Ummmmmmmmmmmmm im a healer i dont do dps

>ummmmmmmmmmmmm im a healer i dont do dps.

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>I may be a bottom but I AM THE ONE doing the fucking

I quit when they removed cleric stance.

why is she pogging

Imagine being so shit at your job that the healer has to do it for you.

she saw your beautiful face user

Healers are supposed to help with DPS when they have downtime

I thought that a healer would be a dps with boy puzzy.

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Don't all healers have downstime? I thought that was a requirement for the role.

>mfw tankchad
>do wall to wall pulls
>don't pop my cooldowns cause cooldowns are for fags
>just dps
>make healer sweat
>if I die it's her fault
You want to just heal? You got it bro, now you can heal!


I'd much rather have you as a tank than the ones who spam clemency non-stop instead of doing fucking damage

>I'm a tank not a dps so as long as I have agro I can afk all I want

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Once I hit like level 50 I was doing more than enough healing to be able to throw in DPS and DoT as well.

Too bad I suck at healing except WHM I like being the team slut

Sage is the closest healing comes to be enjoyable but it's still not fun.
Sage in Frontlines is, though.



use arms length motherfuckers


>Doing Vault with randoms as GNB
>Do the usual aggro and make the goons focus on me
>Notice healer doing DPS but no heals
>KO before first boss
>Healer does squad heal but it doesn’t do much
>Repeat up to final boss
>Told healer “I wish we could’ve replaced you”

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its still wild to me that MMOs that came out 18+ years ago have more dynamic and interesting ways of making healers fun to play, between raid mechanics, classes, spells, or items ,than FFXIV has pulled off in almost a decade of rebuilds.

Do DPS help with healing when they have downtime?

Literally yes.

You can kick people you know, right? After you tell them what they're doing wrong and they don't correct it. I had some guy sprint away from the team on Prae when the stack marker for Gaius appeared and we kicked him after telling him twice what to do.

>>Told healer “I wish we could’ve replaced you”
Enjoy your ban because this is not twitter.

I've never once seen a DPS player heal the healer.

Even in games like eso or gw2 healing is more fun.

EB your friend if you play with one. You might not have the chance to later down the line.

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You dont get banned for that you puss puss

>doing cutters cry with randoms as DRK
>get to the chimera fight and keep wiping because healer and DPSs too braindead to move for the AoEs
>get boss to 10% left and healer dies so DPSs stops trying
>barely scrape by using a potion, tank lb, and all of my cooldowns in succession
>tell them I hate them all and leave immediately

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That's not what you asked, now is it?

I got a 72 hour suspension for telling someone to "shut the hell up" for going off on a sprout who asked about mechanics in Titan Extreme.

Chop chop, jannoid.

>I help with healing, but by that I don't actually mean that I help
Good talk.

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tell your story

And i told someone to lick my nuts with a mentor in the party. Seethe and cry, youre just unlucky

DPSs will use mitigatin and self healing to ease the healer's work. Some DPSs even have healing utilities, like monk's mantra or reaper's arcane crest.
So yes.

I got banned for 48h because because I wrote "GG ez" in the chat after a horrible dungeon run.
The players and GMs in FFXIV are the biggest faggots.

The fuck is pogging? Alf?

sure you did user

shut up turkish hans


>Once I hit like level 50
The tanks you were teamed with before that must have pulled like crazy if you think that is the point you get to start doing dps.

So do they heal the tank or the healer, yes or no?

We were going to EB as a joke and buy a house at some point but then he an hero'd.

tell us more things that didn't happen

I was too ashamed to ask them to do small to small so I just focused on keeping everyone alive.

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>3 retarded teammates die leaving tank alive
>"just die itll be faster"

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im sorry to hear that.

>I wrote "GG ez"
Nice try, this aint Overwatch, faggot

>arr dungeon
>tank soloing 10% of the boss without any support

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You've never had an RDM in the party?

>people really promote this level of anti fun rhetoric
If you win the engagement, you win. The barely noticeable difference between you, an average player and extreme minmax autism in mmos like FF and WoW is non-existent, we're talking minutes of difference at best.

What does fuck over runs though is people bitching, fighting and then rage quitting instances because they think X isnt doing their role "properly" even though if X was left alone they would still pull the team through.

Its like how people are more scared of sharks, and yet are more likely to get hit by a car but dont think twice about crossing a road. Stop throwing fits over your healer/tank/dps being slightly less than optimal and you'll spend less time in endless queues waiting for people to fill slots.

kys newfag

it's almost like tanking takes zero effort

Honestly, I'd prefer if every tank played like this.

Literally just get out of the orange you mouthbreathing DPSkek

Most of that boss is easily avoidable aoes and not much else. It may not have been 10% it was probably less but I definitely finished it out by myself because my party was a bunch of retards, and that was the main point

>You've never had a RDM in the party that did anything other than obsess about their uptime while ignoring literally everything other than their basic rotation?
Correct. DPS players generally can't play the game very well, because they only ever play half a role. Healers have to heal and do damage, tanks have to tank and do damage, but DPS only ever does damage and the players have an aneurysm if you expect them to do anything else. BLMs especially, at least everyone else seems to have gotten the message that you aren't supposed to stand in the AoE just to squeeze out one more cast.

>Blue = Back up
>put healing items on HB

Thats one of the easiest bosses in the entire game if you know how to recognize the letter "B," Elmo.

If you're not keeping your entire team overhealed permanently you are a failure

good I rather have people be alive to do mechs and dps. like a healers dos might shave off....2 minutes In a dungeon in total? Anyone that try hards in roulette content should just kill themselves.

This is what I don’t often see as healer, maybe cause I’m barely in ARR dungeons

>Lv 30-35 white mage
>Cutter’s Cry run
>Tank does the usual aggro
>Bites off more that they should so I focus my heals on them
>DPS duos start taking damage so I fart out Medica
>Realize I wasn’t looking at my HP and KO
>Make it to final boss and almost KO cause of same issue

Maybe I’ll stick to machinist

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>taking damage as WHM in CC
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM did he not turn his tank stance on?

No one gives a fuck about your boring ass low level dungeon stories. Kill yourself.

>tfw healer in full armor (Legacy Mail, Smilodon Armguards of Healing, Aurum Regis Sollarets of Healing)
>wall to wall healing the tank while standing right by the enemy mobs to AOE