holy fuck, why
This shits harder than Dark Souls
because dark souls is baby-tier pattern recognition shit while rain world forces you to adapt to different situations on the fly
Why cant more games have ai like this game
Dark Souls is easy as shit kill yourself you fucking normalfag nigger
Dark Souls literally destroyed a generation of action games because every single game was trying to dumb it down to the souls shitty ARPG formula with shitty enemy placements
This game was crazy hard when it first came out. The camouflage lizards were pin point accurate and a whole lot of them blocked your expected path with zero spears to be found.
Learning to compromise, go another way, or find food and wait a cycle was key for me. Becoming a god of juking and fighting by mastering the obscure features of the movement was way more than I was willing to do, but kudos to anyone who put in that kind of effort.
I got filtered, made it too the giant water area, died 5 times then quit
The drainage system or the shore? Drainage system is hell and avoidable but the shore is pretty easy.
also checked
Giant water area sounds like shoreline. And I don't think shoreline is all that easy. I get really confused at all of the one-way pipes.
There's plentiful food and it's easy to move around quickly by grabbing one of the jet squids
The area right after shore to be more specific, there was just a massive amount of enemy's it seemed and little food
you just added another year to the release date by asking
I hate how this game seems to be garnering a following among furries. I unironically wish death upon all furries.
Imagine how Pathologic enjoyers feel.
if leaker user is legit
get a complete save ready if you want the new slugcats
>has 3 new tracks that will play in the mod, respectively, Obverse of the Old Wind, Orange Lizard, and Flux
>OST for Looks To The Moon's leg in the past when it wasn't collapsed, I like this one
I mean is it just people fawning over Bachelor? At least hes human. And Patho is one of those games I wouldn't be surprised if a decent amount of women play, especially women of the Slavic variety.
i'm pretty good at the game as survivor and i don't understand at all how to excel as hunter, it's just insane. it took every ounce of skill i have just to get to the echo in sky islands and then i just lost everything immediately
>Sulgcat's troubles are now over
>Resurrects the next cycle
Dark Souls is by far the easiest eldensoulsbornekiro game but also the best
What part of it is giving you problems? I might be able to give you some pointers I have over 300 hours played and a lot of it is hunter.
it's not any one thing really. i'm not even bad at the combat either, it just gets to be too much. sometimes i would get up to sky islands and there's just an absurd number of lizards and dropwigs. if i get past that, there might be really bad scavenger luck. if i get past that, now there's suddenly none of those creatures that help you space jump. if i manage to find one of those, it doesn't matter because there's like an S-tier lizard at the next exit. i would have put up with it regardless if not for the way hunter inherently works, where if you fail too many times in a row you may as well just reset your run
i even tried going through the regular starting zone instead and that was just as insane if not more
>tfw The Leg on Hunter mode
Who thought that this was a good idea?
It requires procedural animations and this is that's far too hard for shitty devs to bolt onto stock Unreal Engine
The rain world dev basically had to code everything from scratch
>that green eyed scav pointing and running in fear
it's the little things man, what a great game
I think I’m at the end of The Leg. I ran into a predatory earwig for the first time, and I can either climb above the rain onto some antenna or go through a karma gate. Am I getting close to the end?
I notice new things every time I watch that webm
>the brown scav running away at the end has his eyes widen in surprise in time with the explosions
RW's difficulty is overrated
It's probably just as hard as your first souls game
La-Mulana on the other hand...
You can make it across all of the sky island jumps with the magic shrooms. They extend your jump just enough to cross those gaps. You can also make them using tricky movement tech. Basically you need to slide into a jump and then at the apex of the jump throw a rock/stick. I can't do it reliably though, i usually rely on shrooms for that area 90% of the time. Also try to grab two for the trip in case of emergency, the time slow down also helps a lot against the cyan lizard room. Also try to carry an extra pearl with you in case you run into scavs in general. There aren't any tolls on the sky islands route so you don't need them for anything other than scav protection and boosting your rep with them so you don't have to worry about them as much.
Also don't underestimate your killing abilities now that you can carry two spears. For Hunter, you need to become a chad in order to win. You need a different mindset than when you first played survivor. When a king vulture comes on by, and they will, don't run. Fucking kill that shit. Don't be a bitch, its going to take you multiple tries to beat hunter mode anyways, might as well ruin some runs getting better at the game. The reward for gitting gud at killing vultures is priceless. If you hit their head just right you can knock off their mask. When worn by the player they scare off all lizards, King Vulture masks will scare off all lizards besides the blind ones. Of course everything else like centipedes, spiders, and vultures will still be after you but lizards become a non-issue for the whole game if you can keep a mask.
i appreciate the effort, but these were just a handful of random examples to kind of demonstrate how hunter wore me down, i haven't even touched the game in months. i watched some footage on youtube and if i had to guess my biggest problem is probably that i never truly developed advanced movement and efficient combat, just "pretty good." i got through all of survivor reliably without ever doing rollouts or powerslides but it seems like the edge really helps you in hunter, especially when you have to make some gaps that you "shouldn't" be able to
i started developing a more aggressive mindset when i was still in survivor and most enemies don't scare me, though the cyber lizards i basically just wrote off as being something i never could kill. i've watched other players kill them and i don't even get it, they seem way stupider/slower when it's other players fighting them. and then with vultures i've pincushioned the fuck out of them and they just never die. but i'll keep all of this in mind, i'll probably pick it back up at some point
The more you ask, the further back the release date gets pushed.
I wish we could have a horror game as expansive and with AI as great as Rain World. Alas, it is not to be.
Consider the fact scavs have had to evolve to have perfect hearing and understandings of their surroundings, that DLL must have been fucking silent as a corpse as it grabed the first scav and devoured it. The only reason the others didn't was because blue eyes pointed and exclaimed "WHAT THE FUCK" effectively.
Wow the shill faggots are back
why do you sound like such a little bitch
It looked like the one immediately next to the one who got grabbed and sentenced to the rape dimension DID notice something wrong, but didn't see the DLL itself until blue eyes pointed it out. The one behind the barrel was also cowering.
Why do you sounds like a little castrated kid?
Fuck off not buying this garbage
He is, this was confirmed in the official Downpour Q&A on Steam
kys shill
>1 rain world thread in a sea of Elden Ring/Overwatch/Gachashit/Sonic/Coomer threads
>must be those darn shills
Yea Forums is filled with the most ferociously mentally ill faggots on the internet
Because Dark Souls isn't a very difficult game?
>Game is fun
It's literally trash, you just want to sell your free mod as a dlc for a "game" that barely work, fuck off shill burn in hell you and your discord tranny's
i feel like rain world was sort of made with older millennials in mind, i get the same sort of vibe as myself with people who really dig this game. Z seems to rage at it or at least misunderstand it. i figure maybe it’s because they didn’t have another world/abes odyssee or games that are super movement focused, even non cinematic platformers like mario 64. people say that even the base modes are harder than anything they’ve played but i don’t see it, and i’m not that good at games relatively speaking
Zoomers think that everyone is using a guide to play videogames, so they seethe at any game that feels like it could be easy if they just followed a walkthrough
They lack problem solving skills so they think its impossible to figure things on your own, they unironically like Elden Ring and shit like that because everyone just goes ahead on the internet and says "yeah, you should have used the guide anyway"
So is made with outdated game design in mind?
Sounds like cope for a shit game, delusional tranny
You're so funny kek
No that's still reddit. They stick things into their dicks over there.
here’s your reply. you lap that right up little doggie
Tanks for the (you) but sadly that won't make your dick regrow
Genuinely the best videogame OST of all time