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go on twitter and search up mnsfw

>you have a less chance to get banned for saying nigger on twitter than Yea Forums now
what went wrong?

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Elon Musk will save Earth and build a Utopia on Mars. Follow and worship him for your ticket to Mars.

>o no peopl ein my head want me to talk about cp it's your fault elon if I only have tiny children nubile genitals in my mind!

>Unethical and gross
Tat nigga is a pedo alright.

But trannies have been doing this for years already?

Nobody gets banned solely for the word nigger, it's being a /pol/faggot/resettroon outside of your containment board that get you banned

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bruh moment

white guy but black

I did, i got banned twice, once for saying chink and another for nigger.

oh hey, it's the BLM grifter

love the complete disregard for the child. "it's morally questionable and icky" how about it damages the fucking child both physically and mentally.

First off, who?
Secondly, why does he go to that first thing instead of something more grounded like threatening violence to people?
Thirdly, why does he ask that like he is wanting permission?

lol. good.

video games

I actually made an account and Im shitting on leftoids defending censorship lmao lets see how long until I get banned

oh wow

its jut a bunch of sluts, boring

Nothing special there. Just a bunch of dipshits LARPing as underages. was always this easy?

>Muskrat buying Twitter to pump his shares and shitcoin
Literally nothing.

>But it's legal.
Reading comprehension.

does “m” stands for map?

>bunch of 24yo pretending to be underage for money

I just want Trump back.

i'm just so sick of twitter being a big deal

sick of any stupid shit happening on it making the news

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Well you can be whatever shit you're sperging about on twitter now and you still wont get banned, this place is worthless now

I mean assuming Musk isn't larping, we don't know what he'll change or how serious he is about "free speech"

leftoids will enact a falseflag niggergate and he will have to start censoring

you guys think you're being clever and funny and superior and all that but shaun king trolls and bullshits his way through life making 2-10x more than most Yea Forums posters. kneel, faggots.

>leftoids will enact a falseflag niggergate
what did he mean by this

I've never been banned for saying nigger unless I spammed it or talked exclusively about niggers

It's just that Yea Forums's resident mod is a a brown communist sympathizer with a tranny gf

so in other words you have been banned for saying nigger

Cringe thread OP

What part of ALL legal speech does this retard not understand?

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There's a nigger janny and a tranny mod on /vg/ that will delete your posts and then ban you for saying tranny and nigger

no you get banned for saying nigger because the mods are faggots

lol someone moderate a /vg/ thread?

the same on vegeta's forehead

USfriends explain this to me as an EUfriend.
How can something be legal but unethical? In the EU the word ethical is a legal term too and something unethical is always illegal. Is it different in the US or is that guy mixing his subjective definition of the word unethical with the legal definition?

>or is that guy mixing his subjective definition of the word unethical with the legal definition?
"Ethics" for these people are simply based on their feelings and nothing else

>something unethical is always illegal
So you can't make cigarets and alcohol in EU?

Gamergatebros... I'm thinking we're back.

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There are jannies that join just to clean a specific general they frequent

>unethical is always illegal.
Not from where i am
In french unethical mean immoral, something legal but not morally correct
Exemple, a 40yo man going out with a 16 yo girl is legal but not morally correct

>In the EU the word ethical is a legal term too and something unethical is always illegal

Unethical just means morally wrong.
>and something unethical is always illegal.
A lot of people think lying is wrong but I haven't heard of any country that has made it totally illegal.
This isn't some US thing.

Not really, just the two no no words meanwhile local schizos are allowed to spam to their heart's content because reasons

>gamergate 2: Tesla boogaloo

Kinda concerning this is the first thing his mind went to

stop making me like him so much he's cringge

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Why are these people still butthurt 8 years later

>advocate for underage sex with children
but that's what twitter has always been...

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killing chickens/eating meat is unethical yet legal in europe

>still bleeding out with open wounds about gamergate, a 2 day spam event on Yea Forums
holy fucking clown world.

based on what ethic? Ethic is a set of arbitrary rules, there's no absolute.

>people will do thing they already do
Oh no how awful.

Not him, but leftists are notoriously dishonest going all the way back to their Judeo Bolshevik roots, "He cries out in pain as he strikes you" is an old saying.

So will the trannies permanently stay here now? Because at this point every tranny on twitter will get told to kill themselves because people tolerated their faggy existence least they get banned.

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Advocating the commission of criminal acts ISN'T legal, thus not free speech.
That's covered under 18 U.S. Code § 373, and the criminal act of Incitement.

based on my ethic, i am the arbiter of rightousness and you will not oppose me

but this time it's not my friend, it's COMPLETE STRANGERS

It's gonna be great

enjoy your stay

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I once got warned for 'advertising' when I posted a Sonic Origins thread a few hours before the trailer went live. Jannies are so retarded.

Newfag here, what the FUCK is gamergate?!
I humbly request a quick rundown of the incident in entertaining format

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>you don't have to sell to someone if you don't feel comfortable w the person they are
these people are actual children

At the end of the day, we take ethics extremely seriously and everyone here makes moral judgments. So, pointing out it's all arbitrary seems like a moot point.
Kind of like saying beauty is subjective so art isn't beautiful. As far as 99% of all humanity is concerned, we all think certain things are beautiful. It is what it is.

Oooh, frittatta!

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How come retards like you never seethed at the word "faggots" when they were the groups that were being constantly being mocked at? Why are you so assblasted that trannies is now the default word?

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Saying free speech is a good thing means trans females like myself will be attacked on a daily basis.

Is that what you really want, you fucking chuds?

go back there then

>he actually thinks they are underage.

>Brianna Wu
Why won't they let GamerGate die?

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I hope so, been reporting hundreds of posts in a lackluster general just to rile the jannies up and it works


>Says this shit while MAPs where allowed and people posted about teaching sexuality to toddlers and genital mutilation a.k.a. transgenderism
All pretty rich coming from the race grifter with a fag white fetish

He's just autistic, as a fellow man you should understand.

>Shaun King

You mean Talcum X?

a Yea Forums harassment movement where several women, poc and trans fxlks were killed by incels

I imagine twitter mods are paid

dumb frogposter

>This grifter is still latching onto any vague controversy to scream about "MUH GAMERGATE"
>It still gets her attention.
Gamergate was the best thing to happen to these people and they'll be milking it for the rest of their lives.

Oh no, I'm sure public discourse suffered because you were banned for saying nigger and chink. Maybe you shouldn't talk at all since you clearly have nothing of value to say

Because homosexuals adopted the word. "Faggot" is now offensive more because of the context than the word, as quite a lot of homos seem to use it for each other. Sorta like calling a friend an "asshole" in a playful manner.
Trannies don't want to even see that word written.

Imagine being lower than a pajeet that can't even speak english

it's like watching hitler and the 4th reach :(

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Roughly once a year I get banned for stuff like "wtf are you doing nigger" or "fucking niggers" as standalone comments.

There were several years where it was well known one of the most active Yea Forums mods was a black guy and wouldn't only just ctrl+f "nigger" and ban anyone who said it, but also would ban anyone saying even the most remotely racist stuff about black sportspeople. Even saying "roody poo" would get you banned by him for racism.

If you immediately default to something like this you are a flagrantly deflecting pedo. May as well just announce yourself as Dr. Pizza 2.0.

Yes. More than anything in the world.

>it currently violates Twitter's terms of service
I could probably find hundreds of MAP accounts if I tried.

>At the end of the day, we take ethics extremely seriously and everyone here makes moral judgments.
No I don't.

>Trannies don't want to even see that word written.
Too bad then, they will be ruthlessly mocked and laughed at for being disgusting freaks.

I'm going to get some seething replies to this but quite frankly twitter and any other company that is seen by tens of millions of people daily and is used for sharing information ought to have the first amendment enforced upon it. You can't call yourself a digital townsquare and decide that you don't like what half of the people there are saying and block them from speaking. The government should have seized twitter ages ago.

No, that was Trump.
They screech now, bit inside their head they would be delighted if the big bad started posting again on twitter.

That isn't true. Sometimes unethical things are legal (such as the way many of the rich avoid paying taxes) and sometime ethical things are illegal (such as allowing someone with a terminal illness to end their own life in comfort and safety.)

Yea Forums Jannies are probably the worst on the site

>Elon Musk first thing on the list is ban cunny
you goddamn fools!

Now search google for transexual and find similar results. It's a reaction, the western world is obsessed with pushing mental illness and this is the result. Don't get me wrong, the obsession with this shit is annoying and a cancer to intelligent discussion but you can't act like it's coming out of nowhere.

trump is done and gone now, gamergate is forever

That's because it's not against the rules at all

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Gay people have been around longer and have built up more of a tolerance to your NPC hate and vitriol. Trans people are softer in general, emotionally. It's funny you cant see how bad it makes you look to everybody not a NPC in life

That's great. I don't care about specifically you though.

anyone have that twiiter screencap of a bunch of checkmarks saying to kill all white people?

>headline screenshot
>twitter filename
Wow i'm so convinced

Then maybe you shouldn't have said "we" and "everyone", nigger.

>Government controlled social media
That's the gateway to getting our shit pushed in directly, but I will concede that that twitter has for a long time followed whatever the governments of the world told them to do already, although only from one side of politics.
These companies need to either uphold the 1st amendment or be subject to be sued for being publishers, that's already what is supposed to be happening, but it never stopped them.

I'm a faggot and think trannies should get berated if they're ugly. Hot trannies can stay if they don't try to groom kids.

astroturf thread

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Trump is the gamergate of normalfags

>Yea Forums is a cunny board
Since when?

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