Dark Souls/Elden Ring has the same issue as pic related and more. You also can't switch items and weapons while running, yet no one complains and it doesn't have huge Reddit threads when From games does it.
Do people just have higher standards for Nintendo/Zelda games?
Nah, it's just Snoyggers false-flagging and shitposting as they always do, trying to boost their low self-esteem and flops.
clawing is absolutely terrible for your hands
Zelda isn't difficult enough to require a claw grip. Please go farm your updoots (you)'s where you got this from and kindly kill yourself mutt shit skin
No, tendies are the most retarded gaming fanbase on the planet. They also act like a dumbass cult.
I think Nintendo just stopped making good games a long time ago for core users, and tendies remain the casuals with shit experience outside their platform with shallow gameplay and worse writing. I honestly see no value in owning a Switch in 2022 because every better game is found elsewhere
Rent free lmfao
why did you see a random reddit thread with 0 upboats and immediately start seething about from software?
Sprint with the joint of your and jump with the top.
And does wanting to explore a world and see the nice vistas have to do with difficulty? What game is even difficult today?
But then why do people have higher standards for these games?
Because Botw and Elden Ring as the biggest games of the generation and yet most of the complaints that apply to both games you only ever see about Zelda.
They dont, tendies bought cardboard
Labo was for toddlers, Nintendo has fans of all age groups. Doubt the older fans bought it. Was it even a success?
No tendies are mostly toddlers, even if its only on the mental level
Labo flopped and was forgotten years ago.
Yeah, thought so. Glad I didn't make the effort to Google it because of that mentally ill shitposter.
>0 upboats
>video game criticism
>getting any upvotes
Gamers are perpetually seething retards who reject improvement
In Dark Souls jump and sprint are the same button, in Elden Ring jump is right next to sprint and you can simply press it with the edge of your thumb, there is never a need to claw the controller in either game as items don't have any sprint animations so you simply press the item button.
You can't switch items/tools while walking or move the camera while running without a very unnatural grip. It's just dumb, given that other games figured out ways to do all this.
No they don't you lying retard.
In every well designed game face buttons you are frequently meant to use together (such as run and jump) are located NEXT TO each other for exactly the reason demonstrated in that picture. You can press both buttons simultaneously with one finger. When they're on the opposite ends of the "diamond" you can't. This is 101 game design.
Okami has all of the problems of the late stage "bad" Zelda games, and people love it, so yes.
>When they're on the opposite ends of the "diamond" you can't.
Which is the case here. Are you dumb?
Okami lets you sprint and move the camera at the same time
>In Dark Souls jump and sprint are the same button
which was horrible
I didn't know that was a thing people complained about. What Okami does have is a little companion character who over explains absolutely every part of the game to you.
What does this have to do with the thread? Pills?
I must be out of my damn mind even responding to this, but there's no reason to 'claw' in BoTW. If you wanted to your thumb can reach X to jump, but there's no point in doing that because there's no reason to use it at any point in the game. The game isn't Dragon's Dogma where sprinting into a jump allows the player to clear gaps easier or grapple a monster with haste. BoTW's control scheme works fine. And seriously who needs to control the camera AND jump at the same time.
I don't get this problem, in botw the camera is zoomed out so far that the only time you'd want to claw is if you're making regular 270 degree turns while sprinting. As for switching items and weapons, botw pauses the game when you do this so it's not like you HAVE to keep your thumb on the stick.
>I don't get this problem
Because you are retarded
move over Zelda scrubs
If you cant see there is nothing wrong with the claw, you have been filtered.
Normies wouldn’t understand
>I must be out of my damn mind even responding to this
You are already out of your mind for being this appalled because of a vidya thread and having to preface your dumb post like that
> but there's no point in doing that because there's no reason to use it at any point in the game.
Except every time you want to go straight from running into jumping/climbing/jump attacking. Exploring whatever way you want and going fast is fun, but let me watch your mental gymnastics pretending it's not
>seriously who needs to control the camera AND jump at the same time.
Not moving the camera and jumping at the same time but moving the camera and running at the same time. Everyone likes doing this and it's a huge fuck-up not having this in an exploration-heavy adventure game today
>put sprint on shoulder button
>problem solved
only few developers possess the mental faculty for this sadly
Or autorun
Bayonetta, Nier, Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter, Super mario do it right
>Dragon's Dogma
This game has the exact same 'can just freeze game and heal myself in pause menu' issue as Zelda
>attacks on face buttons
>roll and jump on triggers
>item and lock on on bumpers
>interact on stick click
This is the best way to play souls games on a gamepad. I regret letting my hyperkin duke die, because souls games with six face buttons is peak comfort.
that's shit on purpose though. shit on purpose is soul
You can't even fuck with controls in Souls because each input does multiple things tied to it
>>roll and jump on triggers
See, that's awful
I played both Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 like this and it was great. Complete ergonomic comfort. If you really wanted to, you could put roll on a bumper since the roll triggers on release and an analog trigger may fuck you up, but other than that I could genuinely never go back. It's great.
It's never bothered me, although holding my current phone in one hand and having it rest on my small finger beneath it has been dreadful for me as well as playing Switch in handheld, although I don't remember which game it was where I was holding it awkwardly and it gave me bad repetitive strain injury
>You are already out of your mind for being this appalled because of a vidya thread and having to preface your dumb post like that
Who said anything about being appalled? The reason is just silly and pointless.
>Except every time you want to go straight from running into jumping/climbing/jump attacking
Again, it's not like reaching X from your thumb being on B is some kind of athletic feat.
>Exploring whatever way you want and going fast is fun, but let me watch your mental gymnastics pretending it's not
Sure, when you explain where I said that it wasn't.
>Not moving the camera and jumping at the same time but moving the camera and running at the same time
I'd probably care if I wasn't on a horse 90% of my playthrough. Even then my index reaches the right analog pretty easily and it's not as if my hand cramps from doing that or anything. Not saying it's the best solution, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be and there's certainly no reason to claw your controller unlike a game that actually demanded it like Monster Hunter on PSP.
It's an example of people being way more critical to an established Nintendo series, than a competitor.
>Who said anything about being appalled? The reason is just silly and pointless.
You when you implied the thread is so appaling that it would be crazy to engage in it instead of just saying your dumb thing like a non-schizo
>Again, it's not like reaching X from your thumb being on B is some kind of athletic feat.
You won't jump out of a sprint but out of a jog, which feels wrong and doesn't or at least shouldn't have the same trajectory and speed. We know how long jump works
>Sure, when you explain where I said that it wasn't.
When you defended not allowing people to move the camera while exploring and fast/long jumping in a not retarded way
>I'd probably care if I wasn't on a horse 90% of my playthrough.
>using the horse 90% the time
>when you couldn't even call it, it controls like shit and you want to be climbing and gliding all the time
Just resorting to lying now, got it
>but it's not as bad as it's made out to be
Except it is. Controls are the most important thing for a game and good playability and you are suggesting pic related. You are eating shit for corporations and suggest others to do the same
Why do you make two posts?
How old is this reddit post?
I never had any problem with BoTW and dont claw.
Do redditors really wear a suit to play video games?
I only had to when doing the whistle glitch and its not like that was intentional.
Your feefees aren't an argument
>and dont claw.
Same because clawing sucks. But not being able to move the camera while running sucks too in a game where the environment is so important
>it's my turn to play
how did this have such good effects in the 90s
>Reddit wears $800 suits
>4channers wear cum stained rags with holes their cat made
Practical effects, that's how.
I wear jogging pants
Claw users are mentally ill. They intentionally taught themselves wrong and yet somehow this is my problem.
>You won't jump out of a sprint but out of a jog, which feels wrong and doesn't or at least shouldn't have the same trajectory and speed
I know. Which is why all of this is so silly to begin with. Maybe I'd care more if jumping were actually worth a damn outside bullet time, faster climbing and paragliding. BoTW doesn't exactly have platforming elements or interesting combat so for all intents and purposes, the control scheme is fine.
>it controls like shit
The horse was fine, what are you talking about? It gets me from point A to point B and I used it every chance I got because it beats worrying about Link's shitty stamina meter.
>just craft stamina potions
Nah just give me a damn horse since Link is so slow at everything, including sprinting. It's actually hard for me to remember times when I wasn't using one outside of Gerudo Desert for obvious reasons. Whenever I reached places my horse couldn't go it made me wish I could bring the damn horse because then exploring would be that much faster and not as much a waste of time when looking for shrines.
brain issue, dont use hand vibrator for gaming, use normal keyboard and mouse, its really that simple
I swear to God v will be whining about BoTW for 60 years. Holy shit get filtered by the claw.
>I know. Which is why all of this is so silly to begin with. Maybe I'd care more if jumping were actually worth a damn outside bullet time, faster climbing and paragliding. BoTW doesn't exactly have platforming elements or interesting combat so for all intents and purposes, the control scheme is fine.
At least you concede that you were defending not allowing the player to go fast as much as they want and play and explore the world to their liking due to retarded control schemes. If you can sprint and jump it's fundamental movement skills that should be intuitive in every game today, as this user puts it nicely >The horse was fine, what are you talking about?
It's literally part of the gameplay that it controls like shit, especially when it's a new horse. And again, you can't even call it without going to a barn first, there are many places where you can't even ride a horse and you will be running from mountain to mointain a lot
Doesn't switch let you manually reconfigure all buttons outside of the game?
Can you make control profiles for games?
Just use a straightened pointer finger to hold O for run, thumb for right stick, middle/ring finger for R1/R2
I don't think I ever had to do this?
Also I guess it's just cool now to post reddit garbage here