you literally are no longer capable of enjoying anything new
you are afraid of the future
Why are you coming to this place if it angers you so much? You are raising your own cortisol levels and shortening your own lifespan by behaving this way.
Modern vidya is like the zooms who play them: absolutely soulless with no innovative mechanics beyond being a tryhard faggot.
Quake has so much potential but the AFPS community is full of a bunch of faggots and retards. You cannot placate them, either the game is too similar to quake, or not enough like quake.
That being said I hope quake gets made and it gets made good. Like, Apex Legends type popularity and success, but actually good. Too bad zoomies are gay and afps nerds are double gay.
Don’t forget about the LORE and how it connects to LE DOOM UNIVERSE!!?!!!
id Software should make new games with new IPs instead of zombifying their existing ones.
The only support Doom and Quake need are new maps and wider mod accessibility, not AAA Painkiller successors masquerading as sequels.
you should pay attention to things that interest you instead of things that only bother you
try being happy for a change
>you should pay attention to things that interest you instead of things that only bother you
You can't do both? Wow, what a mushbrain.
RIP quake.
it was good while it lasted.
if you've been on Yea Forums for the past 7 years, no, no you can not. not here anyway.
Worse, Machine Games will be making nu-Quake. Expect epic lesbian fade cut rangah dabbing on whiteoid cultists.
You let Yea Forums dictate how you discuss videogames? Wow, what a mushbrain.
If a remake happens, the only certain is that it won't be good.
This is what I assumed was happening, but since they're apparently working on both Wolf 3 and Todd's Indiana Jones game I doubt anyone but id is doing the Quake reboot at this point.
At most they'll be providing grunt work support on nuQuake.
That new episode they did for the Quake remaster was nice, though.
no, i don't. i actively spend most of my time on other sites because this place has gotten overwhelmingly pessimistic in the past few years. i wish it weren't like this, and that we could actually enjoy shit here again, and maybe make some fun OC like we used to, but everyone like OP is too preoccupied in disliking something to fit in. i call it how i see it when i'm here.
this thread sucks.
if anything,they would likely avoid as much of nu-DOOM as possible to keep quake distinct.
i know you probably just want to complain eternally.
but i might aswell say something.
Why would you enjoy globohomo product?
I just played Shadow Warrior Classic for the first time in my life and absolutely loved it. So it's not that I can't enjoy things. And it isn't nostalgia that's why I enjoyed it cus it's the first time I played it.
So it's obvious that it's new shit that's bad.
are you a shill or just a woman?
lol maybe you should just pay attention to things that interest you instead of things that bother you.
is there anything about this medium you still enjoy?
Yeah I loved Doom Eternal, I just think you're a fag.
fuck you Tim talentless ass clown
Doom eternal is fucking awesome and only second to doom 2.
You pretentious zoomerniggers havent even played doom 1-3.
>only second to doom 2.
you misspelled plutonia
>only second to doom 2
Doom 2 is only good as a modding platform. Plutonia is better.
doom eternal sucked and you're a retard for liking it
I would like to see a follow-up to the original Quake desu
Then play Arcane Dimensions. It's the best sequel Quake is ever going to get.
looks cool, thanks for the rec
Quake Champions bump
lmao now you retards are just arguing with each other through me. go talk about shit you actually like and stop fucking hating god damn everything. it's fucking annoying and it's why you're fucking stuck here. because no one else likes this kind of attitude.
definitely a woman
I like Quake Champions. I just want more QoL changes, but I'll play and enjoy the new Quake as long as it isn't dumbed down to D44M levels
No, I'm definitely talking to you. I loved Doom Eternal and I think you're silly for crying about people saying they dislike something. Tits or gtfo.
faggots need to add more sexy women
Doom Eternal is an amazing game; frankly, the world didn't deserve such an exquisite single player FPS experience. Soundtrack was 11/10 as well. OP might just be some butthurt fag. Hopefully Quake is equally as good but in it's own way; would be fun to listen to Elden Ring simps complaining about how arena-shooter learning curve is too steep.
maybe they'll have to quake reboot be closer to the original so you have nuquake for the classic experience and nudoom for the new experience
shouldn't you faggots be collecting funko pops instead of shitting up this board
Replying to myself to make it clear that this is NOT an endorsement for DOOM Eternal's giga-cringe lore.
I just start Eternal for the first time yesterday and now there's threads about it.
Fucking glowies are spying on me.
I see you faggots.
go talk about doom eternal then. why are you even talking about a game or situation that you don't like that doesn't even exist? literally just working yourself into a rage for no actual reason.
But I'm not. I came to this thread to talk about Quake. My first post in the thread was here: So take your pills and stop being such a whiny bitch.
this situation is completely fucking non existent though. who's "consuming product" in this situation? the product doesn't even exist. just a fucking monster you imagined that you need to hate.
why are you fags like this now?
I think you're confused, I'm just making fun of you for being one of those "nooooo please don't talk about thing negatively it triggers me" people
Hey, when I said tits or gtfo I wasn't kidding.
no one's triggered, user. it's just fucking boring and faggy to sit and whine about a literal made up scenario. why would anyone make a thread like this? what's cool about it?
Quake Champions Doom Edition is 10000x better than QC, Check it out if, its roster is QC characters + characters from other FPS games and previous Quake games.
>user complains about people complaining
It isn't and I don't care about epic consume IP brands. I just want to strafe jump fast and shoot people mid air
Well I'm not OP so I can't answer your question. If it bothers you so much then take your own advice and go talk about something you like instead.
this holy shit what a faggot
But i am, user. I've been doing just that in various other threads. That doesn't mean I can't call OP and others defending him gigantic faggots for making up scenarios to hate to feel like they're fitting in.
I'm sorry your thread didn't go the way you wanted, but it was a shitty thread
Oh okay, so you're aware it's possible to do that in various other threads but you just assume it's only you and no one else here is doing the same thing.
Grow up.
i don't give a fuck about this thread or you you pathetic attention whore
No. Fuck off. Before I frag your sorry ass irl.
You're a massive hypocrite and you still haven't posted your tits.
Not that user but you may as well stop talking to him. Quake-fags are OLD oldfags who come from a time of being able to fuck with people on the Internet is practically an artform OR they are retarded, nearly-senile boomers who are just fucking retarded. Like, you would be surprised how many modern Quake players there are that are pro-tranny, pro-Covid mandates, and are currently pro-Ukraine. That kind of dumb fuck.
Quake is unfortunately 1 of those games where the best way to have a discussion about it is outside of its shitty, circlejerk fanbase.
I just told you I loved Shadow Warrior. And I'm currently playing through Blood and Hexen 2. There are great old games that weren't made by fags and kikes with the sole objective of ramming woke down my throat
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about man, I'm just trying to rile up the roastie.
Hey you never know, could be both.
thanks for proving once again gen x are nothing but lame old dorks who ramble about shit no one cares about
I care, user. I care.
did i miss anything?
is there a new quake game coming out or is this just a schizo thread?
there is an actual discussion to be had here contrary to fpwp poisoning the well. in quake if a level is designed well every weapon has a purpose, on the other hand doom eternal has NO level design so its solution to the problem is that you are forced to use all of your tools in ways that make 0 logical sense.
I came wondering the same thing. I know Bethesda is getting rid of their shitty drm/store/whatever it is but I hadn't heard anything about a new Quake game.
Yeah they're two entirely different games, I wouldn't blame anybody for liking one but not the other.
Are the two expansions for Eternal worth a damn from a gameplay standpoint or would I be better off just re-playing the base campaign?
>Doom eternal is fucking awesome
I finished it 6 hours ago on what I think was hard and while the gunplay felt better than 2016, having to jump around 24/7 made me often feel as if I was playing quake