Is it possible to become a pro player from an average player if you treat a video game like a job, and constantly practice/study the game?
Can you become a pro gamer with Hard Work Meme or is it a talent?
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LTG seems like such a nice person IRL, I can't believe people hate him solely off internet antics.
Its genetics
Reaction time is the biggest hurdle and its impossible to train it
pro gaymers are all on adderall or some other stimulant
every single one
he's not
he's a typical woke black that thinks he's superior because he's not slinging ebonics every other word.
ltg seems like he'd be way more cooler if he was nice instead of an asshole
>literally everyone in the FGC is a perverted creep
>LTG Is the villian cause he called broly legs krang years ago and said Ceroblast needs to cut his dick off already if he wants to be considered a real woman
>gropes his ass
If you don't get below 120ms on your first try of this then you will never make it
unironic talent, I'm literally one of the best 100 assholes on SF5 and I've been playing only for 2 months.
Some of my friends struggle and practice and they don't even scratch the 1000.
Hey guys unrelated, I've been battling with depression for years now. Any advice you guys can give me?
stop bein a bitch, its just life. Allow the worst thing happen to you, and not let it consume you.
Unironically do heroine
become ltg
>even a troon mogs you
dalesexual keks...
get angry as fuck, recall every shit moment you had on your life and use that to fuel your anger and energy.
wickedly evil headache
He liked it
get off the internet
stop salad dodging
>hard work
Come on now, you need to aim higher in life than this.
I find it hard to believe a 40 year old man like Daigo still has good reaction time and he's still doing pretty well.
seek christ and lift weights
seek professional help and take what they prescribe you
Goddammit, threw the most easiest joke and all of you retards missed
Gaming is pure skill and skill is nothing but repetitive practice. Some people no doubt catch on faster but look at every pro, they practice constantly. It's not like they don't practice for 3 months then go sweep competitions, so you know it isn't "talent". You're probably real young so I suggest you ignore the demoralization bullshit and just start getting what you want to get into right now instead of wasting time. Practice whenever you can and enjoy the ascent up in your own skill, it's fun.
reddit meme
take your stress and anger out on either a martial art of your choice or homeless "people"
Goku is like the worst example to try and tell someone you just need to “work hard”. Vegeta and Tien train way harder than Goku does but Goku is still the best because he just is, okay???!?
You have to be 18 to post here, Caleb.
>putting that much work into a video game and not into your job/business
retard take
How do you not get demoralized when you play online, and there's people who don't play as much as you but are able to dominate you simply off gaming talent?
Well first you need to finish puberty, finish high school, get into the real world and stop dreaming of a life you’ll never have, kiddo.
He believes jews are the most superior race and that blacks are worthless. He forces them to pay him more money to play games with him as a "coon tax". He also pisses in a bottle and takes a shower every time he takes a shit because he thinks its hygienic. Also his girlfriend left him for a wealthier black man.
I played competetive fighting games for a long time. I was decent (top 10 in my state, a pretty competetive state too) and I played with a lot of people who put in way more work than me but were always worse and people who put in way less work and were much better than me.
Practice is important but the final redpill is realizing that you only have so much time to practice, only so much focus with which to maximize that time. Raw natural talent allows you to learn a game faster, to pick up concepts and become more proficient in LESS time. So it isn't that talent automatically makes you good, but that given the same amount of time, the more naturally gifted player will get significantly better than the less talemted player. And there isn't a damn thing you can do to change the except pop some addy which everyone already does so it wont make a difference anyways
No, the joke is just so unfunny that nobody wants to say it.
Sorry I insulted your favourite Gary Stu character
Goku is able to push past Vegeta and Tien because he has masters that teach him new abilities. Tien and Vegeta use techniques they make themselves but Goku is the only one who goes out and finds other masters to learn from. When vegeta started to do the same he actually started to get stronger and become relevant again.
I mean the guy you posted isn't even a pro gamer. He's just some youtube style Yea Forums celeb who is famous for being a shitter and acting stupid.
Wouldn't say he's a "typical woke black" when he straight up shit talks black people for being worthless hoodrats. He might be one of those "Superior BBC" coping faggots, but to his credit, he does at least claim to hold other 'groids accountable for their bullshit.
>guy is bad at fighting games
>just acts like a child and starts shit so people will pay attention to him, like an omega attention whore
A mystery for the ages
>He believes jews are the most superior race and that blacks are worthless.
I mean is he wrong lol and most of his hatred for blacks stems from being bullied as a kid which is kinda sad.
I stole LTG's license plate
>And then not even making it, despite all the time and effort you put into it. So now you're just a guy who's good at one or two games and has 0 marketable skills.
yes. work harder for Mr. Shekelstein, he needs another yacht for his daughter to fuck black men in
Russian oligarchs are my favorite jews!!!
Tenshinhan never trained harder than Goku.
You mean Son Goku?
How am I supposed to know that those people haven't just put in more hours and smart practice? There probably is a level of natural talent to it since we aren't all equal in terms of cognition though. Still, hard work and dedication can take you far in this life.
Are there other Gokus in dragon ball that i don't know of?
Black DSP? I heard from Joon the King that his career is dead. Is that true?
Yeah, Goku Black
I know this is a dumb LTG thread, but I had a legitimate discussion about this with my mom a while ago. She argued that you need some kind of innate talent to reach pro level at almost anything. I argued that it was bs and that with enough hard work anyone could cultivate the level of mastery needed to become a professional at most things, barring those where there are physical limitations factored in like some sports. She said that if a person reached a high enough level to be considered a professional at something that they had the talent for it all along even if they claimed it was a struggle to attain that level of mastery. It kind of stumped me and I'm thinking maybe she was right because some people just don't progress at shit like vidya, instruments, intellectual pursuits, etc even when they're doing everything right and putting in the same amount of hours trying to hone themselves.
Reaction time isn't the be all end all for fighting game skill. There's a lot more that goes into it.
throwing haudokens is a great way to start learning combos, it uses a quarter circle forward motion and the followup would be any of the three punches, light, med, heavy. I suggest you start up training mode and just rinse and repeat until you feel comfortable to learn a actual combo
yes it's possible, but what they don't tell you is you are ruining yourself by doing that. you have to play only one game, day in and day out, constantly, to try and be among the best players in the world. you miss out on experiencing so many other games because you can't afford to spend much time playing other games, your skills dwindling in your primary game you play professionally will affect your income. It's a miserable existence, just ask dota 2 pros with over 100k hours
>everyone in the FGC is a perverted creep
so is ltg and aint nothing wrong w/that
she might be right, i have a friend who went to school for 4 years to be a game dev and has now worked in the industry for 3 years, he mostly does level design, lighting, and texture work. the things he shows me today look about the same as what he was making when he was in school. almost no progress in 7 years.