But... its the exactly same game...???

But... its the exactly same game...???

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Very subtle making two threads within a minute about this Jewish stinker

And that's a good thing

I've played Overwatch on a nearly daily basis for years and don't want them to change it too much


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Blizzard has no more money please understand

>[Game] 2
>looks exactly the same
This has to be the worst marketing in video game history.

Is it true that there is going to be OW2 Beta drops on twitch tomorrow?

In OW1, were ANY of the new characters after initial release not diversity shoe-horns? From what I can remember there was always something either nigger or roastbeef about every new character.

But you just gonna call it a evil white mail shoe-horns anyway, so I guess that doesn't count.

Now pay up

>evil white mail shoe-horns anyway, so I guess that doesn't count
You're right. His design is 100% "old evil ceo obviously-the-criminal" trope. Tell me he's a good/neutral guy instead please.


Literally 4 of the new characters from after initial release were white

Echo and Orisa are robots

>charging money for a balance update
I fucking hate blizzard

You don't know what roastbeef refers to?

Also just for the record I'm not white by the way. But I ask because obvious forced diversity kills immersion.

gundam evolution will mog this game hard

Isn't it free though?


lolololol no one gives a single fuck about that game

it's free if you own the first game

Free speech is what Yea Forums is all about baybay, the quality of posts regardless.

>game gets a sequel
>hud gets assblasted
Every time.

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If that were true tranny mods wouldn't ban me for mocking baboons and their chimp lips

You forgot Wrecking Ball, who is a fucking hamster. That's 7 out of 11 characters, yet this is the prevailing public opinin.
Overwatch has taken on a life of its own these past few years in people's minds. The difference between the reality of what the game is and the mass delusion is starker than literally any other game I've ever seen on earth save maybe EVE Online.
>he thinks they are charging for this
You see what I mean? Madness.
How the fuck is it forced diversity when the concept has always been characters from all over the world, and the original cast wasn't even majority white or male?

Well that says a lot about you doesn't it, so why don't you fuck off back to /pol/
He is a man suffering from mental trauma and is being taking advantage of

Evil but its more of the scientists goes mad learning a fundamental truth of the universe type

>Same game
>When a lot of shield options have been removed
That alone is a huge change

>They added a literal fucking hamster before daring to add a white male

>How the fuck is it forced diversity
It's not hard. They really forced it with the new characters. Because original cast has
>not 90% niggers or woman
Doesn't take much to beat this threshold.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the white men

Why play this when Apex exists?

Hell, even FORTNITE is good now with the no build option.

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>in a game about the entire world, they want just white males, which are still the largest single demographic in the game
>they literally want forced homogeneity
Can't make this shit up.

Dumb shitposting pol-obsessed retard. I never mentioned a need for white males. Just not roastbeef or nigs.

>So this new character has a gun and
>>EW A BLACK WOMAN!??!?!??!?

Stop acting like a pampered woman that's never been outside before and talk about the actual game.

>Shields massively trimmed down
>CC massively trimmed down and nerfed for good measure
>DPS all get a flat speed boost
>2 CP maps obliterated
>New maps are not chokepoint central
I'm definitely at least checking this out. Not like it's going to cost me anything.

Because Overwatch is an overall better game, better balanced.

>But... its the exactly same game...???
No it's worse

Apex is about skill with guns and movement, Overwatch is about running to a point and pressing your ult key.

>talk about the actual game
Lol. The game's only lasting worth was the world and characters. If they weren't good no one woulda played the game. And guess what they've done: shat on the old cast, and made new cringe shit.

>only one white character at launch, he's an evil, gassing murderer
>next white character not culturally Western, has to be Australian so the SJWs aren't offended
Shitty SJW bullshit, that's why I don't play Apex. There's a thousand other games to play, I'll play one of those.

And no, user, spaniards/mexicans aren't white

Apex is about avoiding fights as much as possible until you can't

Apex's brown characters > Overwatch

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Literally obsessed

>Because Overwatch is an overall better game, better balanced.
You could've pointed out how it's current only BR/Arena style, but you just couldn't just take blizzard's tranny cock out of that mouth of yours, huh?
I don't know why I expect you cultists to not be complete tards

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Sure, after
>generic sassy black girl
>generic buff Moana dude copy
>generic sassy black girl (military edition)

If SJW shit is a no-no, why are you playing OW in the first place?

>he thinks a BR with random bullet spread is balanced
Kek, tell me another one.

Shut the fuck up retard. You know why you can't talk abo ut the game, it's because you don't fucking play it. I've made actual blogpost talking shit about this fucking game and I never bring up the characters beyond what they do.

You jump on what's new, say nothing of substance and move on to the next thing, you are actually a woman.

I'm not, I was just listing reasons not to play Apex either
But if I had to make an argument, as lease OW isn't ashamed of Whites

>Because Overwatch is an overall better game, better balanced.
Balance is literally the reason the game died in the first place. Blizzard fucking sucks at balancing.

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>He says when Sombra exists
It's a pointless comparisons anyway, different games going for different things

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Where did I even say that, you schizochimp. Also Apex guns have spray patterns, there is no RNG. It might feel like RNG if you're only experience with an AR is S76's piss easy vertical spray "pattern", though.

>better balance


Both of the canon faggots in that game are whites

Yes so imagine how bad Apex is when Overwatch has better balance
Was a launch character

Really? I checked out with OW lore long ago, that's a shame then

It honestly feels like they changed the UI just to give the illusion of a new game.

Pretty sure Reaper was also gay and he latinx

>spaniards arent white
whiter than you, mutt.

real American hours, people thinking spaniards are white again
go to sleep, amerimutt

So's Doom 2, your point being?

doom is a good game

By what metric is OW balanced? The only 100% pickrate in fagpex sneedsports is Gibby, and that's only because of his bubble shield. There's no outright best weapon or legend aside from that.

>Doom Eternal selling extremely well, normies eat that shit up

The super shotgun and new enemies were great additions to the game though. The downside is Doom II's levels don't take full advantage of them, but even then, that's not really a downside when you have nearly 30 years worth of Doom II maps to play.

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Nevermind my cynic Yea Forums brain has read "good" as "dead", this is what a Yea Forums does to you


nobody bought doom for multiplayer you fat faggot

I don’t think there was a single white male character after the initial batch. Maybe one

... so?
What's the point here, because OW is MP, only other MP games can compare?
Only MP is relevant now?
What's your point?

forced role queue erased any chance of me ever returning to this game

and by doom i obviously meant nudoom before the boomer pops a vein
take a deep breathe and drink your heart pills pops

There is a tier list for weapons and legends, then there is how the champions themselves are balanced.

Octane is the worst thing that happened to the meta, Wraith has to stay top tier because "the lore demands it", several champions lacks proper use.

So you're a self hating mudskin/nigger, literally the worst kind.

9 NINE MINUTE QUEUE, this games already doa

Did they at least make Zarya cuter?
