Post your vidya opinions that will make vee act like this.
Post your vidya opinions that will make vee act like this
Dark Souls 2 is the worst Souls game.
MOBAs are fun and ASSFAGGOTS isn't a clever name for them. It's an obvious backronym that barely works.
I've never liked platformers of any kind, I think they're boring.
ESPECIALLY collectathons, they're the epitome of time-wasting garbage.
MGS2 is the best MGS game
I worked my nym into your mom’s back.
melee attacks in 3rd person action games should always be mapped to the face buttons
>last of us 1 is great
>Half Life 2>1 though both are fantastic games
>portal 1>2
>Fear 2>1
>dmc3 is the only great game in the series, DmC is olay
>every God of War besides Ascension is at the very least an 8/10
>fighting games are boring
>cheating in online games is fun
>every save system besides 'save whenever you want' is objectively shit.
>all Sonic games are shit, 0 exceptions
>Witcher 3>botw>spider man 2018>horizon zero dawn>shit>red dead redemption 2
>resident evil 4 was the first good game in the series. The remake of 2 is so much better than the original, it's laughable
>Detroit Become Human is a solid 7.5/10
>battlefront 2 2017 is fine despite its shitty release
>mgs 1-3 have awful controls that make combat torturous
I think the Switch is a good console with good games.
Wii was better than GameCube. Even without GCN backwards compatibility.
all cutscenes should be unskippable the first time around
rockstar games are incredibly shit and devoid of any fun whatsoever
I’m not a Nazi
I don’t hate non whites
I don’t hate women
I don’t hate trannies
Persona 5 Royal is the best SMT game
Nah, no one cares if you say that.
The controversial opinion is saying it's the best one, that always hits bump limit
Skyward Sword is my favorite Zelda game.
fighting evolution has the best iteration of jedah
same bro, I just like vidya and talking about it
I legitimately have no problems with either Jewish or black people.
I'm a newfag, why IS it called ASSFAGGOTS anyways?
Gaming is inherently Satanic. All of actions under the Orthodox Christian perspective much be in appraisal for god and the construction of his temple. When one builds and assumes a video game, it is a form of escapism. In this act they are playing god, as they create a world and interact with it as a form of self-indulgence. It is a subtle way of assuming we are as gods, and is an affront to God's Plan. Video games and subversion have had a long-linked history, and it is no wonder that the main form of entertainment in video games today is violence.
Same except I still hate trannies
Halo Reach has the best halo campaign and multiplayer.
Saying anything positive about an upcoming game.
You had literally one job and that was to keep this about video games. You faggots don't belong here.
Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides
This but it’s a good thing
Fighting games are fucking boring and they barely have anything good in the singleplayer aspect except Soul Caliber 2. Fighting games are fucking trash, every single one of them. The girls and guys may look hot and cool but that doesn't fix the boring aspect of it.
>I think PSO2 New Genesis is a really fun MMO
I only hate them because they’re dying video games. I’d gladly let them mutilate children and destroy society as long as they leave video games alone.
>Fear 2 > 1
Fucking what mate. Everything else I disagree with but I can get how you have that opinion but fucking what my man.
As for my opinions:
Devil may Cry 1 is the best one, two was okay. Not as good but not a sin.
Onimusha was a more enjoyable resident evil than resident evil.
Battle tech ( the game not the series on the whole) was trash I regret kick-starting
Gamergate did nothing wrong
>battlefront 2 2017 is fine despite its shitty release
bait and kill yourself you double herbivore knuckle dragging fagulux nigger.
Based Skyward fan!
Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece.
I think OW is a fun game.
I do not care for TF2
Dark souls seems like a meme series
I hope Melee keeps going for another 10 years at least.
It's not okay when Nintendo does it.
There needs to be more furry games
Xenoblade fanbase got ruined by hentai addicts.
Battlefield 2042 while a buggy mess at launch was a good game, the player base is just unironically retarded and the developers did need to do better at communicating positive teamwork feedback they learned from battlefield v
Is that even a debate? The only other contenders for that role is P1 and P3
FF7 is fucking boring, FF10 and 10-2 are the best FF titles
Outer Wilds is a derivative tranny simulation game.
Dragon's Dogma is a terrible piece of shit with zero redeeming qualities and the magic system is sub WoW tier.
>There needs to be more furry games
god bless the furries
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the greatest JRPGs ever made
The definition of RPG is way too broad and has been for MANY generations. In its current state Grand Theft Auto is an RPG.
Switch isn't 9th gen
Not even an opinion, just facts
Puyo Puyo >>>>>>>> Tetris
I'll make a thread about it and see how many replies it gets
Pokemon games are pure garbage
Ocarina of time wasn't that good
Metriod games sucks ass
Souls games aren’t actually skill, they are only pattern memorization puzzles. If souls combat was actually designed around rewarding rapid and logical thinking and timing in the fray, then iframes, rolling into horizontal attacks, still taking ground aoe damage while in the air, and enemies autofacing while still in their animations would not be a thing
mario 3 was shit
there is a god
Cleavage censorship doesn't matter if the game is as fun as it was 30 years ago. Hell, the original game didn't even have tits to begin with, so I don't see an issue.
I like video games
I don't know if this makes Yea Forums pissed but I remember this made /vg/ upset when I tried to say it and ask why. I don't feel Aubrey from Omori was not justified for the horrible things she did and being a dick and didn't just hide her pain like a functional person in society is supposed to? I mean, she makes it seem like losing her best friend was more painful than that friend's brother's grief. And also, she feels forgiven way to easily. I played the game late so pretty much the only people there were mainly horny anons so I didn't really get much of an answer of why she was forgiven so easily.
You aren't original for disliking popular things or things people on this board have an appreciation for. You only do it because you lack a genuine personality and parrot the supposed meme of Yea Forums disliking things and being contrarian for the sake of it. You aren't cancer, cancer is at least alive. You are an endless void, draining anything remotely pleasant or sane from this Earth you steal oxygen from.
I play video games that I find fun and enjoy my time
Overwatch is easily the best multiplayer FPS ever made
just making up words?
it's not an SMT game and it's not the best Persona game
it isn't far off, though.
I agree with this, but can't find the right words to express it.
Honestly, I am only here because I wanted to ask a question to get an understanding of why my belief is so controversial as I seen, which I did in another post.
Dark Souls 2 is good and Yea Forums gets filtered on how good it is.
Reddit is better. If you think they're too kumbaya sort by controversial.
saying a game is bad for having non-whites is just as retarded as saying a game is bad for having sexual themes and outfits. Also anons show time and time again they don't want historical accuracy in most historical games, they just want to bitch about blacks and trannies.
Boomer shooters are dead
Nah it's so shit it makes P5 look better.
the only SMT games are the mainline titles
Persona's part of megami tensei but not an SMT game
Metroid Fusion is an excellent game, and shows that Metroid doesn't need to be non-linear to be fun. The navigation rooms are a non-issue. The transformed SA-X is a cool boss.
monster hunter is shit
mass effect andromeda is far superior than the trilogy, especially in the combat department.
DMC2 is better than 1, 3 and 5.
Homeworld sucks and has a terrible story. People act like Kharak getting nuked is some big emotional event when it's functionally no different from the starter town in a JRPG burning but they get sucked in by some music made decades ago and think it's a profound loss.
I've played Dark Souls, and to be honest I think the game is nothing but a pile of shit. It looks like trash, plays like trash, and even when trying to make the game interesting by making the bosses harder was a way to get around having an awful lore to it. Elden Ring seems to be the same way, and some how is more of a cluster fuck than the Resident Evil series.
you're right though.
The only good Zelda games are ALttP and BotW. The franchise is largely shit.
If a game is not made by any of these men, it's shit.
elden ring is ass, for normies, and melania is a troon built like a jewish woman
The first Bioshock was a fantastic game.
Backronym, a phrase for when an Acronym was clearly designed to resemble a word before the actual definition was made. Basically some faggot tried to figure out how to make ASSFAGGOTS an acronym which is why we have dumb shit at the end like "Going on Two Sides". It's not clever. It's trying too hard.
I only know Kojimbo here and he's shit that means everyone on this pic is shit
Update: it has 0 replies so far
If you like Itagaki but hate Kojima, you're a faggot.
People disagree with this?
I don't care about George R Bootyhole, it just looks like a video game with his stupid shit in it. It doesn't even sound creative, rape, incest, scat play, the usual with him.
I'll do you one better. The more linear games in general make for better games than non-linear. It's just takes more skill not to go too linear than it is to go "too open"
This site's existed too long. To the point that "You're only parroting things and being contrarian to pretend you're smarter than everyone else" is something people parrot to be contrarian and pretend they're smarter than everyone else.
The Last of Us 2 had one of the most interesting story designs in the modern world of gaming. Lots of games have a Hero and Dark story but to play the "Hero" story before unknowingly swapping to the "Dark" story only to find out the Hero story wasn't the Hero story is mindblowing.
>Anything but shit games
If you pirate games you should become an hero
The Great Ace Attorney is better when you just look at the 2nd game.
Please do not put lump in Ueda and Kamitani with these flagrant homosexuals.
Splatoon is the most soulful and well designed team based shooter to come out for a while
Kojima is the world's greatest idea guy. Even from the start his coworkers knew he was shit at creating games. He somehow stumbled himself into a position where all his idiot ideas are brought to life by people far more talented than him. All he has to do is show up to work with stupid, pointlessly complex ideas he stole from his favorite movies and a team of slave labor programmers and artists bring it to life for him.
I envy him. But I would kill myself if I were him.
>this gathering is becoming hysterical
And the whole hugging thing, memes aside, is fucking stupid.
I still have no idea who the fuck are they and no one seems to know to tell me who and what the fuck are they so fuck you
>say N word
>get banned
why can't you be nice
Xbox 360 tier game design
>hey let's put in this zany useless thing to sell copies!
Hugging Bedwoman and Jar People piss me off so fucking much.
Xenoblade 2 is the best xeno game ever
Better than III
>Fighting games that rely entirely on combos instead of positioning and smart special moves usage is objectively shit made for ADHD negros
>Halo CE-3 is objectively a good FPS franchise on par with the first 2 Dooms
>Battle royales are ok, not the worst thing ever nor the best thing ever
>It's more annoying to play on PC than in Consoles
>Dragon's Dogma is a good game you just got filtered
Sprinting is a necessity in Halo and I'm tired of pretending it's not.