You ARE still enjoying PSO: NG right user?

You ARE still enjoying PSO: NG right user?

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cute girl

Haven't logged in for weeks.

what game?

No, never touched it, should i?

Give me reasons to

if that user who posted this can you tell me you setup so I can replicate

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I thought about trying it out but then saw the western version is censored


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>says the tranny faggot XIV'er

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I log in for 5 minutes a day to do dailies, and then about an hour before maintenance to talk with my team before the servers go down. I also do about an hour of cm3 a week with them, but that's in pso2
no. I kind of hate new genesis right now

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That's implying there was something about it to enjoy in the first place.

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thumbnail looks like futa

>tranny faggot
I would appreciate if any trannies and/or faggots in the thread could help me parse what this is supposed to mean

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No, uninstalled when I got blue screen because sega can't program for shit
I'll probably check back in a year or two, or perhaps when there's some big changes going on

No, I just do dailies for the slim chance the game will be good in a year or two.
Sega released this shit too early. You can't fall back on any kind of community either. Global's playerbase is cannibalizing itself and will destroy its server before Sega can. JP is a wasteland now that many of them have given up and hope for rapid end of service.

>I'll probably check back in a year or two
At the pace they’re going I wouldn’t come back until 2025 at the earliest. Maybe by then it’ll be a competent game

It's not worth it user
Wait for New Genesis to get good (will take years) or for people to make a PSO2 private server.

Honestly, NGS will shut down before we see a base PSO2 private server.

>No, I just do dailies for the slim chance the game will be good in a year or two.
doing dailies will never get as much dosh as market scalping

I think it's too early to say that for sure. I'm sure that the whales will make sega want to keep the game up

>still on the 3 week content drought until the next update
>pyramid update was a flop, not even the SEGA apologists are saying the update is good
stop making these threads

trinitas is fine, but it's not content, just show how lazy sega is, they didn't even bother to make new maps

That requires me to do more than the absolute minimum, user. I'm not opening up my wallet and I'm not grinding.

>make 'open world game'
>have a max of 32 people per outdoor zone
>only make content for 4-8 players at a time
>cant even make it decent content at that and is just regurgitated content from earlier
oh sega

Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna check it anytime soon

if most content required 32 people nobody would do it, finding an alliance with more than 5 active people is already almost impossible

There's your problem thinking like that. You shouldn't need that many for anything, but if you do, you should be able to do content with them. You can't even take a picture with more than 32 people nor can the game load more than that. If that's not a hinderance to a gaming experience, I don't know what is.

i have 300,000,000 meseta and i mog every one of you ugly retards appearance wise too lol get fucked

post feet then faggot, I bet you won't

can you please stop bogging ninja dash, thank you

yeah i won't, because ugly retards like YOU dont deserve to see that.
stop being poor

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FFXIV has better looking models

better mods*

I agree.

Matoi is my wife

pso2 players are braindead coomers with zero taste so no i have not been playing the game
cast supremacy as always

I can look just as cute if not cuter in ffxiv so no.

Post an FFXIV character that looks objectively cuter. You can't. XIV faces are fucking trash.


How do i reach 1415 before Valtan? my friends are ahead of me and i feel bricked.

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How do you even create a character that doesn't look like an alien

Nope, I'll probably wait until they finish their shitty open world and actually start putting resources into implementing the missing stuff from PSO2.

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>actually start putting resources

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Yeah. It's a strange place.

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your massive head is a strange place

will they ever add quarters to NGS? or casino? or literally anything fun

where would they put them? ngs hubs are tiny.

expect almost all base pso2 content to come back into NGS as 'new content', some of it will be behind the monthly sub paywall though, so expect more of that.

They had to be told to add content to the game. I think it's more likely that they'll shut it down before they come up with something worth playing for.

isn't phantasy star censored to hell?

It's where I keep my cope for this game's lifespan.

worry about your mother's lifespan instead you fucking drunk

Censored how?

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Is it good or just coombait? I got everything to 60 in the FT of FF14 and am kinda burned out so Im looking for a new time sink.

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What kind of slider settings do I need to have a juicy ass?

Worry about deez nuts

Everything good about NGS is wasted on the incredibly small amount of repetitive grindy content it has.

No, I'm not one of the remaining 10 coomers still playing* this game

*Dressing up the female character they wish their HRT would transform them into (but won't, because they'll never be a woman)

max waist

why? did you feel another lump?

*feels your lumps* ;o

this is why you went on sabbatical last time

I love you too.

I just want to play so I can make a rori.

How long will I last beyond char creation?

it is 100% just coombait

you won't even make it past character creation since global censored min height

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Thank you. Its free apparently so I might give it a try. I really like PS2 and the Gamecube one so hopefully this is acceptable, at the very least

Some user said its only 10cm difference though, 140cm vs 150cm

I had played JP PSO2 since beta and started over when it launched in NA, was one of my favorite games. But New Genesis was so fucking shitty that I uninstalled the game and haven't touched it in months. Sega is incompetent.