Should i tell my son i named him after Miles Prower from sonic?

>be sonic fan girl during late 90s and early 00s
>really like tails because hes a cute young boy and jokingly thought if i had a son id name him Miles
>fast forward and my 6 year old sonic is named Miles
>"mom where did the name Miles come from?"
>tell him i don't remember
>sonic 2 comes out and want to take him to see it in theatres
>nostalgia from my childhood comes flooding back to me
>gets to the ending where sonic and company are playing baseball
>sonic addresses tails as Miles Prower
>i cringe on the inside
>son enjoys the movie
part of me has a burning desire to tell him the truth but another part worries he will think i'm weird for naming him after a video game character

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He's gonna think it's cool but when he grows up he will hate u

Calm down user, at least Miles is a normal name and not Sephiroth or Dovahkin. (That Sephiroth kid turned out okay, just a little weird)

Miles alone would work well enough
But "Prower" makes no sense outside of the speed theme of the Sonic Franchise

Post them.

Plenty of kids are named after fantasy characters. 'Muhammad' and 'Jesus' for example


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Holy shit I never realized it was a play on miles per hour

Should have named your kid tails instead.

Tell him he's named after Miles Davis, he might become a musician or a jazz-chad.
Better than always associating himself with a gay cartoon fox.

Tell him that you really hate the metric system

Miles is a great name honestly.

Mohammad here.

You just blew my mind.

what is so gay about tails?

Not hate you, but he's gonna cringe everytime he remembers it lol

Regardless of your thoughts on religion Jesus and Mohammed were real people that actually existed you fucking moron, the only fantasy here is you thinking that you're a real woman

>>be sonic fan girl

Should have named him guy or Cody

I meant it more in the pejorative sense than the "he's actually a homosexual" sense.
His Sonic worship could be construed as platonic but in any case he's not a masculine character and therefore unsuitable as a role model for a growing boy.

You gotta spill the beans one day, maybe at your death bed.

This "atheists are all fat neckbeards" meme is the most pathetic cope I've seen Christcucks come up with yet

Miles is just a normal name and not that weird, just tell him you liked the sound of it when you were Sonic fan

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Should probably keep it from him til the grave

Literally no one except Sonic nerds deep into the series would know Miles is a Sonic reference. He'll be fine, just don't bring it up.

>You gotta spill the beans one day, maybe at your death bed.
Yeah like what is he going to do?
Kill you?

A Jesus, or THE Jesus?

what a retarded whore
should have picked the best Miles

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you should tell him your a cuck fag, who probably isn't the dad

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With games being more socially acceptable he might think its cool. I was named after Luke (Skywalker) and I'm not even a fan of Star Wars. It'd be a problem if you had named him Sonic but not Miles.

Are people allowed to name their kid jesus?

you will never be a jihad

Well I can say that muhamed was a real pedo unlike yourself

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Tell him, then dress up him as him.

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OP I think you should take that secret to your grave.

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I know it's a meme but it pains me that actually important people in positions of power fall for such low-quality bait

This. Tell him he was named after a sexy prosecutor.

geeee i wonder ?

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I've never seen white people doing it but I've definitely known latinos with the name, even though it is pronounced differently. I personally find it weird to name your child after someone as important as Him.


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Could always say it's a Spiderman reference instead but I don't think he'd enjoy being named after a black kid

You are not a girl nor do you have 6 year old, stop larping online and go outside

Miles is a cute name, I'd tell him

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You should fuck him

Miles is a good name. Just make sure he doesn't take after Miles Morales.

Say you named him after Miles Davis and play Birth of the Cool for him

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Holy shit do this

My kid's middle name is Kamille because I both love Gundam and I love him, so the reference can be ignored easily.

I think he will fucking know. It will be a matter of time.

Absolutely based
Fuck those retards

He's probably more weirded out by the fact his dad is wearing dresses and calling himself mommy. Also
>my 6 year old sonic

A lot of people are named after fictional characters. Usually ones that have normal names, like Miles for example.

Not sure about that, his arc back in the first adventure game was inspiring as fuck to me when I was a kid and made me think he was the coolest thing ever. I eventually stopped playing Sonic games since I started to branch out to different games but even when I stopped to keep up with the franchise I still fondly remembered that scene of him standing up to Eggman in Station Square.

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I'm going to call my kid atari and there is nothing you are going to do about it

Kamille? Isn't that a girl's name?

That's a girls name and you're a fucking weeb. I hope he becomes trans and disowns you.


So a dead company that bought nothing?

There was most definitely a rabbi who did most of the things the gospels say that He did who was crucified by the Romans for charges given by the contemporary Jewish upper class.

>That Sephiroth kid turned out okay, just a little weird

>comes into a completely unrelated thread to tell everyone how much of an epic atheist he is
Yep. It's a neckbeard.

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>That's a girls name and you're a fucking weeb. I hope he becomes trans and disowns you.
That's what is going to happen.

>sounds good
>not weird/fake/antiquated
>latin word for soldier
It's a perfectly good name regardless of it being shared by a cute fox. Much better than one of the many jew names, that's for sure.

Unfathomably based post


sounds like a fucking dog hahaahah

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Imagine not giving your son a reason to beat the shit out of anyone who insults him.

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I wouldn't care as long as you didn't call me fucking dovakhin.

Jesus was a popular name back then, yes. But regarding Jesus, the man, while you can go against the idea of him being God, he has long been accepted as a historical person.

He's a hyper genius inventor/mechanic. How is that not masculine?

Any user that shares name with a fictional character please raise your hand

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Ok, but hear me out Faggot OP, and this is very important, is your son a cute blonde shota?

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joshua is the English version of jesus.

ahahah if your son starts beating the shit out of people in elementary school, by the time he's 12 he'll be ion state prison troon

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