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Daily reminder that trannies are still less cancerous than females.

what's with the liquid eminating off of him in the 2nd pic
why does the wall change color
what does it mean bros

It’s like those genderbend comics where the guy becomes a girl but instead he becomes a cucked dad with a broken lineage

>But she also had to be trans
>At least she's hot though

Suspension of disbelief broken.

Reign of Fire was a fun movie

>fuck that tranny
>I'm still going to call her she though

It's either the they/them army or the was/were army. Your pick.

There are hot trannies but they dont call themselves trannies, but ladyboys or traps

They still smell like guys so they always wear tons of perfume which is really offputting irl but on pics they are hot



>words words words

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erm you know the guy who made that comic is unironically a nazi right? not a good look

So where’s the joke?

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He's a poser with no views beyond being contrarian to the current consensus.

It's gender fluid.

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Gay spores taking over the household like mold

Hot take: I don't mind trannies. Some very few are hot, and watching women suffer at the hands of their own creation is some juicy karma.

Based af

The whole country

Chuckled so stupidly at this that I partially dislodged the mucus plugging sinuses, so thanks, user.

I hate trannies because they prey on children that had no hand in enabling this perverse situation either to rape them or multiply their numbers.

I don't get it, is he the father of a trans person or is he dating one?

>lets his women fall at the hands of insane madmen perverts
>doesn't guide women to virtue
>puts the blame on them for not being guided to virtue

I don't get it? He is fucking his trans son? Why does he call himself Dad? Or is he in a D/d relationship?

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How do you think kids turn gay/trans in the first place?

Now show those statistics of homosexuality and hiv numbers in Russia

kek amerifats do be like that don't they

Also besieged by Islam.

gideo vlames

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>doesn't guide women to virtue
The only women I care about are my mom, my sisters and my wife.
I'll look out for them. The rest of these whores can get raped by trannies for all I care.
Not my problem.

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You don't really need to actively guide stranger women to virtue.
You just need to, as a society, scorn women for doing retarded shit and actively protect the ones in your family.

Though I don't really scorn so much as I mock.
I find shame to be a fantastic teacher for many, women especially.

And of course, you must also scorn other men and women must do the same to other men and women.
Society wide standards and behaviour policing, on a reasonable scale.

Also agreed.
Men should be held to the same standards, if not higher.
For the men who are close to me in my life: the two biggest things I preach for is fitness and porn addiction awareness.
There are other issues, obviously, but those two are most important to me.

No. Mockery is too soft, we are well beyond the point where mockery would be effective.
For example, if it became known someone close to you was cheating on their significant other, the reaction from famility and friends should be nothing less than repudiation and never trusting them again, and telling that to their face.
It is very heavy handed, yes, maybe even cruel, but a society without standards results in what we have now.

a which point he could still be saved?

I was getting tired of being banned for posting that all the time.
Thank you OP, for taking the fall for me.
I will post this comic again once you are banned in 1 hour to honor you.

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Okay, in that context you make a good point.
I'll give it some consideration, user.
Thank you.

wtf loving trannies turns u into an aryan??? look at that niggas eyes change

Nerve gas

Thats some weird fucking fetish art

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>Disrespect a tranny
>Still call him a she
Make up your fucking mind.

If you don't find trannies fucking disgusting you got something wrong with your in your brain

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before the >she part

1 and 2, 3 if you kill the parasite.

Btw, here is the original comic.
OP is posting the one I edited to make it suitable and on topic for Yea Forums, but the jannies keep banning me despite me CLEARLY saying that it is a video game comic thread and me editing out the quote unquote 'off topic' parts as shown in OP's pic.
The comic CLEARLY has him gaming and talking about games, yet the jannies keep banning me for it, despite it being on topic by their own rules.

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they made him took his meds and this is what happened

>gamer rights

Cool, another joke memed into existence

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I hate them because they're really fucking obnoxious and deranged. I didn't give a shit at all about them, thought they were at most pitifully weird dudes, but then saw how they behave online.

god i love on model porn recreations

>had a college lecture where the professor ranted that we all need to do our part to protect trans children and support them no matter what
i just wanted to be an engineer man...

oh you

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