You picked the chad ending, right user?

You picked the chad ending, right user?

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Not like I wanted to but for some reason my character automatically decided to become evil fire Hitler just because I wanted to open a door and see what's behind it

That was really retarded. What was so hard about just letting us choose to join yes/no ?

I mean maiden lady warns you multiple times and there’s a way to purge it from your body. I only went with the ending because she left and there was no getting her back.

>I mean maiden lady warns you multiple times
About a big red door?

Fuck Marika
Fuck Ranni
Fuck the Golden Order
Fuck the Greater Will
Fuck all the Demigods
Fuck all the Outer Gods
May chaos take the world


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Wtf was it melana picked up from the ash at the end? It’s implied the tarnished left and is fucking things up?

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>game gives a billion red flags not to do thing
>do thing
>wow why am i evil
it's your instinct, user. the mark of a true lord willing to tread the path of true rigor

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It doesn't give one (1) red flag about not opening that door.

Of course

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If more of a bond was grown with Melina throughout the game and she got as much as screen time as Ranni, this would have been one of my favorite endings ever from a story perspective. Her being revealed to be the Gloam Eyed Queen and promising to take revenge on you for ruining the world she loved so much out of your own love for her is kino. Still a good ending regardless.

>another woman being le epic and stronk is le good ending
It was cringe


it's not like she told you to turn back or anything, oh wait, she did, twice

I chose it, yeah. I was never given any reason to think life was more than just a means for the outer gods to derive power so it seemed like the logical conclusion.
even melina sounds like she needs bodies to fulfill her goal



Theres like 30 scenes with melina if you visit all churches and 10 with ranni. Rannifagging much?

I didn't "pick" it so much as I stumbled into it like an idiot despite it being ostensibly idiot-proof against find on accident.

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not him but most of her appearances are just her quoting marika, let's be honest about that. there's almost no characterization in her interactions. ranni on the other hand gets a quest that takes you all over the map and a romantic subplot that ends in marriage for fucksake

Posting oc

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I played through the game twice and never got an interaction prompt for Melina anywhere other than the church near the mistwood. That includes at the grace outside the three fingers.

I certainly didn't picked the Jew ending, no

How am I a Rannifag if I literally said I wished for more Melina scenes schizo

I assume it's the summon Torrent ring.

Oh, the place that's corrupted by even worse "gods".

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>becoming a skin suit for a literal merchant demon
That sounds about as appealing as eating Matzah balls at an outdoor cafe in Las Angeles, while watching a black hobo shit in front of me. By that, I mean only the most evil Jews would enjoy it.

more like the stockholm syndrome ending

>bro I just accidentally went into the hidden sewers
>bro I accidentally found my way through the pipe maze
>after defeating the sewer boss I accidentally rolled into the wall and found a secret passage
>melina told me something at the grace a couple of times but I just "bear seek seek lest" her because dialogue is for fags
>there was a door at the bottom of a giant hole so I took off all my equipment for no reason and then opened it
>then I rolled into another wall and now there's giant ants everywhere?
>why is there a giant mermaid down here she's kinda cute tho in a aspergers kind of way
>anyway I was blocking with my sword and then moved forward a little bit and now all of the sudden I teleported and some boss named maliketh is dead and I beat the game in 7 minutes?

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>As much as ranni
poor choice of words or poor reading comprehension, you're both okay in my books

you're blatantly lying, although from could definitely have done a better job at making "talk to melina" stand out.

Melina begs you to not fucking do it

While I agree for the most part, she is a manipulator and straight out lies multiple times when "directly quoting Marika's own words". The church scenes establish her as a dishonest character with ulterior motives, and reveal more about her goals/direction the more lies you weed out. It is characterization, just not in-your-face kind for average retard.

Wow user you are so smart to realize GW is from space! Thanks for telling me!

Its a joke my dear autists. I cannot change the phrasing too much while maintaining original joke. All things ranni opposed were derived from space. You complain yet have no better alternative. Using "Greater Will" or "Outer gods" would've made it even worse. This should be obvious, but I forgot I'm on 4retards.

dormammu i've come to bargain

i guess i'm just an average retard because i didn't pick up on that shit because the game hardly talks about marika and her motives at all

I tried to back up my game but fucked it up somehow (steam cloud overwrote it maybe?) and I chose the basic bitch ending first so I got stuck with that

>the jewish ending
Typical Amerifat.

It's good, but the best fromsoft ending is still DS3's firekeeper betrayal ending

I'm not saying they have to be amazing but most of the endings are just 30 seconds of your character slowly touching the statue then 30 seconds of sitting on the throne. Some of the cutscenes like the coffin ones are longer.

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I love evil endings, more games need them

>Merchants trying to destroy the world after an attempted genocide
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

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Best ending

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It's not like the lands between can go back to being normal
That ending is just putting the world out of it's misery

I just used Shabriri to save Melina

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goldmask yeah

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Yeah, lots of it is obtuse on purpose or because bad design. Its easy to miss most of the stuff if you arent paying autistic attention to everything. Like I only realized its called "Lands Between" during final hour before end, because they decided to move Farum Azula to the side instead.
[Spoiler] Its not horizontal, its vertical. Lands between two precursor civilizations: Eternal Kingdom down below and ancient Farum Azula up above. The ruins you see around Limgrave and Liurnia have "fallen from the skies" and no other building shares the same architectural style. Farum was a kingdom that has been slowly crumbling ever since. Devs even mentioned they moved it to the side to avoid 3rd layer on map and player confusion (lol). This is further evidenced by the fact that you cannot see Farum where it is currently from mainland, even though it should be clearly visible. [/spoiler]

Ahh fuck forgot 4chin is sensitive about uppercases even though it doesnt use this functionality for anything. What a reddit moment my gamers :^)

Stop reminding me

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80 hours in and been following multiple questlines and right outside the first grace to the snow place and I STILL don't understand the motives of some of the npcs that give you endings. Ranni took until her Nokstela to really give me something to work with but everyone else just kinda mutters something and then fucks off. Other than the revelation from using law of regression on the statue, Goldmask hasn't given me much and I haven't even fuckong seen Fia since she left the roundtable. I'm still fucking around in the sewers but god fucking knows what Hyetta is gonna tell me.

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The only thing that would have made this ending truly perfect, is if I got to grab that wooden blue bitch Ranni and Inescapable Frenzy her sorry ass into oblivion
Miyazaki is a fucking coward for not letting us slaughter that cunt that caused this shit show to begin with
Other than that, I love becoming the guy from Dead Cells

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Melina would become instantly my favourite Souls character is she said "FUCK YOU BALDY" to Patches

I'm pretty dissapointed there wasn't a boss fight for Ranni if you never finished her questline, she just kinda gets forgotten like Miquella

That’s torrent, he dies. You hear his death wails. That’s bonus reason why Melina gets to the point and vows to end your life. And all you fuckin deserve it for killing good boy torrent