For me it was at pic related
When did you get bored of Elden Ring ?
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After Liurnia of the Kinos
I never got completely bored of it, but my enthusiasm was gradually dimming from the moment I left Leyndell. Besides the rehashed enemies, I'm not quite sure why I didn't enjoy the Haligtree that much.
after stormvale Castle
The instant I saw the formula which was around halfway through Liurnia
after ~220 hours.
after my second playthrough
Never to this day
It just feels like there's a lot of asshole enemies all one after the other. I've fought Leonine Misbegottens and Royal Revenants before, but I've never perfected fighting them, so fighting them again and again in a row gets physically tiring.
Game got boring after liurnia. They really should have changed quest from the dark souls formula to something new, it would have kept the interest of the world a bit more. Also why the fuck does like one or two npc mark your map and never again? also the world is so big yet there are few things to do except combat which really wears thin after a long while
I mean other than combat and exploration what did you expect in an open-world Dark Souls? A series of slot-machine cooking minigames?
Ive enjoyed the previous games from them but they weren't open world. There is no need to break the flow of the gameplay since its a well crafted somewhat linear experience. The intrigue is lost in some huge open world game if im not going to be experiencing different things and its just hostile enemies mostly reskinned. A cooking minigame with melina helping the tarnished would have unironically been kino
Right at the Altus, Mt. Gelmir was nice because it was like a regular souls game but other than that i pretty much gave up on exploring on my own since i got familiar with the formula and just used mapgenie to get most things
like 15 hours in but I forced myself to beat it
not a bad game by any means
I'm just so fucking tired of open world RPGs
if this becomes the new formula, as much as I love these games, I'm done with Souls
I got past the zanzibart dude like 3 weeks ago and just realized i wasnt enjoying myself so i put it down. The repeated bosses really sucked the fun out of the game for me.ardjj
gotta be more specific than that
Snowfields killed the game
i want to replay it again doing all the npc quest with a guide when i get my series S
350+ hours. Only game I played since it came out. Still not bored of it
>Guys trust me it gets boring 70 hours in
Somewhere between Altus Plateau and Leyndell. Didn't even finish the game after 70 hours in.
just over 300 hours and i'm breaking into invasions and LOVING the netcode
The enemies began to feel cheap and unfun to fight after the capital.
The only truly boring part for me was mohgwyn palace. Fuck that place is lame.
In Leyndell.
I was enjoying the atmosphere of the area, then I run into several reused boss demotions which completely spoiled the mood. I've barely played since.
Nothing to kek about I finished DS1 and 3 and never got bored, this game however just kept throwing the same shit at me again and again. I got fed up after my 5th or 6th catacomb.
after i beat malenia something ticked over in my brain and i just wanted to phone-in the remaining boss fights.
i didnt. still sit in black knife catacombs and 1v3 morons in the blade room.
After the capital. The snowy areas were boring and even more empty than the other areas. The crumbling dragon area was even more boring. The Haligtree was an interesting concept though. Wish they did more with the Ashen Capital other than a crater.
Discord thread
Have you been diagnosed?
That's where I stopped too. I got to the arena and realised I'll need to got do some more "exploration" until my level was high enough. Plus the dude had a fire sword which hard countered my heavy shield.
I could go and beat him, but I just can't be bothered anymore.
Strangely, the only thing I've found boring so far was the Altus Plateau, before reaching the capitol. I liked Mt. Gemir, and am actually enjoying Mountaintop of the Giants currently. Everything has been pretty solid. Most of my worst grinding took place in Linuria of the Lakes in which it felt like it would never end, but I thought the content was good.
>skipped 2
altus, zone just didn't feel right compared to lucario and ligma
Just as I hit the Capital. Lot of the value of the open world wore off right at that moment, especially as I was doing every village and dungeon I came across.
It's cool to find a dungeon the first couple of times, but with it being the same tileset, reward, and miniboss structure REALLY wore me down. Every castle, dungeon, and gargoyle placed right beside a door or ceiling ready to jump you when you walk through.
The unique ones were fine, even if they were a bit annoying. Chariots one comes to mind.
I think this is THE most overhyped Souls games to date, and that's really an accomplishment after Dark Souls 1's rise to fame as the creator of the soulslike genre. The thousands of "lol maidenless means no gf" and "holy shit broo its open wooorld" is really starting to wear thin. It's almost a curse that it's been casualized as hard as its been.
Rushed it after arriving to snow area. Boring, empty, and uninspired.
I'm sick and tired of the endless ambushes in every fucking Souls game except Sekiro, Sekiro was the breath of fresh air because the game was designed for you to do the ambushing instead most of the time. You always know it's coming anyway because of fifty messages saying BEWARE LEFT in a seemingly empty room and the ambush only works once, enough is enough.
Already on ng+ 4 and with other two characters mostly untouched.
It can't be good if I continue, im just gonna get really tired of the game, maybe its a good time to have a break and play other things, like Cyberpunk, at least until the inevitable DLC.
I was about level 130 and getting killed instantly by random enemies in the Haligtree.
About 100 hours in after Altus. Explored on my own, did basically all of the dungeons prior to that.
But once I realized that every catacomb or a cave is 90% the same, I lost the drive to seek them out and explore. Enemies started repeating, both in attacks and looks, I would have enjoyed more unique mechanics for some minibosses, even if its a one time gimmick.
Also realized that questlines are a bit boring, too thin and too shallow, and most of them dont even have a proper ending, there is no story scattered around the map to keep you exploring, just some basic lore that is often not even very unique.
I think was bored by caelid. Still haven't completed the game, it's a chore. I partly remember why every time I watch gameplay on twitch: delayed attacks were so inorganic to me that it stopped feeling like a game, but a constant cheap attempt to try and kill me, this and 2 other reasons I can't remember right now.
It's even more trollish than DS2, where instead of annoying enemy placement, it's almost every enemy with their delayed hits. I also just think souls is getting stale too. Anyway I wish I could get my money back desu, I was forcing myself to power through and I still want to complete it, eventually, just so I can be done with it properly
Haligtree. Just ended up running past everything so I could fight Loretta and Malenia. Feels like they put every annoying enemy in that area and topped it off with Scarlet Rot.
after I realised how great Sekiro was compared to this game
I never got bored of it, I'm on my third playthrough and am loving the game more than ever.
>I also just think souls is getting stale too
Yeah, the whole Souls formula should really get updated a bit, its still good, but this is n-th game with the same exact structure. They had a very good opportunity by trying open world, but only barely utilized it.
As an open world game it cannot even compare to fucking Skyrim, they had to make the map feel more alive, instead, its the same old mindless zombies attacking you everywhere that we had way back in demon souls.
Everything is frozen in time and feels very static.
As soon as I entered the Capital I was ready for the game to end. After entering the Snowfields I was feeling the pain. Once I reached Maliketh I considered dropping the game. I'm fighting Radagon/Beast now and I'm so fatigued with the game I don't know if I'll finish it.
The capital
And people will act like pretty vistas make up for the dead open world
i loved exploring the world and fighting the regular enemies most of the time, yet every time i got to a boss i just missed playing sekiro.
Literally the instant I started fighting Maliketh it was actually kind of weird for some reason the second I started fighting him I just completely lost interest and pretty much sped through the rest of the game which at that point was really just Haligtree for me. But yeah I think Maliketh is a shitty fight there was just so much bullshit and his flailing was stupid. Malenia on the other hand was a great fight and I actually enjoyed beating her. I also think Mohg is kind of shitty honestly outside of Malenia I didn’t think any of the bosses were particularly interesting or noteworthy which was a huge letdown after Sekiro. They aren’t necessarily bad like most of DaS2 and 3 bosses but they aren’t very memorable like almost every single boss in Sekiro was. Probably the most disappointing was the entire gauntlet at the end especially Radagon considering he was the one I wanted to know most about but when you find him he’s just a mindless zombie. Godfrey has like 0 interesting lore, he’s the first Elden Lord and that’s it it looks like? Morgott was much more interesting as Elden Lord than some dude who just quits for I guess no reason?
Never because I'm not a ADHD zoomer that needs a new shiny thing every few seconds
The areas themselves didn't bore me, I think the only less good area is the snowy one
The parts that really bored me to death are the shitty catacombs, started ignoring them after i got to the snow area
You do realize that bossfights make up less than 5% of the game right? You seem to be playing this game for the wrong reasons.
I got to Maliketh but he keeps one shotting me with 30 Vig.
I'm power stancing 2 +25 curved swords and no matter what ash I put on them my damage fucking sucks. Only way I can get past phase 1 of Maliketh is by cheesing him around pillars with "Giantsflame take thee" nukes. And doing that makes me feel like shit just skipping half the fight like that.
Never in DS1 did I ever feel like I built my stats wrong. But Elden Ring reeallly wants me to pump Vig to 40.
I wish I was normal and didn't have ADHD, I'd enjoy things for a lot longer but it's almost impossible for me.
Don't worry it's not that much better at 40 Vig.
40 hours in
still enjoying it
Not him, but I say your full shit. Boss fights are huge reason people play this game and some of the most memorable parts of these games
after fire giant i was REALLY hoping the game would end
Stopped after Caria Manor and killing Rennala. Then I picked it up again after a week or so and ploughed through the rest. Then I bought it for PvP and tried that. Then I tried to make a second character and realized one playthrough is most likely all I'm gonna get out of it for a while
Lame PvP
Lame PvE
Not relly into it 2bh
Same here. At the last boss and don't have the urge to jump attack any more. Stopped playing
When they started nerfing shit becuase of pvp faggots, I started modding it and now I just dont play it
>start game
>fuck around limgrave for a bit
>get tped to caelid
>make my way back to limgrave, find a bunch of shit in cliff faces
>head towards the castle
>look around to secrets
>immediately find the secret path to liurna
>run around liurna for hours trying to find all the caves checking every cliff face
>getting really bored of horse riding and there being no content
>close the game and never play that character again
>start a new character with the goal to 100% limgrave before moving on
>realize now that limgrave is frontloaded for game journalists and I wasted all that time