didn't beat the game

>he didnt play the game naked with fat rolling.

>I cant tell you how many bosses have at least one slow windup move
I keep seeing this argument and people never give any examples. Care to name few enemies or a bosses that are notorious for baiting your rolls? All I can think of is Margit and Morgott.

Beat him second try. He has zero health. His second phase should be a full heath bar.

I was probably overleveled but it's not cheesing when I'm just playing the game normally. If you can "cheese" the final area by just completing the rest of the game first then I don't think that word means anything.

Yes I did, troon. Armor reduces all damage taken, idiot. It was "cosplay"

I spammed rot breathe while my mimic aggro'd

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>spouts buzzwords
At least you stopped strawmanning so I guess there is some progress.

>Armor reduces all damage taken
Which is completely worthless considering poise is a joke and the extra damage you take from getting staggerlocked by rats is easily avoidable with a fast roll.

based coward

I didn't even remember twin gargoyles that's how quickly I beat them.

Let me guess, you had a 1H weapon with no vertical swings.
And you never though you may need something that hits higher like a claymore or halberd. Or ranged things like a bow, crossbow or firebombs (that scale super good with STR).
Honestly that's just you failing a basic intelligence test.

I saw he kept moving his head and getting a few hits in when he was down was difficult.
He also spams ground explosions if you try to sit under him, and the fact that he has no body lock-on point and that you do way less damage to the body means you should sit in front of him like with Amygdala and hit his head after he bites, swipes, slams or does the laser.

and you're a newfag? man this board's been a riot since elden ring tards took over it kek

why do you think I play naked?

cheat engine works with that trash gook game?
it might be the only reason to pirate that shit.

either cheat engine or a god mode trainer.
i cant imagine wasting more than 5 seconds rolling around in this stupid fucking game, but a god mode might convince me to download it again.

The amount of complaining about the gargoyles is bizarre. You can have one at 1/4 health before the other joins the fight. Its the easiest 2 bosses fight.

You're just not skilled enough at reading animations.
Boss wind ups are very telegraphed in the way they move tells you when the swing is gonna happen: they slowly raise the weapon to an apex point, then they freeze and any motion after that is when you should roll.
It's literally like the cocking movement of a revolver.

> Honestly that's just you failing a basic intelligence test.


Let me guess, in real life people don‘t use the weapons differently depending on the situation and keep randomly using the same move set?

Stop defending From, you cuck. In a good game, the character would know where to hit since you clearly can‘t convey that with a controller, it seems. No such issue on other far older games.

Fromdrones are the copium mine of the internet rn, it's pretty funny to watch.

People can get really early in that area and they probably have no vigor and +6 weapons and they're too stubborn to go elsewhere.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone as filtered as you.

>They're about as interactive as watching a cutscene of overblown anime attacks, interspersed with QTEs
You just described Dark Souls 3's boss "fights" as well. I can count how many fights I enjoyed in that game on one fucking hand. Bloodborne and Sekiro are just far better at creating enjoyable boss encounters.

>Character can‘t swing
>It‘s somehow the player‘s fault
Fromcucks everyone

>Let me guess, in real life
what the fuck
Just stop using the lock-on for giga bosses if it's making you miss hits. Come on, man.

I do not understand why people say this at all.

There wasn't a single boss in the game that I didn't control the pacing of. Constant aggression, in their face all the time with 2hand STR build.

Only mmo chads understand the concept of dps races