Made RE soulless with 7

>made RE soulless with 7
>made DMC soulless with 5
>made MH soulless with Rise
>bound to make DD soulless aswell

I'm so tired of this shit engine with way too much post-processing and muddy light sources. Bring back MT Framework, the SOUL engine.

Attached: Resident Evil Engine.png (507x526, 184.16K)

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shitga cuck will never stop seething at CHADcom

i remember if there was a light beam in a dark spot in DD if you turned the camera just right you would get that rainbow prism effect. i'm sure a lot of lighting engines do that now but that was the first time i noticed it and i thought it was really neat.

The engine was a work of magic and the way it handled dark environments in DD was amazing. I still don't get that same level of authentic darkness in modern games.

Attached: dmc4-5.webm (640x650, 602.07K)

>oversight now presented as le soul
The absolute state of shit eating contrarians

It's a really ugly fucking engine I miss MT Framework.

so no actual complaints, cool.

Attached: drakefastclap.gif (220x208, 384.78K)

What do you think the webm is supposed to show?

How about the fact that every RE Engine game so far has looked like being in eternal overcast mode, in both DMC5 and Rise the hit impact felt way off. The light sources are very weak and shadows are very hazy. This fits RE maybe but doesn't fit Capcom's more stylish games that flourish with more fantastical graphics. Also not sure if engine related but their mo-caps in RE Engine are also just very bad and uncanny valley.

Attached: mhwjagra.webm (538x302, 277.59K)

What engine was used for the first 3 DMC games?

>>made RE soulless with 7
No, RE became soulless with RE4. The only true RE games are 1, 2, 3, and CV. Kys zoomer normalfag subhuman.
>>made DMC soulless with 5
No, DMC5 became soulless because it is dumbed down easy mode garbage + they uglified the female characters on purpose.
>>made MH soulless with Rise
No, MH Rise is soulless because it is made by the portable team for a underpowered shittendo device.
>>bound to make DD soulless aswell
Keep dreaming.

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pedo bitch

pedophile is a dumb cocksucker

Say that to my 6'3 muscular hairy face IRL and get knocked out.

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I just hate how everything is now too realistic. I like MH Rise's artstyle but Street Fighter is going the MK route of ultra realism. Shit's gay.
Cope western subhuman, Insha'Allah my daughters will be married off at 12. I shit on your modern western feminist cultures.

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>my daughters
imagine being the ultimate cuck

Based Texan

Face the wall, faggot

>having daughters
lmao cuck

>graphics thread
>gives shitty gameplay opinions
great contribution retard


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Rise is perfectly fine in the RE engine, and they even proved they can keep customization. They will have come even further since then, so there's still hope for DD2.

>Rise is perfectly fine in the RE engine
Except the part where it looks like a 2006 PC MMO

Attached: 1446780_20220114133214_1.jpg (2560x1440, 1.11M)

They had to cater to the abysmal platform of The Switch.

MT Framework would've served them fine for Rise. It looks great on lower-end hardware. The devs relied too much on global illumination to bypass pre-baked shadows.

the RE engine really is dogshit. and it feels like shit too. MT framework was god tier. RE5 looks better than any RE engine game

I like the RE engine. It makes... things possible.

I replayed that game recently at 1440p and was blown away just how hard it BTFO modern games. Its visuals are crystal crisp. There aren't a million muddy post-processing filters added on top making everything look like a constant state of overcast.

Attached: re5.jpg (1280x720, 254.2K)

What has happened to the modding community?


do Yea Forumstards know what engines are

Re6 looks even better but it has some big issues with very low res textures for some reason

Still holds up definitely. It's also still my favourite RE. I could replay that game now (haven't in years) and still know where every enemy is.

Attached: Sheva Tribal.jpg (1000x642, 146.26K)

Also why do cutscenes in RE Engine look so much worse? The cutscenes in DMC4 and RE5 absolutely take a huge dump on any RE Engine game.

Making RE7 and 8 first-person is also a step backwards.

IMO that was a way to save on dev costs. First-person camera allows to save drastically on animation work and play testing. RE7 was made during an era where Capcom was at its most broke and game was sold as a VR experience. It's a shame they haven't backed away from it because RE8 would've been better in third person.

re5 has a lot of post-processing, it's just done well and with a specific vision instead of trying to imitate a vague idea of they think realism and camera imperfections are. and there's no FUCKING TAA like modern games

RE7 is extremely soulful, fag

As a VR FPS horror game, sure. But not as an RE game.

Better use unreal engine jav engines are obsolete and waste of time and money, no one making their own engine dont fall in the same shit of spend resources to make their engine easier to develop and maintain as ea is proving too

You sound like a video essay fag

>RE7 is extremely soulful

Attached: Get-a-load.jpg (776x602, 145.23K)

As for post-processing in general, I fucking hate how much in love devs seem to be with certain effects.

Chromatic aberration, depth of field and lens flares are the first to go off if possible, no matter the game.

To me, it's that I associate Capcom games with strong visual identities. Like you could play a 7th gen Capcom game and instantly know it was Capcom because of their unique visual identity. With RE Engine, their games can be from anyone. The visual exaggerations are gone in favor of muddy lightning and blurry shadows. That razor sharp image clarity is now replaced with filters and underwhelming light sources.

Attached: dmc4.jpg (1280x720, 137.32K)

i hate chromatic aberration so much

Generally speaking those three effects, especially in first person games, are camera effects in a world seemingly seen through the characters eyes and that's just stupid.

and motion blur, whoever invented both of those can fucking die of cancer.

im so tired of this

per object motion blur can look alright actually. But camera motion blur is unforgiveable.

>RE became soulless with RE4
Stopped reading there.

>The only true RE games are 1, 2, 3, and CV
Based pedo.

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thats crapcum fault

MT framework is overrated as fuck, it completely shat the bed whenever it came to things that wasn't just static hallways or fighting games. More ambitious titles like DD and RE6 were clearly compromised as fuck in a lot of areas to make it run on the 360 and PS3. Of course nobody remembers this anymore because they're playing remasters of the games released years after the fact.

Attached: g7sKoQd.jpg (2736x1824, 335.46K)

DD has a unique visual identity and actually pulled off open-world on PS3 despite being so ambitious with its monsters, party and spells. And the fact that they've aged so well speaks in their favor, not against. I feel like RE Engine games will age much worse as there is greater emphasis on realistic lightning and post-processing than razor sharp images with strong light sources and snappy responsive animations.

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Based cunnychad

I just want Dragons Dogma 2... I can't keep living like this anymore.

I know that Yea Forums is tech illiterate and also obsessed with that old=good new=bad, but really, shitting on an engine because of things that don't even have to do with engines is pretty retarded

It's a pattern that has repeated itself across all RE Engine games despite having different dev teams.

>It looks great on lower-end hardware
Tell that to DD. It's honestly miraculous it even runs well on switch.