>Game has a church it
>The church is evil
Game has a church it
>op is a tranime poster
>op makes shitty threads
many such cases!
Tell me about a single organized religion that doesn't protect pedophiles
>worshipping the church in place of Jesus
the church is a product of man and is closer to judaism than the word of the savior, just look at all the "churches" that cheer for sodomy, LGBT and other great sins all while asking for donation
>Game final boss is God
>God's final boss is videogames
Japan just another country pozzed by jews, people are just too stupid to realize.
Most video games are made by Japanese developers who find any form of religious devotion be it:
>Christianity - Faith fanatics that wish to purge heretics and/or nonhumans.
>Buddhists - Evil corrupt monks that work alongside demons or were tricked into learning Tengu magics.
>Shintoist - Crazy Nationalistic Samurai that wish to kill anything that is not Japanese.
You ask ANY Jap on the street what is their religion, they will answer, "I'm Normal", which means they are not religious and only attend festivals because it's a cultural thing; otherwise they think religion is "scary". Japan really as a whole is an Atheist country in denial that it's Atheist.
>Game has a Church
>You can heal there
Based secularism.
What games have the church actually be good?
Yeah i dont think so
The simpsons videogame? Beating God at DDR was pretty fun
>Manga hiatus hell
Based Japan telling the truth about religions.
Take away people's faith, and it will only make them find religion in another form; they will either adopt a political ideology, make up a new cult, or identify themselves with an obsession like some fandom.
you can be religious and still be a loser
And you can say you're a believer of logic and science, and still be religious.
>game has church
>the church is a fake, and was created as an excuse to genocide others
>but the fake god has been praised so much for so long that the god's power becomes real
>even the god of the genocided people is cool with the fake god, only hating the people that created him
>protagonist can become a priestess for both religions equally, and teach the blessings of both gods
Kiseki, maybe? I'm still only in the second Coldsteel game and I played the Sky ones a long time ago but I don't remember the Church ever being portrayed negatively.
Rent free, schizo-kun
Dragon Quest
Fire Emblem
Dark Souls
>game is true to life
What's the problem?
>game has a creator deity
>it's always a goddess
Any games where you can fuck the goddess?
Flode is based. Every scene at the church is the best.
Because historically:
>Inquisitor! This woman is a witch that worships the devil! We need to burn her!
>Prove it, otherwise she is just some mentally ill woman at best or a heathen at worse. Don't bother us with false charges on innocent people.
The Church was literally the founder of Universities after all.
found the Yea Forumsedditor ;)
>>Game has a church it
>>The church is evil
So like in real life?
Fire Emblem Three Houses allows you to marry her, and are soul bounded for all eternity even after death where you two can explore the After Life and all of it's mysteries.
Three Houses lets you marry her ghost and fuck her daughter.
It's very possible that Three Hopes will let you marry Byleth, which will finally let you ACTUALLY fuck the goddess.
>christcucks instantly knows it's referring to them
all gods are evil
>Follow God's Plan to a t, watch in awe as He destroys all the impure and demons from the face of the earth
>Retard by my side screams that now that weve done God's Will, God must be judged and killed
>Before I have a chance to react, God decides to kill us all for trying to rebel against him
Satan shut the fuck up, dont be a fucking hypocrite and try to blame YHVH when you were the one who created the giant laser and pushed the button, now im getting God as the final boss.
>>Prove it, otherwise she is just some mentally ill woman at best or a heathen at worse. Don't bother us with false charges on innocent people.
yeah no this never happened
>the church is a product of man
Jesus made explicit references to "his church". In a trinitarian view, so quite nearly all modern christians, God exists in community with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and the community of believers (the Church) is meant to model that relationship. It isn't just a man-made concept, according to what is considered basically universal christian doctrine.
That said, yeah people are human and their attempts at living out the Church's role tends to suck, as much as people suck doing anything
But the Imperial Cult is certainly the worst offender
t. New Atheist that doesn't actually study any church history other than Protestantism
If the vatican really wanted to obfuscate that shit, you fags would still believe no priest ever touched a kid in any sort of inappropriate way
Most local churches are filled with pretty regular, even good people. But big organized religious institutions are one of humanity's biggest scourges and I am glad it keeps getting mocked by artists in all mediums. And that coming from a pastor's son who helps in church every single sunday. The biggest motherfuckers I know act like religious men.
it doesn't matter
anyone that worships a god is anti-human and needs to die
Normalizing and encouraging mental illness is bad, yes. Church bad.
>Game has a church
>Its a safe place where you can heal and save you game
Unforgivable sin is such a convenient way to escape from Christianity. All you have to do is insult the Holy Spirit and you're done with Christianity for life. There's no point in trying to be a good believer if you're permanently and irreversibly condemned to hell.
>game has priests
>they're fucking based
>him AND his father
either bro was molesting an old man or that nigga BROUGHT HIS SON to be molested by the priest
like, he couldnt give his son a hint to not hang around that church??
>Pozzed by jews
>Magi Goi gandalf
DFO priests/monks
The definition of "blasphemy" is deliberately vague and nebulus, and it is kept that way so as to change the meaning of the work to suit whatever current narrative the church wants to push on their NPC followers. Not that it matters, people who believe in the bible believe in whatever interpretation resonates with their personal feelings the most, while arguing that every other NPC isn't a good boy because they're doing it wrong.
best game
>Game universe shows God and the Devil are undeniably real
>People aren't 100 times more fanatical
Some people get really fucked up over religion irl, imagine how bad it'd be if you believed hard enough you got to shoot lightning out of your hands and there are people who have the power to give you and your entire village super demon aids and will do so with glee
>Game actively says fuck you to faith
That's Hellblade for you.
teaching(brainwashing) children your religion is child abuse
Nuns are for sins of the flesh,I'm not a demon btw.
That is a sudden change of subject from my perspective. All I said that an Atheist can easily be religious in just about literally any other thing after he rejects whatever previous religion... like Atheism itself. Look at for example. He might have his religion be Socialism, that dictates that other followers of religions have to die for the benefit of society.
if the catholic church doesn't want to be associated with evil they could try not electing a satanist as pope
yeah retard it's a church what else would it be based on
>So then, why was one sin declared unforgivable? And what is this sin? The context of Christ’s declaration reveals it: the sin against the Holy Spirit is the sin of rejecting Christ as a blaspheming deceiver. The Pharisees saw Christ’s miracles and His spectacular exorcisms. They could not deny the reality of the exorcisms; they just said that He could only do such things because He was in league with Satan. “It is only by Beel-zebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons” (Matthew 12:24). (Note in passing their malevolence and hatred of Jesus: they cannot even bring themselves to say His Name. He is “this man”.) This is not just slander against Jesus, but against the Spirit of God Himself, for it declares the Holy Spirit through which Jesus cast out demons (Matthew 12:28) was an unclean spirit. Our Lord’s foes were in fact setting themselves against all that God was doing, rejecting His coming Kingdom as a deception and a fraud. That Kingdom was the only place where grace and forgiveness flowed into the world, so that by continuing to reject the Kingdom, they rejected with it the only source of forgiveness. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was not unforgiveable in the sense that God refused to forgive those who repented of it, but because in persisting in this sin they cut themselves off from the possibility of forgiveness. Jesus was not simply another Jewish teacher. He was the everlasting Son of the Father, so that to see Him was to see the Father (John 14:9), and to reject Him was to reject the Father. That what why rejecting Jesus as demonic cut one off from forgiveness, for it involved rejecting God Himself.
killing retards isn't a religion
It is to those that are fanatical to the pro-abortion religion called "Pro-Choice".
>he actually wants more retards running around
you know blacks are the majority of abortions right?
It's funny you think calling non religious people "part of a religion" means anything
>Standard monk is a fist-fighter that uses spirit
>No super-wizard INT/FTH Monk class focusing on death
This makes the christcuck seethe
rather than the 'church' being evil it's usually a singular priest abusing his power. it's hard to write a giant powerful organization that doesn't have any corruption.
Why do you guys gotta fight over real life stuff in a videogame board?
reminder that the only god is man
Ah! you must be a westerner that uses your modern definition of a religion.
>open thread with anime
>mind instantly thinks of trannies
sad, get help user! it's [current year] you can date a tranny if you really want to! Talk to a therapist to get those repressed feelings out!
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a very specific concept that you have to go a significant way out of your way to achieve it by not only denying Christ but basically outright preaching against Christ with all your heart and without any remorse.
It's not as simple as just denying your faith or denying certain things, you effectively have to be Varg-tier in your hate for the religion and even then you have to go further than that. It's straight up preaching to others that nothing Christ taught was true which would effectively make you part of your own anti-Christian cult but also going out of your way to tell people about how Christ lied and all that. If I remember right even satanists can be redeemed without issue as long as they accept Christ despite all they've done so you gotta really be scum of the earth and vindictive to get on that type of shit list.
You're not going to convince that murder is acceptable again certain groups.
>no you are in a religion too!
>this matters because uh......
i can't wait for you to die
heaven is as real as the easter bunny
militant atheism basically
Teaching children in school to reject the faith of their parents without their consent, and that they should shoot themselves up with HRT drugs and to cut off their dick is child abuse.
Teaching children anything is child abuse. Let them roam free
religion is a belief in some supernatural entity or order of things, emphasis on supernatural
opinion or ideology is not a religion, unless you want to stretch the definition of a religion to the point of uselessness
teaching children to worship your non-existent god should result in you have your children taken and you being gifted a bullet
>God became Man.
It's a diversion tactic, while the real pedos and monsters get to run free everybody else is too busy shitflinging to do anything
I'd still argue that's only the tipping point, going The Amazing Atheist isn't enough, you gotta be even scummier than just denying these things. The way every sort of interpretation of it seems to imply it's that you aren't just calling these things lies, you're straight up specifying that they're works of evil or that righteous/good acts were done because of evil or something like that.
It's kind of hard to explain but you'd have to more or less intentionally go after this and set your entire life to basically hating everything about Christianity and then some.
There you go again with your religion.
the only thing that should be worshipped is man
everything accomplished through history is because of men, not gods
I remember back in high school we had to have our parents sign waivers so our biology teacher can teach us the theory of evolution.
you calling it a religion doesn't change anything retard
i worship reality
you worship fiction