>game has romance
>objectively best romance option rejects you
why the fuck would they do this
>game has romance
>objectively best romance option rejects you
why the fuck would they do this
You want to fuck a floating head?
hades has romance? what
yea you can fuck zeus and cerberus. shit's pretty cash.
Imagine the oral sex...
>inb4 Everyone mad that they can't date Dusa are sexist pigs who are mad they can't rape a girl with less status than them!
I'm also mad I can't date Nyx, Alecto, Hypno, and so many other characters. I don't know what compelled the devs to make two of the most unappealing characters the only romance options. Hell, you should be able to date your sentient weapons too.
I wanted to date Alecto. I like sharp teeth
They have a history of it. Jodariel straight up goes after a rando Fat Ugly Bastard for no real reason
You have a child's view on romance just like Dusa did. That wasn't love, that was infatuation, bordering on obsession. Workplace tension despite having next to no real interaction/personal knowledge of Zagreus. But after spending some time with him finally in a relaxed social setting, she took him off the pedestal she placed Zagreus on, and grew up. That's not to say she no longer likes him or could have loved him, it's her maturing and dialing back her own rose tinted glasses autism
>You have a child's view on romance just like Dusa did
No, faggot, I wanna fuck a cute floating head with a cute voice.
Her mad bitchy attitude is actually pretty appealing too. I'm not sure if I wanted to slowly earn her respect or go hard into hate dating.
If you give enough Nectar/Ambrosia to folks, some of them have romance paths. All of them are optional, they aren't mutually exclusive at all, it's just some nice story moments.
Apparently the voice actor thought it was creepy guys wanted to fuck the medusa head
I was trying to do a character explanation thing but alright. She is cute though
God I love Nyx
Dusa is cute but her voice is fucking annoying
Giving us wincest would've been the most authentically greek thing they could've done.
I can feel that
lol fuckin normie
It's creepy girls have dozens of simps on their phone they flirt with platonically as plan b,c,d,e,f...etc. in case their main relationship doesn't work out and they can easily fall back to someone other faggot.
At least I'm simple and I just want to fuck a floating head.
She cute
I mean, the game entirely glosses over the fact that Persephone is Hades' niece and pushes several other relationships that are all biologically related if not for divinity.
Unironically the most retarded thing I've heard if true. Imagine having this shallow of a viewpoint
Not everyone is a sexless derranged Yea Forums autist like you who is reduced to being turned on by a severed snake-head
Artemis actively goes after Zag's cock
Alas, we live in a society where wanting to fuck the floating head is not normal but women playing mind games is the most normal thing ever.
This truly is Bottom Text.
Not nearly enough porn of her
I know this is bait but I don't even see what you're trying to accomplish here if I'm being honest
It's not, if youre sexually attracted to dusa you're a derranged coomer
She is fucking adorable. My love for her is pure and transcends her physical limitations. I don't want her because she is a floating head of snakes, I love her in spite of it.
Shumagorath looks weird
>Never been attracted to someone's personality and character
I think you might need to end it my man
don't you see how fucking ugly are the females in the game, they're lbgbbq niggers, no heterosexual stuff for you
>sexually attracted
Kek, I don't care about sticking my dick in the snake head, she's simply one of the only characters who's unilaterally kind and supportive.
i really do not care what the voice actor thinks. i wanna fuck the character not her, what does she need to worry about?
>write a story about the evils of classism, specifically how the upper class will go out of its way to shit on the lower class for petty reasons and how those involved can do basically nothing about it because of established power hierarchies and just have to bear with it despite themselves
>have the lower class analogue tell the world's most transparent lie to protect the upper class person she loves
>the only things people walk away from the subplot with is "tfw no head snek gf for easy head" and "wow, she's asexual just like me! What woke writing!"
Can't tell if people just avoided Nyx and Megaera through the entire arc so they never heard the waves of "fuck those lazy sliggers" coming out of their mouth, of if the writers should have had a scene of Dusa being used as a kickball by the Rich Old Bitches so people wouldn't fill in blanks the writers already filled in
You don't?
>Hades made sure that the news of Persephone's return never made it out of the underworld
I think it's a fair assessment to make: that Hades is very strong as the ruler of the underworld
With how Hades treats his employees, I sincerely doubt he'd just watch if someone mistreated Dusa
So the only person who could oppose Dusa would be Chaos, Nyx, Demeter, Zeus and Poseidon
I highly doubt anyone would else would try to start shit unless they want to be bound in Tartarus
I also doubt that Dusa was lying to push Zag away. I really do think the author's intent here was to just have Dusa remain a platonic friend
>Guys need to learn to love women for their personalities and not their looks
>no not like that
>No tits
>No ass
>Objectively best romance option
lol, even lmao.
You forgot the part where her last few hearts cost 1/2/3/4 ambrosia while the other fuckables always cost 1. Unironically scammed by the snussy.
Is her Friendzoning Zag completely bullshit or what? The whole game she shits herself with hearts about him So when I want to throw her some booze so Zag can get the best blowie ever she declines?! wtf
she's got a mouth
she's got snakes
do you really need more?
>no feet
Has anybody beaten the game on a fresh save? I'm tempted to give it a try tonight.
I think I chock up a lot of my early deaths to just learning how to play the game correctly, but I think getting all of those upgrades I unlocked played a big part to me beating Hades over and over and getting the ending.
Excellent bait, however.
You forget that all the other dateables have even less interaction, with maybe Megaera having some, but it's all implied so it's completely irrelevant to the player.
Literally all you had to say was that dusa doesn't want to have sex because she knows what happened the last time she had sex with a god (willing or otherwise)
This is correct because the only other romance options are the worst characters in the game
>fag who has no personality except uwu zagreus but we're both boys (as if that's weird in ancient Greece)
>bitch with no personality except that she hates you until you pay her and she pegs your ass
Literally any other character would have been a better choice. Except maybe Orpheus because that would have to involve Eurydice and she's the awful yass queen slay stereotype. I'd rather fuck the cook.
Yes, some people speedrun that. It's kind of like playing with no keepsake and maxed out routine inspection, but you also can't get troves, fountains or daedalus hammers. It's not all bad though since you can't get wretched sneak and probably some other harder encounters on your first run.
shame the gameplay is mediocre
got bored after "beating" it 3 times
>beat a game three times
>"oh no its boring now"
the absolute state of vidya
Yes that is definitely the reason it's boring
Not that gameplay was repetitive and uninteresting
Now your thing more valid because man who no like thing wrong.
Caveman tier retard logic.
>nonono dude you have to beat it FIFTY times for the super ultra version of the boss
>only then can you be bored by it
Probably because she is just a head and the idea of you using her mouth as a pussy is too disgusting for them? I dunno.
Even as someone who autismo-completed Hades, the gameplay got extremely boring and shallow really early on. 6 weapons with 2-3 normal attacks each that synergize with boons in specific ways (slow hard hits go with ares, aphrodite, or poseidon, fast light multi-hits go with artemis, dionisius, zeus, or frosty bitch. Put athena on your dash if you can, repeat) just isn't enough to keep me interested. There were like two awakened versions of each weapon that were fun to use. In any case, most of the ways the game can mix up the core gameplay are purely passive and easy to adapt to after only a handful of runs.
No nigger
the fact that you expect a game to keep being fresh after you dicked it to completion three times
I beat games once and never look back, the way god intended.
>>nonono dude you have to beat it FIFTY times for the super ultra version of the boss
>>only then can you be bored by it
Sounds like Nier Automata and its dicksucker fanboys
bro you are underestimating how much people can ignore if the character is actually good. i am surrounded by evil cunts so a genuinely nice character in a game is a breath of fresh air.
this is literally true. if you didn't like the first playthrough then there's no point in doing the rest though. stop being dumb.
How about the "real experience" starting the moment you begin your first playthrough? Is that so much to ask?
sure you have plenty of options for that. sometimes it's nice to have a more deep experience, but it's not for everyone.
also by the "real experience" people literally just mean reaching the true ending. the first playthrough is still the most fun imo, but the subsequent playthroughs are different enough mechanically and add interesting story beats that justify their existence. right now you are complaining because the game is too long, not because you have to keep replaying it.
>validate my opinion
You didn't like the game from the word go and you're looking to argue with people who do like the game over subjectivity because you don't like that the game's "popular", we get it
Video games are an over-saturated market, there's no need to get tribal over Thing Other People Like when there is thousands upon thousands of things you can try yourself