>"Modernising the messenger (Liet Kynes not being a man anymore) only makes the message more powerful.”
Do you agree with the developer vision?
Dune Spice Wars
Other urls found in this thread:
>wokefy Dune lore to hell and back making the game such a gray morphless blob that it's almost invisible, release without any kind of splash from anyone making sure it's a giant flop.
They'll never learn.
>"I know better than the original author and it's my duty to smear my literary feces all over their work."
>Early Access
No one with complaints like these have ever read the book, and they probably didn’t even watch the movie. The rest of us who did do not care about Kynes because Kynes stops being important like halfway through the first book of the 5 that Herbert penned
Cope, culture warriors. You’re the new SJWs
Yeah, I had to actually look into what you fucktards are tarding about. I've read the books. Liet Kynes gender does not matter, and them being any gender or none does nothing to effect the story in anyway. They could have cast literally any person in that role and it would be fine in the context of the story.
>no House Ordos
>Kynes stops being important like halfway through the first book
Also this
More like Spice Girls
>I know better than the person who penned one of the greatest science-fiction/fantasy works of all time.
Is Ordos even canon?
Now I want a chocolate chip cookie. Fuck you OP :c
>Thought it will be a cool game
>woke shit
Yeah nah, I'll pass and go back to Dune 2000
How does it make the message more powerful tho?
It just do, ok?
I won't play it.
Too many niggers.
Liet Kynes is in charge of fertility.
So it literally means that women are in charge of making babies. Seems like a conservative alt right game to me.
>too many niggers
>Frank Herbert is American
What would you expect?
It is but it was just some minor trading house that Westwood uplifted to serve as their donut steel. Still sucks either way that they aren't included.
Not really. Often conservative thought defers to males having power in positions of hierarchy is because they are expected to be more worldly and weathered by the trials that they should have faced in life, resulting in someone who will be more likely to hold proper education and some level of temperence. Birth isnt really intuitive to women, as we can see with how much medical aid is required for it's modern iteration.
>Birth isnt really intuitive to women, as we can see with how much medical aid is required for it's modern iteration.
Not really arguing any of your points except this. This is just flat out wrong and stupidly so. Birth is intuitive, and when it starts nothing stops it. Medical aid and the hospital system is a complex thing steaming from the need to make lives better for people and survive plagues. The medical aid helps the birthing process but unlike most things are not required at all for the process.
Birth is intuitive to women, this is basically the reason they become hysterical at 35 of they are childless.
Nigga most women died in childbirth originally. The fact that so many aids and augments are needed demonstrates the birthing itself isn't intuitive. It's a horrible experience that rends ones self. The fact that more women nowadays are able to survive through the birthing process means that more genes and dispositions that aren't too amenable to what may be required would be of greater number and only aid in the falling out of it's intuitive base.
That's not birth. That's just looking for a mate. Birthing is a communal process for humans which requires more than the female themselves unless if they are under extraordinary circumstances.
Dune was already feminist drivel so I have no idea why you retards are pretending to be offended
>Nigga most women died in childbirth originally.
This is the stupidest fucking thing anybody ever tried to pass off as fact. We'd be fucking dead as a species if "Most" women died in child birth. Populations would decrease every single generation until we were extinct. But the reality is populations have steadily increased creating cities, which spread disease and cause plagues devastating the vulnerable populations first (elderly, pregnant women, and children), hence the creation of hospitals to combat this. If anything women were too good and giving birth and men too good at providing for them.
You're just arguing against scientific consensus. I really don't have to respond to you. Most women dying isn't all women dying. alongside there being the possibility of more than one child per pregnancy. Also it was never stated that most women die on their first every single time, as well as what is being cited as causative factors for it being true in a modern society was the increase in cultural norms and standards as well as practices that won't help in the birthing process itself. There is a modal change from age to age. What men are around now is definitely partly resulting from the societal allowances that we have today that enable the passing on of otherwise undesirable genes. You're comparing two entirely different times in our history that were comprised of entirely different stock to make statements about the present stock. This is why anprims hit a wall in their psychology arguments because what was normal and healthy back then is not even correlative to what is normal and healthy now for what exists.
You're just stupid. You're not just arguing with me so I don't have to give a fuck LOL.
this but unironically
if you don't agree just make your own dunc game
I'm not arguing with you because you're to fucking retarded to understand math or biology. Let alone simple sentence structure apparently. Jesus Christ you went from parroting retarded shit you heard on the internet to barely coherent word vomit on a topic you clearly know nothing about.
Kynes being a woman is fine because he dies like a bitch thinking about daddy anyways lol
I posted a giant unformatted paragraph because that's all you're worth. Maybe take a hint next time on when someone's verbally shitting on you for being unable to talk.
See even such autism is allowed in this society. Now go and take on society champ.
Fuck all you faggots
Is the game fun
>Waaaaaaaah, he called me names on the internet and didn't read my retard ramblings, Waaaaaaah
>>"Modernising the messenger (Liet Kynes not being a man anymore) only makes the message more powerful.”
But why? No one asked for that.
Are you going to fall back to that on the place where faggot is appended to every single term used for anyone on this site?
Looks like your typical low effort 4X shlock plus it's early access
For millenia childbirth was handled by women/midwives
please, please, please go read a history book
>doesnt understand the time being referenced.
You're even more retarded than him. That's literally prehistory.
In fremen culture women are explicitly below men in stature, they're not allowed to lead the clans, and wives are passed around like trading goods. Powerful women good at fighting or spice prescience are given sacred status of sayyidinas or whatever the fuck its called, basically local priestesses. Liet Kynes gained status of the leader of not just one clan but ALL fremen. To suggest that a woman would be allowed this priviledge is to directly contradict the entire lore.
Sounds like the lore is in dire need of changing then, chudcel
>shiroh games (dumbed down rts)
>woke / fuck you Herbert
>early access
I can't see any red flag here.
It matters more in the prequels where his gender is important to his character development e.g when him and his best friend compete against each other for the woman they like.
Also I'm not sure if liet would have the same story in the prequels if he was born as a female.
To be honest I watched some gameplay on YT and looks fun
Hope they can polish the game though
I had a different vision
Die nigger shill.
Why has not a single retard tranny in this entire thread said "nuh uh, dune is pro trans because letos sister was possessed by her grandfather"?
Most SF and fantasy authors are progressist leftists, you don't have to say anything for obvious facts.
>look at gameplay
>desert stellaris
Yeah because it's fantasy and the logistics of how any of that progressive worldbuilding works is interesting in and of itself. Sadly we'll never see such socially constructive insights enacted in the average dumbfuck or leader of any real progressive group.
Deleting all White People from 99.99% of all games wouldn't affect story in any way either, but you'd be mad if it happened and would be lying if you said it wouldn't.
If it's so irrelevant that it 'doesn't matter', then why make the change to begin with? You have a mental illness.
>Start game
>Atreides standard/flags/banners are green
Then why is Hermoine Black?
is it actually? i thought it was a northgard clone
they genderswapped a character? dropped, sadly.
I actually thought it looked interesting in that first trailer. I was optimistic because RTS is a perfect natural fit for the franchise so I thought it showed that they aren't just chasing some fad, they put actual thought into what a Dune game should be.
>You’re the new SJWs
>being against SJW is kinda like being SJW, don't you think
only SJWs believe in this retarded leap. no, faggot, being against thing is not automatically as bad as being for thing. gtfo back to plebbit if you believe in the happy atheist medium meme.
there's a movement that wants to ruin not just "culture" but LAWS, world-wide. they want to make it illegal for me to say whatever the fuck I want. I am against this movement because I am not cattle. there are already restrictions on what I'm allowed to say legally in my country I want less of that bullshit, not more. I also want you to be able to say whatever the fuck you want to say. they want you to only say things they approve of. so how are you going to feign neutrality? what does that even mean, you're cool with only saying HALF of whatever the fuck you want to say? you want to pledge allegiance to only HALF of their insane cult beliefs? neutrality is not a coherent concept when one side is a cult that wants to enslave your very thoughts and the other side is anybody who would rather not join a cult or be ruled by one.
They genderswapped Liet because the Shai-Hulud scene is kino as fuck with a female voice. You simply are a retard with no taste and belong in pol like the rest of the other incels mad at this change.
Nigga this faggot doesn't give a fuck about your attempt at venting here and thinks even of this whole conflict in an entirely different manner. There is no point in writing a giant blog post that is just your own feelings lined out. It's pure meat laid down for any nigger that wants to state that you're the weakest leaf on the tree that gods own grace would decimate.
KEK, they stole the whole spice thing from The Book of Boba Fett. And even the title is a Star Wars reference.
EA is not release, and they do not rely an EA buys to make the game. I'd think it's more of an open beta when it's AA or above games. also trying to capitalize on buyers from the first movie. I bet they'll release it just around when the second half comes out.
>that is just your own feelings lined out
you can reduce literally everything humans communicate to this. it invalidates nothing.
My post didn't validate yours. My point is the formal argument that they and anyone else will use is not cohering to any standards you would use. You aren't bridging the gap between your feelings and the prevalent argumentation.
>Being against Nazis makes you the new Nazis
Wait...that actually checks out
>good game released
>"MUH WOKESHIT" astroturfing spread out to make more room for AAA garbage
>the wokeshit wasn't even the game this time but just rolling over from the movie
>still pretending its about 'muh original vision' after fucking decades of the original work being twisted around and fucked with in ways that completely contradict the book
I fucking hate you retarded niggers so god damn much.
Half these people couldnt afford to go watch the movie and don't know what dune is.
They were easily the cooler/freakier part of Dune for my childhood self back when I played 2000, sucks they were just a minor house the whole time.