Overlooked exploit in Morrowind

This wood elf wench at Balmora's mage guild sells an INFINITE amount of Chameleon Rings and Fortify Hand-to-hand gauntlets, both at a ridiculously cheap price. By buying enough of these, you can stack chameleon and hand-to-hand effects to steal any item 100% undetected and one-shot every single creature in the game from the get go.

Thanks for reading this meaningless tip about a 20 year old game, just felt like sharing yet another way to break this already broken af game

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But doesn't hand to hand just decrease stamina?

Once it depletes stamina it starts damaging health directly.


fortify hand-to-hand would only increase your chance of hitting the enemy, not how much damage you do. strength is the only stat that governs damage, and even then it doesn't boost unarmed damage unless you select it in the Morrowind Code Patch mod

Hand-to-hand absolutely does increase damage as well as chance to hit, test it out in-game.

H2H is the only skill that boosts its own damage type. It's a fun build believe it or not, try it out

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Or you could just buy ash yams and bloat, both of which have infinite supplies in Balmora. I'll see your measly Chameleon and H2H and raise you a few billion points in every stat other than speed.

Thanks for sharing. I would love to be 100% undetectable while traveling on foot.

Thanks. Anyone have a wood elf build?

Also, is MW worth full price? I've been emulating the xbox release and I can't much stand it anymore. The bugs are killing me I don't want to mod the game until I have a few hundred hours in the game.

>full price
>emulating the xbox release
What in the FUCK am I reading

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I'm retarded btw

I like buying a bunch of those restocking frost scrolls from Arille in Seyda Neen. Using scrolls is much more fun then actually using magic for some reason.

>I've been emulating the xbox release

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Based retard

They didn't even attempt to balance morrowind. Not a single enemy in the game is a threat beyond the player reaching level 20 either, not even dagoth ur. They designed it with the player just running from main quest to main quest in mind, beating it around level 10-15.

II think everyone overlooked this because she's a qt.
I know that's why I did.

Just use openMW

still requires an install form somewhere right?

>They designed it with the player just running from main quest to main quest in mind, beating it around level 10-15.
the very first thing that happens when you get to balmora is caius telling you to fuck off and do some guild quests

I love how morrowind has fun exploits

I did a H2H build and it was pretty boring. You can only do damage once enemies run out of fatigue, and H2H does very low damage even at 100, so it takes minutes to kill one enemy.

what's the best, most simplest way to enjoy morrowind today, like overhaul mods that dont fuck with the game too much but make it comfortably playable, as in, it wont shit the bed when I try to alt tab or something?

He means he’s playing it on an Xbox one or higher, he’s not emulating it on PC

no I'm emulating it on the steam deck

>Thanks for reading this meaningless tip about a 20 year old game, just felt like sharing yet another way to break this already broken af game

based, my wife will use this for her next playthrough

If you've never played before
Patch for Purists
Expansion Delay

Add Tamriel Rebuilt to that once you've finished a playthrough

>Add Tamriel Rebuilt to that once you've finished a playthrough
Morrowind - Hardcore Mode also if you want an actual challenge

know any other cool stuff like this OP? I'm keeping a .txt of stuff I learn through my playthroughs.

>Also, is MW worth full price? I've been emulating the xbox release and I can't much stand it anymore.

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Everyone is saying OpenMW. Is MWSE not as good? I know you can't have both.

I already said im retarded now gib cool morrowind info like OP fgt

>just stack equipment that you wear 1-2 of

>I've been emulating the xbox release and I can't much stand it anymore.
I'm pretty sure this is a troll he's been just waiting to drop in some thread

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Did you not read the thread bitch im a few posts up
Playing on the deck

MWSE is fine for your first playthrough. OpenMW is for the mega autists.

>Playing on the deck

so you're a rich kid whos parents bought him expensive computer hardware that he doesn't know how to use?

You don't just run 100 H2H, you run with enchantments that boost your H2H so you do more damage. Similar to how unarmored is better than any type of armor because you can just keep buffing it.

No I have a job and saved well in advance but used a credit card anyways to build credit. Its not that much money. Gonna sell the switch though.

Play the PC version you retard

>doesnt know how to use
Youre right about that im teaching myself about linux

Isnt it going on sale in two thirty days though? Summer sales and shit

fucking what

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It runs okay compared to otogi and JSRF

You're already pirating it. Pirate the actual PC version you dipstick.

I genuinely love the game though. I think its worth adding to my library. How frequently does it go on sale?

Has to be r-right?

This is to say that JSRF and otogi run smoother and without bugs i get some issues with the water in MW but i didnt configure xemu

Honestly such a boring game how do you niggas not get at the very least bored

You can pirate it AND pay for it when it's at a price you are willing to pay. You are already pirating the Xbox version. So what fucking difference does it make if you aren't willing to buy it right this second?

Read the thread im not posing pics nigger

I think it's some child posting about his birthday gift or something who legitimately didn't realize there was a PC version or something

I was asking if its worth it sometimes steam releases of older games are cancer

>I can't afford it so it HAS to be a gift
i have 10k in savings and you need to get a job if a retard has more money than you

>I've been emulating the xbox release
No you haven't. Shut up.

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ll Elder Scrolls games are pretty densely populated with quests and things to do, so if you are still bored, it's safe to say you are too ADHD for the genre. Open world RPG's are for people who want immersion, not fast, rapid adrenaline.

GOG might still have a release of it.
The Steam version is fine if you're already going to be applying MGXE or OpenMW or some shit anyways. Pretty sure it's the only way to force 1080p and shit too.

I bought it off GOG. You can use open source ports or script extenders for either version.

For ten (10) pieces of info as good as OPs I will post pics
Until then youssabitchnigga

>caring about gold when you get enough gold by just casually playing
wow nice tip, remember to steal Limeware Platter at start bro!

No it has to be a gift because nobody retarded enough to emulate the shitty Xbox port of a native PC game on their PC could be intelligent enough to live on their own and manage their own finances.

They do. And it's only 15 bucks. It's worth that much, so OP doesn't need to wait for a sale unless he's a real fucking Scrooge.