literally what the FUCK is wrong with localizers?
Literally what the FUCK is wrong with localizers?
Other urls found in this thread:
real question should be whats wrong with japan? why do they like cross dressing and trannies so much?
because theyre cute
hung traps hnnngh
I think they're based. If you actually gave a shit, you should learn the language instead of hoping someone else does it correctly for you. In this case, you're getting angry because somebody else told you to get angry at somebody else despite the fact that you can't find the actual facts because you don't care enough about Japanese literature to learn the language. Localizers are basically calling out you posers, stating that if you don't know the language, you don't deserve to understand it.
No wonder this garbage flopped.
why do you homos love using the word "cute" so much?
because were fags
>play fag games by fags for fags
>wtf what's with all this faggotry?
It’s literally the same thing just phrased differently.
it didn't flop
fucking fags using a descriptive term
kill em all
How the actual fuck did one image ruin any and all discussion of this game on Yea Forums forever
This scene is already gay as fuck as the dude on the right is actively trying to date. The guy (female) acts all provocatively about it during the whole scene.
You niggas get mad at one fucking word of something you don't know what any of the context is.
they believe that they have a moral obligation to use whatever position of power they have to push their agenda in any way they can, and that its immoral not to
Why do Japanese games have so many pozzed translations but not Chinese and Korean games?
what is wrong with this though?
obsessed /pol/ retards have infested every board on Yea Forums
i don’t know a single real person who cares about this shit
Rent freely
what game is this? Looks like the same people that made that wii ninja game and the game with the titty sorceress
What's the problem here?
inb4 a bunch of retards reply to your obvious statement of fact with "rent free"
localization is colonization
sounds like japs are just repressed fags and western trannies are just saying what they wish they could say
most normal people i talk to at work find all the tranny stuff annoying and kind of bewildering. it just hasnt completely infested all their hobbies yet like in games. starting to get there though.
>hasn't met a single working class person
typical sjw
I've literally never heard ANYONE in my day-to-day life mention anything relating to Vanillaware games for any reason whatsoever. Who the fuck do you talk to every day that talks about this?
bewilderment is not the same as frothing with anger at the mere thought, while constantly thinking about them. i find people who like reality tv shows bewildering, but im not about to cry over it.
Yea Forums is just full of reddit tourists since like 2015
go back sjw
thats what im saying, it was simply bewildering and funny to me too until it took prominence over all the things I liked. then it became fatiguing, something you have to pledge fealty to in order to not be ostracized. and now normie culture is starting to hit that tranny critical mass where they can't even ignore it anymore if they want to. its being preached to their kids with or without their consent, and they're coming into their sports, and this "haha alright whatever floats your boat i guess" sentiment is turning to hostility.
This isn't your containment board, newfaggot.
Tranny obsession. Yes tranny politics are annoying and in general they're fucking ugly, but Yea Forums turns even the whiff of a tranny and they go into panic mode and have to disassociate with anything related to them
largely because Yea Forums is pretty much the last major game hobbyist platform where you can express even mild annoyance at trans shit injecting itself everywhere. the reaction to that is naturally going to become more extreme and hostile as it becomes impossible to express in any degree elsewhere.
No other profession is so self-entitled as to call you out on expecting them to do the job they're paid to do correctly.
Imagine if your mechanic incinerated your car then came back and told you "well, you should've just learned how to replace an engine yourself if you want it done right!"
why does this plague only infect japanese to english translations?
I can't think of any example of it happening anywhere else, including media from any other language than japanese
only the fifth time its been posted in like a year, not that bad all things considered.
Weird part is if other countries use the JP translated script as a base their localizations end up being more accurate. Its usually only the English localization that gets fucked with.
seething libsois, rent free
sorry, what game is that? yeah, i've never heard of it.
This translation doesn't even make fucking sense. Is he a fucking computer that has certain programs that work? They're misusing their own damn buzzwords now. "Some binaries"? There's two of them.
an entire thread and no one names the culprits
>The World Ends With You 2
Quelle surprise
>leave Yea Forums for a while
>come back a couple years later
>still the exact same tranny bait getting replies
fucking hate this board
Don't lie; you never left
We don't need this same thread every day.
spic translations are great
>I can just learn Spanish for decent text translations instead of struggling with Japanese
God bless.
He’s a faggot trannoid in both so who cares?
>Why is a race of feminine males interested in crossdressing?
Gee I wonder
The difference is that they're localizing the game, not translating the game. They technically are doing their job by doing this shit. What we should be asking for is games to stop being localized.
are we still doing this?