Tonight, V - we take a detailed look as to why FF7 Remake failed and why there is no point to get excited to any future releases for this franchise. But seriously, just want went wrong?
FF7 REeeee make FLop
It was alright. Not GOTY or anything but it was.. something.
If it wasn't marketed as a remake then I wouldn't complain. It should've been called FF7 Reunion instead.
Nomura retarded fanfiction game.
One of the most disappointing games ever
I love this game. Intergrade is even better. Never played the original FF VII. I’m posting from my phone.
The first rule of remakes is to go in never expecting its going to compare to the original its based on. If anything popular media has taught is that nearly all productions ruin the IP
well you know the game was in dire straights when a few years ago on Yea Forums they wouldn't stop making threads of the girls and defending the game with oh how sexy tifa was.
Then we had that stupid senate meme that got pushed out of proportion. They managed to pay Hana Bunny to pin a cosplay tweet. Now that's desperation.
that's the only way to like this game is to go in without playing the original. but its too expensive for PC for such a sup par product.
> Hana Bunny
sorry wat?
To summarize you fucking Fox news troll: it wasn't a remake, it was a retcon.
^ this desu