The goddess in this game is literally transsexual

The goddess in this game is literally transsexual

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And we kill her to implement a new order

Just like in real life.

Seems like you are coping


Do you know what a transsexual is?

Someone who transitions from one sex to another, yeah


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nobody knows because it's not a thing that exists

What am I look at here? Marika's face, Radagon's torso, and I assume Marika's ass underneath?

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So, literally not what the character in the OP is?

>literally transitions right before our eyes
Shut the fuck up

Sorry, I deliberately misgender people I don't respect. As the Liberals like to say, "respect is earned" and if you don't earn my respect you don't deserve to be gendered correctly.

From Shitware art is never very consistent

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Marika and Radagon are the same person. A tranny is still a male even when they become a "woman".

>Yea Forums doesn't know what a hermaphrodite is

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something even more disgusting?

>a god that can assume the form of two different people
>this is related to some nutcase who cuts their dick off and calls themselves a woman
lol ok

Why would it be more disgusting?

>Marika and Radagon are the same person.
Maybe in terms of personality but not carnally. And even in terms of personality that's disputed
Not what Marika/Radagon are

>>this is related to some nutcase who cuts their dick off and calls themselves a woman
Said no one

>Said no one
did you read OP?

That's Radagon "repairing" the Elden Ring. Do you fags pay attention to the story?

Literally not true you fucking idiot. It's neither.
This God is simply body type AB

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You think that's gonna stop me?

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check google images, not hentai

>Not what Marika/Radagon are
Yes they are
>After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body. The sun and moon correspond to the male and female halves, just as the Red King and White Queen are similarly associated.

Attached: Rebis_Theoria_Philosophiae_Hermeticae_1617.jpg (356x400, 43.8K)

>no ass
What is this offmodel fanart?

>Yea Forums doesn't know what a God is

"Cutting your dick of" isn't a defining aspect of being transgender

What does some Wikipedia article have to do with anything? Are you an idiot?

>Maybe in terms of personality but not carnally. And even in terms of personality that's disputed
Holy retard, Radagon IS Marika, they are the same.

>Calls others idiots for not knowing what a hermaphrodite is
>Doesn't know what it is
Hermaphrodites have two sets of genitals you moron, they are not shape/bodyshifting between two genders.

>It's been 0 days since Yea Forums cried about trannies
>It's been 0 days since Yea Forums cried about elden ring

>What does some Wikipedia article have to do with anything? Are you an idiot?
>plebbit doesn't know about how the game is based on Alchemy
Radagon and Marika are functionally a Rebis from Alchemy, what is known as a divine hermaphrodite.

Blonde hair in the trailer. HE'S RED HEADED IN THE GAME.

it frankly comes off as astroturf to me.

>Doesn't know about Alchemy or what a divine hermaphrodite is
think before you speak.

That's what one cryptic text in the game says. Do you typically take all cryptic manuscripts literally?

>Doesn't know
Doesn't know

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You can literally see Marika transition into Radagon, user. Your Wikipedia page is not part of this game.

>elden ring
What's the difference?

>Godly being capable of shifting between male and female forms at will as well as literally having sex with itself and producing offspring
Like fucking clockwork

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It's literally plain as day

Wow, which clinic did xer go to chop off xer dick?

a god that can assume different forms isnt the same as an irl tranny
its not even the same mentality because irl trannies want nothing to do with their assigned birth

More like a schizo entity that morphs their body into two separate forms

You mean insubstantial. Literally even the characters in that quest are pondering what it could mean exactly.

They are the same, and inhabit the same body but either Marika or Radagon is in vouge but not both yes. You are an ignorant retard that doesn't understand how they're based on the concept of the the Rebis from alchemy. It's like willfully ignoring the Kabbalah influences for the frenzied flame.

Did you know that Thor had to disguise as a female and get married to a giant? And that Loki turned into a mare, got impregnated and gave birth to baby horses?

don't care, would fuck both.

Actual tranny here, hermaphrodites actually have hybrid genitalia due to hormonal and chromosomal factors. The technical term is Intersex. I'm a transexual Female born male with a hormonal imbalance that made me feel as if my birth form was polar opposites to my internalized perception of it. But there is a technical difference between these two

i will now buy your game

snowniggers worship trannies and faggots what a surprise

Good for you? They're still trans and transition from one sex to the other.
>and inhabit the same body
Literally obviously not the case
Why are you like this?

>Literally obviously not the case
It literally is, idiot

you are factually incorrect on every level


>perverted old man who gets off to cuckoldry, gay anal, incest, and scat porn writes story
>surprised when story is dumb coomshit

Funny that you think this makes the game better

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You can see Marika's body change into Radagon's (if you aren't blind). I.e. not the same body. At least last time I checked Radagon doesn't have tits.

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Yeah but they don't go around calling themselves women do they?
>"Cutting your dick of" isn't a defining aspect of being transgender
It literally is. Along with confusing gender for emotions and lying to people about your sex in order to make yourself feel better about being weak or having a crossdressing fetish.

Jewish mysticism is based as hell, pleb. go back to God of Psoy threads and sucking off MCU norse garbage

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Guys mythology is weird. Chill out.
In Norse myth Oden transforms into women and let's human men fuck him.
Elden ring is emulating the weirdness of mythology.

does japan really believe in the shared ancestry theory or why do they love talmudish shit so much? almost every old jrpg has the star of david

so shapeshifting is transgenderism now?
literally fuck off m8

>In Norse myth Oden transforms into women and let's human men fuck him.
that was literally made up by a retarded feminist just like everything in the The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

>Jewish mysticism is based as hell
Fromfags never fail to amaze with the lengths they go to defend their games

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and she tried to kill herself. So its fine.

Deal with it

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Cope snow fag, you will never understand Kabbalah

>parroting shit that isn't true

From had nothing to do with Gravity Daze, tranny kike

>Radagon's hair drawn messily AGAIN
Do artists ever look up what the fuck they're drawing? Every depiction of Radagon in the game shows that he has well-groomed hair where none of his fringes get in his face. It's only during the final boss that his hair is all messy, obviously due to having been punished alongside Marika.

No, transitioning from one sex to another is. By defintion. Factually. Officially.

Don't argue with the mentally ill, it's pointless.

They helped out, at least Yasuhiro Kitao who works for From and is a fag

this nigga watches baked alaska streams, what the hell

>androgynous god with male and female aspects
>le trannies
America is a disease

Why do people keep saying this. The trailer shows the same *body* and it's not consistent with anything in the game.