ITT: Devs who made bad business decisions
>Danny B owns all the original meat boy music on 360/PC because Edmund is a dumbass
ITT: Devs who made bad business decisions
>Danny B owns all the original meat boy music on 360/PC because Edmund is a dumbass
Other urls found in this thread:
>Let Square own all the music and OCs in Mario RPG
>If they re-release Superstar Saga GBA on switch NSO they have to pay for a microscopic Geno cameo again
One of the worst deals ever conceived on nintendo's behalf
>Enter a contract with Sony to launch Senran 7even exclusively on Playstation first because what could possibly go wrong?
>Sony instates a ruthless censorship policy that targets games exactly like Senran
>Senran Kagura 7even can never be released now without neutering it for Playstation
>The director leaves Marvelous citing this frustration (and then makes another PS exclusive like a retard)
>7even is never officially cancelled but we all know it is
Nothing new for Nintendo really
>They traded Banjo for the DK64 OCs
>Most of them are either never used or only seen one more time after DK64
>original meat boy music
>on 360/PC
you do realize that it was a flash game, yes?
>>They traded Banjo for the DK64 OCs
They never owned banjo
Glad his other game flopped too. Retard deserves to fail.
Not a big fan of reading are you.
According to a report, Gearbox had been moving people and resources off Colonial Marines onto Borderlands and Duke Nukem Forever while still collecting full payments from Sega as if they were working on the game.[77] When Sega discovered this misconduct, they temporarily canceled Colonial Marines, leading to the round of layoffs at Gearbox in late 2008.[76] Gearbox outsourced a significant portion of development to other developers to compensate for their mismanagement.[78] While Sega initially denied such outsourcing,[22] sources claimed otherwise, suggesting that the game was rushed through redesigns, certification and shipping, despite being largely unfinished.[78] The game drew additional controversy when sequences from press demos were compared to the same sequences in the final game, revealing that the finished game is significantly lower in graphical quality
No dumbass, the OP means Danny B owns all the songs on 360/PC because when it was ported to future platforms like PS4/Switch they couldnt use Danny's music cause Danny wanted a higher pay cut for any future ports
Nintendo traded Banjo, Killer Instinct, etc to keep all the DKC content
This is not up for debate its old as fuck news
>its old as fuck news
It's also as wrong as pokemon GS being the last games.
Marvel has to pay up anytime they wanna use Shuma Gorath cause hes from the Conan The Barbarian mythos
Probably also why its not technically Shuma in the new Dr Strange movie its some other dude
The only source for this is a ganefaqs post from two years ago.
I don't think they have to do that any more by virtue of Disney buying fox.
I mean good riddance that its never coming back but its funny how the rights ran out so quick they couldnt even reuse it for Chain of Memories
That explains a lot, actually.
The Sonic 3 MJ situation is already ridiculous but reminder that Sega doesnt even own Green Hill's music, the first zone in the series. Its like if Koji Kondo had the rights to 1-1 in Mario Bros.
Kull the Conqueror, not Conan but that's splitting hairs since they both belong to a company called Heroic Signatures.
According to them Marvel never contacted them for the Strange movie.
I thought they reached a mutual ownership agreement back in 2011?
Its still a terrible deal on sega's behalf that anytime they use Nakamura's music he gets paid when the dude is a freelance composer. Like yeah good for him but sega got a bad deal.
They also don't own the title screen music, the round clear music and several other songs like Sky Chase Zone (which was based off a real song). As usual Sega didn't think ahead on whether they would have a disagreement/falling out with Dreams Come True so it came back to bite them later.
The problems already arose in the Genesis era since they had to tell SoA to remove the Sonic 1 remixes and make new music at the last minute.
What, they have billions to blow on random projects on Disney+, but they were too cheap to pay for a name?
Interplay selling Fallout to Bethesda
I say that as someone who fucking despises both companies but i really wish Bethesda didnt own it
somebody give me a rundown on the hiveswap situation again?
Probably figured if they can get this "Gargantos" to go over they can quietly remove Shuma from the Marvel mythos and never have to worry about paying loyalties again.
Didn't know I had a Japanese keyboard.
>At one point during Melee sakurai mentioned that Sukapon from Joy Mech Fight was gonna be an assist but they didnt own the rights fully
>They clearly do now since hes in Ultimate and his game is on the japanese NSO app
>They paid for Sukapon over Geno
Since Square technically owns Geno, how come he never appeared in any of their games? He would've been a neat addition to Kingdom Hearts series.
>Liscense Deadpool for only like 6 months so the game is delisted insanely quick
I can't find the official source for this but I distinctly remember that the only reason Nintendo didn't own Joy Mech Fight was because some rights paperwork was never filed, and it only got rectified because one of the original creators saw the Melee blogpost where Sakurai said he wasn't able to use it.
I don't really see how that's a bad deal.
Sega has the rights to use what's one of the most iconic Sonic music tracks, especially with a series like sonic that HAS had music related issues with publishing.
One of the worst long term business decisions and the devs regret it
Thank God it got a physical release on PS4 and Xbone. If only the Transformers games got the same treatment
Because unlike what weirdos think Japan and Square/Nintendo really don't care that much about Geno.
>the devs regret it
Source of that statement? I didn't see anything about it
Microsoft's decision to buy Halo rather than Bungie back in the 2000s, alongside their inability to form a competent studio for Halo, furthermore the Xbox One in general. If Microsoft bought Bungie and not try to force them into being "The Halo Studio" then we would have seen a wildly different 8th Gen Console cycle.
Yeah, but would buying bungie have fixed that situation?
Destiny has and was total garbage and basically everyone is on the same page that as a series it was well wrapped up with reach.
Didn't Bungie say around that time that they were sick of making Halo games and wanted to do new things? Could have been the reason MS snapped the game rights up so they could keep the gravy train going while disregarding the company that didn't really want to keep making the games.
I honestly don't know how 343 keeps fucking up Halo. I still like the base gameplay of Halo Infinite but everything about that game has been so poorly managed
>Lets stop updating or supporting MNC to make a sequel
>The sequel leans too heavily into MOBA territory and has other bad decisions like the monetization
>Abandon the IP entirely to work on some other shit nobody cares about
Deserved to fail fuck them
It's kind of nuts how yuzo has rights to nearly all of his iconic works pre 2000 not counting Falcom and even manages to get away with holding on the rights for quite a few projects past that year too.
Seems like he isn't a stick in the mud about cooperating with each company about licensing them. What a cool guy
>Making games that are rental exclusives
I only ever played the release version of Destiny, day one, all available levels at the time. It was fucked as soon as it became a PVE snooze fest somewhere in development. But what was there was solid. They could've pulled off another single player masterpiece.
Hell he was one of the ones trying to convince Sega to make a new Streets of Rage back in the Saturn and Dreamcast days.
Only ones I can immediately recall are this one, some Genesis Madden game and Final Fight Guy.
Never saw the last one at any Blockbusters back then.
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine was blockbuster only on N64
As someone who never batted an eye at Payday, what was wrong with this?
The most forgotten Insomniac game with the stupidest fucking focus testing ruining a game that could have been fun
>our game is not like all the other ones
>why isn't your game like all the other ones, fix it
Everything to do with Ms. Pac-Man.
Didnt even come out in Europe
Didnt even release all the cards for existing games that used them in the US
Any future games that used it only kept the e-reader content in japan
At least the guy who designed the Mario 3 Advance E-Reader levels got vindicated when they finally put it on Wii U
That being said I hated the PVE nature so bad and that they seriously published a game with like 5 levels they expected me to "repeat with my friends" I was turned off of the whole thing not even 8 hours after I bought it.
>shit out the game a year early because of a partnership with Sony to sponsor your esports league
>game is a fucking disaster and takes years to redeem itself
>Sony drops the esports parnership like two years in anyway
>The MGS1 theme cant be used ever again cause Konami wont pay the the original composer they plagiarized
Shadow Moses in MGS4 is missing a piece of its soul
What the fuck I’ve seriously never even heard of this game? Whats this game about anyway
>can't use the original SotN ending song either due to rights
I'm probably one of the few people on this planet that liked I Am The Wind. In a just world I would have it be the highest playing song on the CV stage just like Calling to the Night is on the MGS one.
>had a dick-measuring blood feud with their American branch in the 90s
Bungie was right, there was no way MS was going to let them make something like Destiny.
I'm sure the deals were insanely lucrative, but
>Disney gets their hands on Star Wars
>Lucas Arts gets shut down
>Disney gets their hands on Marvel
>Active games get support cut early, and then the majority of post-disney Marvel games are dog vomit
This one actually pissed me off as they did such a retarded lazy ass hackjob.
>used a third party emulator
>hardware they used wasn't even up to snuff on emulating games so a good amount of the played worse
>used PAL versions of several of the games on the NTSC console
>no Dual Shock games or controllers
No Crash or Tomb Raider sucked
>>used PAL versions of several of the games on the NTSC console
That was always the most baffling part of it. What sealed the deal on me was the laziness too.
>too cheap to pay for something like SFA3 or SFEX, instead we got puzzle fighter look, I love puzzle fighter too, but it's kind of obvious Sony probably picked it because it was the cheapest capcom game with the word "fighter" in it to license
>Twisted Metal 1 instead of 2
>no medievil, even though sony owns it and wouldn't even have to pay royalties
I honestly wanna know what convinced Ron Gilbert to work on a new Monkey Island with fucking Disney of all companies
Ron either has full creative control or owns the IP now is my guess
Monster Hunter was capital 'T', THE game on the PSP. It was THE KILLER APP.
Capcom has no issue with following where the money is, system loyalty or contract agreements be damned.
I actually believe this killed the platform from inception.
Imagine if it didn't cost 100 bucks for a decent sized memory card.
but they had nathan drake :^)
didn't they do this to try and curb piracy, but like, ended up killing probably the only reason to buy their system?
I know it killed my interest when it came out.