Why can't we have good black characters in video games?
Why can't we have good black characters in video games?
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Because we can't have good black characters in real life.
Why can't you be a good black character and die?
Despite this faggotry, I still like UA: LA.
They are the same thing as bald space marine
You can in whatever the fuck sports game is out.
Because niggers have no good characteristics.
>black characters
Why can't black characters in videogames actually look like black people? Why do they always give them white features or hair colors that are not shit brown?
Black people have wide noses, bee stung lips, weird face shapes and weird eyes, and they always have pubic head hair and the colors they sport are brown, brown and black.
So why tf in fiction they always have blue eyes and pretty thin noses and shit?
You're posting in a troll thread
Everyone below this line is a willing shitposter
the real question is why can't we have GOOD black characters in videogames?
we already do
nuff said
>one chance at life
>parents call you papoose
Because blacks are lazy assholes who expect whites and asians to cater to them.
Look you want good black rolemodels in games, do the work.
Aaron McGruder proves you are capable, now git to work.
Oh and please make their characters more then just their race, gets kinda boring when every black character is just a civil rights stereotype.
Literally a person in history.
maybe it's just a nickname?
>can nickname yourself anything you want
>choose to call yourself papoose
>Yo, my name is JAMEL-KUN and I'MMA BE THE GREATEST RAPPER IN THE WORLD! FOR REAL YALL! I'm the biggest Kanye West fan!
>My name is JAMELIROU I sell my mix tape down in the local town as I help take care of my 8 siblings. I was raised without a dad, he left to get milk when I was just a baby.
>Black people: how we do integrate ourselves into media ?
>Also black people: by stealing, obviously
We tried teaching them JavaScript so they can make games themselves… but they just don’t get it.
Blacks are incapable of being good.
Well done op, well done great thread.... However... CROSS COUNTER
Make your own characters and stop stealing other people's characters
That was nothing more than an exotic piece of decoration for Nobunaga.
Because black characters always talk like they're from the fucking hood (and still in it) and either overly masculine if a guy or "sassy and independent" as a woman. I can immediately tell you a black character's personality from an expressionless t-pose
do black people not know how to use commas?
The real question is why can’t we have good BLACK characters in videogames?
Because they often suck
This fucking seriously it's so damn annoying. It's the same thing with gay people, most gay people have some kind of tell they aren't just normal people "but gay" it's a different culture
I genuinely want more black chicks in anime
Western AAA developers don't want to make black characters that are anything but inverted stereotypes that somehow offend no one by being just on the cuff of offending everyone
Jap devs make black characters if they want to but the economy of their games doesn't support devs that want to do whatever they want unless they are big time auteurs (read: retarded faggots like Kojima)
i thought he was a criminal and a repeat offender too, lol lmao.
Why do blacks and South Americans name their children retarded shit so much more often than other ethnicities?
We wuz heerowz and sheet?
The people who make those edits are out of their minds.
The original characters aren't black because the primary target audience needs to identify themselves.
And that's why nowadays games are full of woke SJW shit, they are trying to shift the primary target audience.
Does he not realize that'd just make it imperfect?
why would you embrace a nickname like papoose what the fuck
Hey, would you play this?
>FPS that's all about doing sick acrobatics while fighting shit
>Play as a hot black chick who exists to be a cheeky cunt who just messes with everyone around her. Like how she literally blueballs a dyke so hard she furiously jacks off right in public because, and I quote "What a salty faggot"
>She fights against a regime that forbids self-improvement.
we can, Thief Simulator sold pretty well on steam iirc
So like Mirror's Edge but you're a coon and you fight more and platform less?
Sure, why not as long as she's cute.
We do.
Not sure they think in a way that commas would ever be appropriate.
>create nothing
>surprised when there's little representation in other cultures media of your culture
>try and shoehorn yourself into other culture instead of creating your own analog
>cry when there's pushback
Whites created their own version of hip hop and it turned out pretty well because it showed a willingness to participate in that culture instead of trying to change the culture to fit them. Asians too with car culture.
Give it a go
Never got the big nigger lips meme, pretty much none of my black friends and acquaintances had abnormally huge lips, although, i'm a spic so you could argue that they aren't really black.
I like the redraws
>drawing fan art is theft
>makes black character
>Hoodrat nigger #6475859
>Muh sex, violence and drugs
>Speaks in ebonics
>"I don't get it, why do people not like black characters?"
>why do they act retarded
Well… let’s think about this…
Blacks have their own culture niggers just ignore it in favor of being hood its sad really
Don't you realize that's exactly what he's implying?
Grammer, like math, is racist.
Why don't black people make their own shows and characters instead of asking for handouts?
I literally do not give the slightest fuck about a characters race, ethnicity, religion, creed or anything as long as they're a cute girl. I'll play any kind of game as long as it has attractive female characters in it, any game with ugly characters I will never play
Pure cringe...
I kneel.
>tumblr redrew horribly
I don't get it
I'm assuming he found a body
to make good black characters we must find good examples of black people and that is already an impossible task
How could someone do this to Princess Jellyfish?
>Blacks used to be more religious, family oriented, self improvement oriented and faithful to their partners than whites
>Hoodrat culture glorified the worst aspects of blacks, making them into eternal redneck gangers
It's quite sad really
This, you get great shows like Atlanta
this reads like a joke but them realize its a sad truth.
>we gave the stars for this
Literally the same argument as “women don’t look like that”
this. /thread
gf epsteined herself
Is all niggers do is steal screenshots and call them OC?
This one’s pretty good
>>drawing fan art is theft
>is an edit with shit splatter all over it.
Nigga ya stupid.
Literally like duskier Scotsmen
Is that fucking 3D printed?
In the whole vid, two kids shot themselves after playing with a gun
Im assuming this is one of the kids after leaving and coming back just to confirm "yep, he ded"
poo poo papoose
Gon somehow looks more feminine
I mean if the done in a good way and game have good and interesting story and atmosphere, why not ?
isn't race-swapping asian characters considered problematic by SJWs
Same could be said about 99% of Japan at the time, to be fair.
The only good black character
Because he died immediately
Was May 25th 2020 as pivotal moment in your life as it was for Sony Interactive Entertainment?
Do you remember what you were doing at the time?
You got a sauce there champ
For me, its MahmaPuu
Yes but SJW are usually super retards.
>is an edit
The majority of shit posted on this site are lazier edits.
>pic related
It's all about what race you'd like to "swap" in minecraft if you get my meaning haha.
No. Every race is free game as far as niggers are concerned. Except their own, of course.
>They outgayed Togashi's designs
impressive but still disgusting
Suit says he's supposed to be smart, but the expression is a bit goofy. I'm gonna guess, comedic sidekick, he's the smart one but the main character, despite being less intelligent, is the one who comes up with the successful plans, despite objections from pic character that are reasonable.
He was alive all throughout MGS3 though.
i really don't like shoehorned black people, i usually don't like black people either.
Only if you make them white... since they should know better.
Blacks like children dont know any better in the eyes of progressives, so not offensive.
I respect Puu because the idea of a girl drawing herself/self-inserts fucking fictional dudes she has a crush on is hot
>manga made for frogs
>introduces black character
>actually pretty neat
I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers. I welcome well written black characters.
niggatoro is unironically a vast improvement.
an actor and a criminal are heroes?
What's with artist and being unable to draw blacks with straight hair?
As long as normal White men are not involved in the situation, it’s outside the purview of SJWs
dudley is pajeet
They don't really grow it so...yeah.
Then we agree, is not a fanart, is a lazy edit comparable to the shit anons make on 4chink, for the heck of it, at least anons don't pretend is some cool art like that retard on twatter.
Fake and gay if you're a nigger(like me) you enjoy wan piss.
Didn't read lol poo pose
he was
wonder what the woman who he held up at gunpoint thought about all this
Blacks don't have straighr hair user. Hoesntly it's refreshing, modern anime hair is so fucking flat it just looks like ribbons
Go back
>what is a stage name
>you act like cartoons are real people
But they are other 'real' peoples work, and interpretations that commandeer that work for the sake of making a political point, and not really enhancing the original work is in bad taste and should be discouraged.
niggers are gross, post ambigously brown characters instead
This bitch gave me a negress fetish
TS revolution
It's hilarious
I guess the trannies who tone police this board are all on public transportation coming home from their programming jobs right now?
is she actually a girl
>ambigously brown
are you retarded user?
The artist is definitely not a black woman. This smells of femboy with an interracial dom fetish. The artist might even be a black boy. But certainly not a black woman.
Black people come with a variety of features.
I know this thread is bait for nigger spam, but unironically they do exist.
>Sazh is one I like a lot. And supposedly a lot of others did too in 13.
Holy fucking shit, that's disgusting
Doesn’t get there are several media with whites and Asians than the usual other way around
why cant black people make video games and put black characters in them, like bet but video games instead?
I honestly only hate it if it's a race swap or a shoehorn in. Like I really don't care if it's a modern setting and I'm having to play as a black guy. Now if you stick me in Europe pre-1800s I'll probably have an issue. Fantasy is a lot more lenient, but there can still be shit pushed there