Books and shows get translated into english with the intent to preserve the authors vision.
Games get localized so that failed authors can feel some accomplishment for once in their lives.
The fact that everyone just accepts this means that no one has any real respect for the game medium.
Books and shows get translated into english with the intent to preserve the authors vision
Other urls found in this thread:
>you have NO FUCKING IDEA how many brainstorming sessions it took over several weeks to come up with this translation
How about 'bittersweet' you fucking faggot, that one took me 2 seconds. I am a douiin translator myself and that's what I use.
My go-to translation for tsundere is NIGGER.
Example: Midna is a popular NIGGER character from the Zelda series.
Nintendo...hire this man!
why do they hate everything we love?
>those icons
It’s all so tiresome
Fucking fags ruined fata Morgana too?
Gamers are sexist and racist and misogynist, thus you will be educated so that you might become a normal member of society, or the hobby will forever be ruined for your. Either way it's a win.
>fragile male ego
>tranny writer
Like pottery
this will only get fixed when japs gain enough proficiency in english to translate their own shit cost effectively.
I have a strong resilience against getting "educated" by people who think they can be women even if they still need prostate checkups.
I very much doubt they even care. As long as it makes them money.
Even then, Granblue's translation isn't always accurate.
I thought some seaniggers translate granblue?
The author of the VN in your pic agreed with the localization, so it did preserve the authors vision seething mutt. Cry more.
on the contrary, it does nothing to educate, it only breeds ire and contempt
and you cannot ruin a hobby that was already ruined, you're about a decade late
And then trannies wonder why everyone hates them.
Ask me if I give a shit that not-games (visual novels) are treated with disrespect. You'll be shocked to learn I disrespect them all of the time too. I would do even more malicious shit if I were in a position of authority over a localization. Play real video games.
Idk maybe I'm wrong. I assumed they had English speakers at CyGames since it's built into the website.
I really don't like trannies, bros
Because you dont love them
Honestly i wouldn't even care about them if they kept to themselves.
But so much of everything revolves around them now.
>The fact that everyone just accepts this means that no one has any real respect for the game medium.
Well maybe it's because soon there will be 50% less people doing this without anybody having to do anything.
Meanwhile you can download patches or just avoid those games like the pest until companies learn not to hire more people like that and they're sent back to fanfiction websites.
eh go woke go broke
its on the developers not to let their studios be infested with woke bs else they'll just die
a woke company has NEVER made a good game
Another day, another troonslator. Will it ever stop?
>A dog walked into a tavern and said, 'I can't see a thing. I'll open this one'.
What's the author's intent and vision here OP?
Trannylators need to be burned on a cross
I don't recognise any of those oshimarks in the twitter handle.
Tsundere can easily be translated to something like "oh are you hiding your crush again?"
"Hiding your feelings?"
"You're so easy to see through"
user stop being silly, those don't contain ideological content
you can't use those
just stick to MTL, you'll get the gist of whats going on and also some good laughs once in a while. Better than paying these degenerates for pushing propaganda.
What do tsunderes have to do with male egos
You clowns will 48% yourselves long before any of your delusions come true.
Welcome to the wacky world of vidya translation, there's no translating involved
>no mention of male gender
rejected, submit a new translation until may 2
>poor translation with an agenda
>trans flag
why is this so common
I am an English teacher in Japan. Your future will never happen.
bittersweet as a translation for tsundere? that doesn't translate what tsundere is at all though
I used translator notes for a love live fandoujin, did I do right?
Once translation get automated with things like AI, we'll not only see the accurate words as the developers intended, but these tranny freaks will die from suicide as well. Two birds with one stone.
>Once translation get automated with things like AI
can't be done, the argument these people make (disingenuously) is real, transliteration is not translation. it requires a human hand
Easy. The west just needs to make fun games so japs have to learn english to play them instead of begging for the jp translation. Remember that 5ch screenshot?
Somewhere in their ideological echochamber they are told that in order to correct society they must inject their views into everything possible.
By doing so they will skew the narrative to their favor, change the common perception and eventually prevail. They have since the dawn of history failed to realize that pretense and self-assuredness gets nowhere, and that the reason the layman becomes so indignant to their attempts is because even a child could see through their aims.
That's exactly what it is, you see. As when we were children there were kids who told us "you can't do that, you have to do this", we became predisposed to dislike those bossy children. These transvestites never grew out of that, demanding that people recognize them for who they pretend to be and when that fails, they seek professions that allow them to force these ideals to others under the umbrella of liberalism and individuality.
The great irony, that this is the preface to the ideological censors of the Russians and Chinese of which they so despise.
Why not? I'm no Japanese expert, but even just using the OP as an example, they don't even need to translate the word tsundere and can just keep it as is.
>Books and shows get translated into english with the intent to preserve the authors vision
let me guess
you only ever saw the english dub of spirited away
As an actual fan of the work, I would agree with the translation in this instance. Jacopo being a little bitch is 100% in character and respectful to the tone of the work as a whole.
Literature and film don't have this issue because they're media for adults. It's time to grow up and put video games behind you, Yea Forums.
Still not a proper translation for 'tsundere'
>Books and shows get translated into english with the intent to preserve the authors vision
Except now we're in the era of Netflix adaptations, where the priority for every production is inclusivity at every opportunity.
how did you accomplish this? and how is your dating life going? Or are you native
>Yamato nadeshiko is a Japanese term meaning the "personification of an idealized Japanese woman", or "the epitome of pure, feminine beauty"
Translation: J-babe
>but even just using the OP as an example, they don't even need to translate the word tsundere and can just keep it as is.
i really hate that shit, leaving words for difficult cultural concepts instead of translating them
you translate it because tsundere isn't a fucking english word
Because languages with different structures don't transliterate to each other.
yes thats what there there for
if you actually read the VN, you'd know that fragile male ego actually does describe that based retard Jacopo to a tee
if you wanna be mad at faggoty translators, go after the amagami trannylation team or something
Because nerdy, white males are the easiest target. None of you stand up for yourselves. Granted, even when you do, you still get fucked because of how incestuous the games industry is.
1.Translators are underpaid
2.No one cares
3.Translation is hard. Even people who translate books make idiotic mistakes.
What do you do when a character says "deja Vu"?
Google the JET program you clueless faggot. He's not an English teacher so much as a jester entertaining Japanese toddlers.
Something which will not happen in this lifetime or the next
>so that you might become a normal member of society
Normal members of society are more -ist than any "gamer" here, I guarantee you. You just don't realize it because you're not a part of it.
deja vu is used internationally. people will spit out 30 minutes of thick chinese and then say "deja vu" just like you right in the middle of it. it has been this way for close to 100 years.
tsundere is not.
>The fact that everyone just accepts this means that no one has any real respect for the game medium.
Because what the fuck are you gonna do about it beyond fan translating shit on your own? To most people it genuinely doesn't matter.
Japs have a lot of wordplay specific to kanji and multiple means/ways they're read. A 1-1 translation can lose out on that meaning without translation notes popping up.
Tsundere is a common word for nerds that play VNs. Professional translators translate for whatever audience their employer pays them to translate for, and for that audience in this case tsundere would have been 100% applicable.
Nah, the west is trying like hell to take over their shit too. Japs don't give a shit enough about it.
a lot of people like to stereotype japanese women are submissive, but the way i heard it the ideal japanese woman is both graceful and strong enough to protect her family. i thought that was amusing
>1.Translators are underpaid
>3.Translation is hard.
Lmao. Yeah translate shit like tsundere to "fragile male ego" and pic related is so hard, bros!
tsundere still isn't an internationally used loanword like deja vu though. it just smacks of being lazy when people do that
>difficult cultural concept
Why does the word "tsundere" need to be translated anyway? Plenty of Japanese words have made it into the vernacular of Americans and anyone playing VNs would already understand what the word means
what is this, a vn? I am sure the audience would know what tsundere means if they just put that there
I'll take my dry 1:1 compared to localization butchery, though.
Ah I see. So you are just a disingenuous faggot with no consistency.
No wonder you translate visual novels instead of a real job.
>but the way i heard it the ideal japanese woman is both graceful and strong enough to protect her family. i thought that was amusing
in the 15th century japanese wives with 8 foot high longbows slaughtered samurai as if they were fish in a barrel.
Weebs are retarded about the culture they supposedly Revere, who knew.
Luckily international normies don't play obscure Japanese VNs. Of course, if there was a good other translation given the context that would've been fine too, but there are definitely situations where leaving tsundere in is okay.
It does though.
That's hot as fuck
games like Little Busters had the right idea, just highlight foreign words/concepts and allow the player to look them up by toggling the glossary any time.
>Japs don't give a shit enough about it
Big Japanese companies are now being bossed around by Westerners that are obsessed with identity politics and progressiveness. Indie developers over there are now worried about making a character design that's considered offensive over there, japs are now buckbroken betas.
So, gaijin in Japan are underprivileged? Even the white ones?
Notice how this is never pushed in places like Africa or China.
Steins gate also had this, and as a game seeped in otaku culture, localizing all those terms would have a been a fucking disaster.
Case in point the atrocious anime subs.
It's literally your job then, do BETTER.
>lying about critical race theory to japs who have no idea
That's an easy career, pretty good idea.
I just think it's lazy, you don't ever have to say the word tsundere is the point of translation. you can write the character accurately without needing that, without doing what the OP trans-trans did.
lol, trans^2
yeah, isn't it?
Because they hate Japanese culture. They hate Japanese terminology. They fucking hate Japanese media and are only there for the money. None of them actually give a shit.
What I do find absolutely fascinating about this is not the fact that it's a bad translation, or that it's "political" or anything, but the fact that someone was actually so fucking dumb to put this on their public profile that their potential future employers are quite likely to see.
This person literally publicly admits that they struggled seriously to tranlate a term that english has (in this context) a perfectly fitting analog: "To act (or be) coy."
And the bast translation they came up with, after weeks of struggle, is a shallow sexist stereotype reference.
This is literally broadcating to the world that they are very bad at translation, and struggle to deal with basic terms, and have to resort to insults and stereotypes in the end. It's like saying "After months of struggle and brainstorming, we figured out that we can translate "煩い女" as "Must be her time of the month".
If that is the best you can come up with, and you barely manage that, then you could not suck at your job any more. Which you don't really want anyone else to know.
It is hilarious, honestly. I find it all a lot more funny than insulting.
Why do they get into translating Japanese games and understanding the language if they hate it?
Surgery is hard but you're not going to get any sympathy from me if you fuck it up and kill a man
You're getting paid to do a job, I expect to see it done well regardless of difficulty. If you're not qualified, don't do it
>the last of us II
>positive LGBTQ representation
a game that was so cynical and hateful to the nature of true humanity as experienced by humans and not "druckmanns" that literally everyone hated it, even the biggest fans of the original. killed a studio which has just previously made a historically successful game.
>lying about critical race theory
Lmao where was the lie? Kill yourself tranny