What's the first game that comes to mind when you heard the word 'adventure'?

What's the first game that comes to mind when you heard the word 'adventure'?

Attached: Liurna.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

Ad-venture capitalist
fucking ads


Links Awakening

Dragon Quest

Show with your dad simulator

Mass Effect


SNES/PS1 JRPGs, Tales of, OoT, Wind Waker, Okami
Not your zombie thrasher simulator

A Link to the Past

This too

Ys VI, VIII was pretty good in that regard too


Attached: Elden Ring Environments Cinegrid.jpg (3264x1835, 3.92M)

Shadow of the Colossus.

Zelda games, any of them really.

Wind Waker and Pokemon

>literally nothing in the background moves
>only thing that moves is the skirt
Why exactly did retard OP make this a webm instead of just posting a high quality screenshot?

Why do From Software fans have such low IQ?

Attached: 1650762556293.jpg (359x498, 64.83K)

actually its mario

Dragon's Dogma

take me back bros

Attached: sovl.jpg (795x586, 82.84K)

Not Copypaste: The Game that's for sure.

Takes more for a good adventure than some cool backgrounds (the best of which are just rehashing Berserk). It's a fact that you mostly beat up zombies and dragons in this game. It's not bad but there are more adventurous games

Music is also a HUGE factor and the non-boss music is very lame here

Attached: alttp comfy shadows.webm (1220x1076, 2.79M)

I will never understand Elden haters. Faggot contrarians assholes. Such a breed only could have been possible on Yea Forums.

they probably dont play enough mario..

Legend Of Monkey Island.

I just feel like it's a different skybox and colorfilter over the world ngl

i agree that mario is a huge factor

Because every amazing experience is then repeated 10 times from that point until it's tired


If you just didn't do the exact same thing in every single one of these places. This entire game is about combat. They couldn't even make ONE (1) village or town. I like it but still my disappointment of the year so far. What was even the point of the GoT guy?

Traditional roguelikes in general.

Yes there are multiple dragons. Explain how is that worse than having just one.

Is this the new forced meme?

Rain World
Gothic I/II
Shadow of the Colossus
Dark Souls
Wind Waker (most Zelda games really)
Fallout 2
Resident Evil Remake
Red Dead Redemption 2
Outer Wilds
Metroid Prime

Attached: Comfyseal.jpg (620x412, 36.18K)

another contrarian faggot that hates mario lmfao get out retard

to make the written lore more cohesive I believe, that's all he was there for during development

Unironically Dark Souls 1. The fact that you have to walk through most of the first half with 0 loading screens really makes me feel immersed.

I also feel they give you the bonfire warping JUST in the most appropriate moment. Whenever I was in Lost Izalith, Duke's Archives or Tomb of the Giants I got the feeling that I was so away from home because I knew the path to get back wasn't particularly short or free of enemies. I enjoy the fact that the game doesn't really requires you to backtrack so much. Most questlines progress naturally as you keep your journey.

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Honest to god, Genshin Impact surprised me when I first played the game because I had no idea NotChina was in it

Attached: file.png (2560x1440, 2.46M)

Because they, along with all the other countless repeated stuff, play exactly the same each time.
It is human nature to tire from repetition. To be otherwise is unironic autism.

This game will never be topped.

>Unironically Dark Souls 1. The fact that you have to walk through most of the first half with 0 loading screens really makes me feel immersed.
If this is your biggest reason you will love Xenoblade X. Huge unique biomes all tied together, fully handcrafted and not 1 loading screen

Attached: screenshot_451.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Literally the clouds and fog are moving and you can see birds flying. Get your eyes checked.

Every game has moving clouds and birds. In fact you can see that when you look out your window. Stop making pointless webms, retard

These two
>shit gameplay
>shit level design
>shit graphics
>shit music
Yeah, it's a true gem, Reddit bros

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shut the fuck up negroid

The first Dark Souls was a complete fluke. It's the only game in the series not fundamentally designed around fast travel until the very end of the game. It's also this exact reason that makes it by far the best. While the world itself is small, the sense of scale that it gives the player is immense.

Attached: Ash Lake atmosphere.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

It's dogshit, like if bloodborne were nothing but chalice dungeons

Is it gonna get a re-release later? I don't feel like downloading a Wii U emulator just for 1 game.

Would be fine if it was a bug but From deliberately makes corridory level design and then puts enemies with far as fuck reach in them every time

Come home...

Attached: Skell cruising.webm (1144x644, 1.64M)

>just for 1 game
It also has perfectly playable Wind Waker, BotW, Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze

Attached: screenshot_260.png (1920x1080, 3.03M)

Why does Yea Forums hate Elden Ring now?

witcher 3
dark souls 1
castlevania LOS
TES oblivion

Attached: the-witcher-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-geralt-of-rivia-wallpaper-preview.jpg (1321x1018, 448.49K)

>>shit gameplay
>>shit level design
>>shit graphics
>>shit music
Shit opinion.

Myst, because it's you know, and adventure game.

Because it kind of sucks. Sorry.


not a fan of copy pasted slop.

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it is genuinely bad. in Limgrave, Liurnia and Caelid there are only 2 (TWO) unique bosses: Rennala and Radahn (Godrick is reused in an evergaol)

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This but Riven.

Attached: Riven Cinegrid.jpg (1200x773, 141.88K)

For me? It's Dragon's Dogma

baldur's gate 1

Attached: The problems with Elden Ring.png (1898x1446, 441.03K)

the boss “music” is even worse than the three note ambient drivel that plays in the overworld

For me the best are easily Dark Souls 1 and Morrowind. Both just have this unparalleled feeling of organically exploring a strange, hostile world that no game in either series ever recaptured again. OoT as well, not quite on the same level but it had a great sense of adventure that no Zelda afterwards had (even if I like Majoras Mask better).

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I can fucking hear the firelink shrine music just looking at this webm.
it's beautiful.

because it’s a boring copy pasted soulless arcade/action platformer made solely to enrich two fat nerds

Ash Lake is legitimately terrifying to think about as a place and how tiny you are compared to it, and how it's the bottom of the entire world.

Etrian Odyssey

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gameplay is awful

of all the people criticizing elden ring (myself included after finishing an 86 hour first playthrough), none of them have been about the way the world looks. it is visually stunning consistently throughout the entire experience and easily the best designed open world we've ever seen in terms of visual presentation. it's not just a graphical thing either, it's the way areas are presented to as you travel through the world and how everything looks good both from afar and up close.
that said, the combat was engaging for the first hour or so when i was trying out guard counters, then it was back to "oh this is just dark souls 3." 85 hours later i was beyond done with it, the only reason i continued was because i wanted to see more of the world.

Pretty much any Zelda game before and including ALTTP. That's like stereotypical video game "Adventure" stuff.
