Is this the best patch Fromsoft has ever released?

Is this the best patch Fromsoft has ever released?
>fixes a lot of severe balance issues in the game, especially in pvp
>fixes a lot of exploits, especially in pvp
>fixes some of the most egregious and unfair group bosses, namely valiant gargoyles, godskin duo, 2crucible, and cruciblebegotten by reducing aggression significantly
>adds a phase to patches
>buffs the most underwhelming spells in the game
>buffs the most underwhelming weapon classes in the game

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It's frankly still not enough for colossal weapons. You have to basically powerstance them to reach the damage output of a single katana, and even then you're still dealing with the fact that they're innately slow as fuck.

Game should have already been balanced and tested before it came out

>flails still unusable dogshit
>bows still hilariously bad compared to their other games
those 2 weapon types were way worse than colossal weapons

multiplayer disconnects are still present, they need to fix that still

>You have to basically powerstance them to reach the damage output of a single katana
Demonstrably untrue. Also, colossal weapons and big weapons in general benefit massively from doing huge poise damage as well as staggering a lot of enemies that aren't staggered by regular weapons.

>flails still unusable dogshit
Skill issue. I used a flail for a lot of my playthroughs and never had an issue
>bows still hilariously bad compared to their other games
Blatantly untrue. Bows are the best in ER compared to any previous Souls game. You've literally never played any of their other games

>fixes some of the most egregious and unfair group bosses, namely valiant gargoyles, godskin duo, 2crucible, and cruciblebegotten by reducing aggression significantly
you didn't beat the game if you only manage to beat them now

You're not outdamaging rivers of blood or an uchi/nagakiba with seppuku on it.

Genuinely surprised it was all buffs all around for everyone. Its not unwanted at all its just a surprise they knocked it out of the park.

It was. They are making concessions for the retards that won't accept this isn't a souls game. We all let From down, again.

They nerfed radahn to oblivion and need to give him a buff. He is a challenging foe if you fight him solo at like level 50 but I believe the intended way to faces him was with a party of NPC summons or actual players.

It also broke multiphase bosses. If you proc a status effect to get them into the second phase, it instakills the second phase, or in the case of rot/poison it drains their health to nothing in like 10 seconds.

>rivers, the most broken weapon in the game
>seppuku, the most broken ash of war in the game
Not cherrypicking at all there, broski. Also, even seppuku will have diminishing returns. Bleed resistance goes up every time you proc bleed on a boss/enemy.

>Souls game not a souls game
Based nincompoop.

I've noticed that connection errors are less common, but when you get a connection error while loading into an invasion, it takes like 40-60 seconds to load in. It's fucking crazy.

Regarding PVP, none of the changes really mean a damn thing until they fix how ridiculously overpowered status effects (ie, bleed/frost) are in PVP. They don't need to be nerfed for PVE, but they could easily just alter the formula for status build-up in PVP where it effectively takes twice as much as elsewhere in the game. Likewise, they could do something similar by just having an all-around flat percentage damage reduction in PVP so that everything isn't a 1-2 shot

Regarding colossals, I'm glad they've been buffed and I've been having fun going through. I started out pre-patch basically just doing jumping dual wield attacks, but post-patch it actually became viable to just use a single two-handed colossal sword/weapon, dodge and react, do guard counters with it, etc.

However, there are still some issues with using them. Basically the problem is that the end-game bosses still move too fast and they do this bullshit where they immediately jump away upon finishing a combo. So you do everything cleanly, block the final hit and go for that satisfying guard counter aaaaand... they instantly jump-dodge out of the way of your counter. And to rub salt in the wound they then instantly jump back in and start a new combo on your ass while you're still in your attacks recovery frames, not to mention stamina depleted.

didn't they buff radahn again?

I just get a fail to load and it never takes me now. Its better than the loading screens I guess.

I get that too, but I also still get plenty of connection errors and drop-outs. Not sure if it's fewer than before or not.

>fixes some of the most egregious and unfair group bosses
I haven't played since the update, will the Godskin Duo actually stay separated for more than two seconds now?

>boss is extremely difficult to solo
>boss is trivialized with summons
what kind of game design is that?

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Try expanding your moveset beyond pressing R2. I started leaning on throwables and it was fun.

>none of the changes really mean a damn thing until they fix how ridiculously overpowered status effects (ie, bleed/frost) are in PVP.
As someone who PVP'd extensively before and after the patch, they've at least addressed one of the most obnoxious things about them: the stun duration. Now, you can comfortably roll through all of Rivers WA even if bleed procs sometime through it. The damage is still busted, and things like powerstance Cold Nagitanas with BHS is still broken, but they're slowly fixing things. BHS and rivers are two of the most egregiously broken things in PVP right now, I have no doubt they'll receive some form of nerf soon. Rivers is also busted in PVE.

>It was.
no it wasnt retard

Yes, and the intended gimmick of killing them quickly so they can't res each other works now. If you kill 1 then combo the other and kill him the original one wont magically respawn now. Playing smart can make the fight really short now.

Those still count as katanas dude. And bleed is basically the main feature on those swords unless you use the poison or ice one for whatever reason. You don't even have to worry about the diminishing returns on seppuku because you can toss on lord of blood's exultation for its damage boost and kill like 90% of the bosses in like 15 seconds. And you'll still proc bleed like 2-3x by the time they die anyway.

They have their aggression severely toned down. It seems like most group bosses now operate based on proximity, the closest one to you will be a lot more aggressive, and the one in the back will only occasionally throw an attack. They're also a lot more prone to stay separated, and Godskin Duo specifically had their input reading reaction time severely slowed down.

No, they reverted some changes but he still weak as fuck and on top of that if you use frostbite he gets bugged and the meteor phase never happens.

You can also use Seppuku on any other bleed weapon and achieve the same result. Your cherrypicking is specifically picking two very specific things (Rivers, broken WA; and Seppuku, broken WA) and attributing them specifically to katanas. You can use a bleed Falchion with Seppuku and achieve the same result. The issue here isn't with katanas, it's with bleed.

Really? Like if they're both dead at the same time then the fight just ends?

>no fix for waterfowl dance first hit
Patch is trash and I have no desire to replay the game still.

>Didn't buff anything in a significant fashion, leaving the buffed spells in the same niche category
>Bloodhound's step and other game breaking bs was left unaddressed
>Colossal weapons are still dogshit
>PC performance is somehow worse

Extremely underwhelming patch. This game won't be anywhere near balanced in at least a year, and that's after the final DLC drops.
The absolute state of fromsoft

At this point, I'm going to wait for a mod that balances the game for summonless playthroughs. I could do solo again, but certain bosses are just boring to fight with how spastic they are.

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flails are slow, have awful range and terrible movesets in general. just because it's possible to use them doesn't mean it's not a massive handicap. they're WAY worse than colossal swords were
and yea i love being forced to kill gay ass pigeons to craft the only good arrows in the game that i can only hold 99 of at a time
bows having 0 scaling and only doing damage with bleed/rot arrows is SO much better than them having S scaling and being able to buy 999 of the best arrows from vendors like in past games
in what way are bows the best in ER? disingenuous retard

It buffed a lot of shit to be on par with the broken RoB and moonveil which deal way too much damage already. The PvP is awful as a result, specially at higher levels. At low level you got broken password summons oneshotting everything so nowhere is safe.
They also didn't remove the chain casting bug, ETF toggle glitch or helmet swap healing.
Invaders still get fucked by spawn locations and hosts can camp in unreachable places. It's nowhere near fixed.

Yee that was how it was supposed to work. My first playthrough I had to kill 7 of them b/c they'd keep resurrecting. My most recent character lucked out and I killed skinny and fatty was doing his long poker combo when I killed him. He never stopped to res his buddy.

You pvp guys will accept the game is intentionally designed to fuck with invaders eventually.

Simple fact of the matter is that charged R2's in general do a lot more stance damage than any other type of attack by a large margin, you're actually better off doing charged R2s on a weapon that can get them off faster than bothering with normal R1s/R2s on a colossal.

are they done patching in quests yet or should I wait more? will the dlc actually be finished when it releases or should I wait a couple months after that too?

The modding potential is probably the one and only thing I'm looking forward with this game. I don't have any hope for FromSoft to fix the awful combat, it's entirely balanced around groups and not solo-play.

That's fair but the original point was that colossal weapons aren't as good, which is true. The extra poise damage isn't a big enough tradeoff for the amount of damage you can shit out with faster weapons. I imagine they'll just eventually nerf statuses into the ground and just make those shittier to use, but I'd rather if they also find some way to make colossals better. I tried a str build with a maxed colossal greatsword, a dex build with nagakiba, and a mixed build with a couple of the other great swords and the only one that really underwhelmed me was the colossal.

No, instead, the last one you killed will respawn. They no longer respawn automatically when one is alive, the other one has to deliberately do the resummon animation to bring the other one back, which gives a huge window to punish. Essentially, once you take one of them down, the fight boils down to a 1v1i if you can keep up your momentum.

Oh I've realized that a long time ago, doesn't make me less mad.
People barely even bother invading anymore at high level areas because of squads, so there are no squads there as a result. It's sad.

I've been enjoying the buffs to dragon incants. Was the breath projectile glitched before? It feels like it travelling outward is new.

There was a whole completed questline in the files related to the mimic tear but it's doubtful they'll patch that back in. They're probably done with quest patches since all the major quest lines in the game now have endings.

You don't need to use fletched arrows if you don't want to. Only difference is distance traveled. Bone beasts can be bought at the maiden, and almost all arrow items can easily be farmed. Also, the only arrows worth crafting are status arrows. Elemental arrows crafted are all strictly inferior to the ones you can buy.

Bows have the most versatile movesets of any Souls game, the most usability, and Ashes.

That might be true at higher "meta level" PVP but I'm just speaking from my experience doing co-op and invasions throughout the game. ie, at lower levels where people have lower resistances and HP. Whenever I see someone with dual seppuku curved swords or weeb spears, it just feels like there's no point even trying. Even with reduced stun your healthbar is still getting deleted at those lower SL ranges.

I literally just talked about how I'm able to use all the moves at my disposal with colossals now. That doesn't change the issue with how bosses jump away and then start new combos before a big heavy slow weapon can even do anything, much less recover
>I started leaning on throwables
I just see this as an admission that this entire class of weapons is not viable enough against certain bosses due to their AI design. That's the part I take issue with. You're just sidestepping the problems

I'm not a pvp person but even I noticed how fractured the lategame was for pvp. There was no reason for pvp person to go to Farum or Mountaintops to try and invade someone.
Invasions just stopped for me after Leyndell (same place a mysterious group insists the game gets bad at...).

If you liked using everything at your disposal you wouldn't be complaining about an enemy backstepping. You'd just hit them at range with your toolkit.
You are an idiot using only your 2x4.

i like invading in elphael, though it does seem less active than lower level areas

It was always groups in DS3 and people still invaded a lot.

What's wrong with flails?

No, it's gamebreaking, they left in several oversignts. If it had only done what it said on the tin though, yes.

I haven't tried there honestly. the run from the sewer portion to the church to fight melania is too short and easy, I'd be worried they'd just run through the fogwall.
Free wins due to gravity is probably sweet though.

>no it wasnt retard
yes it was, retard

It is useless

Colossal weapons should be able to stunlock if your poise is low and heavy armour should have str requirement in order to wear them. There i fixed this shitty game.

all buyable arrows are inferior to bleed/rot arrows
bows are capped at D scaling in this game, in past games they actually got S scaling when you upgraded them
>versatile movesets
there's like... a few of them? and they're all meh or awful
t. actually did a bow playthrough
everyone else who's done a bow playthrough has said the same shit

It's not even that I feel "fucked with". It just feels like they completely ripped the soul out of it, rendering it an empty hollow experience. I used to invade all the time in DaS1, 2, and 3. Never did sweaty meta shit, for me it was about goofing around, fucking with people, doing silly builds, and so on. But in ER, it just feels like there's zero point.

Are you inconveniencing the host? Not really, bonfires are so frequent that I can't think of a single part of the game, overworld or legacy dungeon, where the host dying would put them in a difficult situation trying to get back on track. Are you making them give up something? No, you no longer have to use humanity/effigies/embers to have co-op help. Hell, like half the time I invade the host has already challenged the area boss. And the other half the time they're standing in front of the boss fog waving goodbye.. and THEN challenging the area boss.

its mainly the first main stretch of elphael thats good, like from the prayer room grace to the one by the big erdtree avatar asshole. besides that you are right it's a pretty quick sprint to the fog. the little rot pond is a big boon and drawback at the same time.

They need to patch in the ability to buy crafting materials. They include this whole series of items you can make, and even though I want to try using them, I won't. Because to do so would require me to do either tedious grinding (for respawning materials) or absolute fucking shit-tier levels of grinding like needing to keep fighting very specific late-game enemies for a tiny fraction of a chance that they drop a crafting material.

>b-b-but muh balance
there's so much broken shit in this fucking game, let me have easily gained crafting materials. The least they could do is just give the convenience of being able to buy basic shit like mushrooms that everything needs. God forbid there's a bell bearing or merchant located in the end-game that allows you to buy arteria leaves and aeonian butterflies

So basically it's casualized as shit and anyone who hadn't beat it before this patch never truly will. Got it.

bows suck in ER. They're only good as a vehicle for the typical status effects, not good as actual bows in and of themselves.

Thats why I quit the game at the capitol. I'm gonna replay it again only when dlc comes out. There's no point of playing if it's constantly getting improved.

personally I’m waiting for a Dark Souls 1 rebalance mod that brings armor in line with the earlier games, while reducing poise damage done by enemies and bosses

i play on the day 1 version and have not updated it since

They should have had no invasions in Limgrave/Weeping, then had it properly introduced from Liurnia from then onward and not beat around the bush with the player about it being a part of the game world. There should have been a Carian Manor sized dungeon focused solely on invaders fucking with the gauntlet a la Sen's at the beginning of Liurnia as a training grounds for the Volcano manor.

The whole gutted experience stems from from being worried the new casual audience wouldn't like invasions. My roommate is a total dudebro and he rages to high heaven when we get invaded even though we spank every invader. He just rages the fuck out at the mere inclusion.

they patched in npc questlines... im a little salty about that. i dont really care much about balance or most bugs etc but that is what made me feel kinda punished for playing at launch. im going to wait a month or so after dlc releases.

I agree, but only for the actual limited stuff like sacramental buds. I don't know if I haven't found a respawning area or if they are limited but a few items like that making most of the perfumes or ritual pot recipes truly limited in scope is pretty shit.
Normal stuff has a grind loop for unlocking a bell for it, I'm fine with hoops like that. Making mule characters to eventually make a jar based character isn't up my alley.

Colossals are still trash.

It's hardly a buff.

>And the other half the time they're standing in front of the boss fog waving goodbye.. and THEN challenging the area boss.
Kek. Based players trolling trolls (invaders).

I invade then sever out when I get close to them. Wonder what its like on the other guy's side seeing that.

Fuck bleed meta give me a nerf or a charm to reduce bleed buildup. Level 331 everyone has bleed weapons in limgrave duels

>level 331

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It's totally balanced around solo play. Summons are just a thrown bone, especially with how much better throwable shit is than other from games, and addition of physicks and perfumes.

365 my b

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mimic was that balance but they fucked it up

Equip the Alexander shard and use giant hunt or lion's claw, it's really good.
For pvp you can have the pulley crossbow with sleep bolts in the offhand and oneshot people with ashes.