The Uncharted movie just came out on torrents and after watching it to my surprise it was actually good

The Uncharted movie just came out on torrents and after watching it to my surprise it was actually good

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Torrenting is immoral

I don't believe you

That casting is so fucking bad genuinely what the fuck were they thinking

try it yourself its free
>he's a paypig
thanks I guess. because you pay for shit they still make things and people like me can pirate shit
its a sony made movie for obvious reasons and they know tom holland has made them a ton of money as spider-man. CEOs and executives are dumb and think that must mean making him nathan drake is guaranteed money. I looked up the box office number and apparently it made 392 million dollars on a 120 million dollar(without marketing) budget so dont be surprised if it gets a sequel

I'm not watching anything with Tom Holland in it. I find him super ugly.

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ew you literal faggot

The director is an unironic marvel bugman who only cared about getting the “biggest names” possible

I downloaded it a couple of days ago but still have not watched it.

didn't he direct the first venom movie ?

watch it. its fun

Saw it in theaters with my buddies, glad the nigger lost
she's gonna come back in the sequel isn't she

How does this shit keep making movies

venom made money
I watched the new Batman. Is not very good to be honest. The cinematography, the acting, the actors, the costumes, the music... Everything is good. The problem is the story and the writing. It's bad. Sometimes I felt I was watching one of Fox/CW's shitty DC tv shows. This Batman is so fucking useless and cringe. No seriously, this movie would have been better without Batman in it because he really wasn't needed.

opinion discarded
this is better in every way and it doesn't waste 2 hours of your time

>came out 2 months ago
>nobody cared to see it

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it was panned critically but made almost 400 million dollars. I wouldnt call that a bomb

Is this ps5 exclusive or also on ps4?

its multi platform . the blu ray works on xbox and pc

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>Casting a 25 year old twink that is so baby faced he looks younger than kid Drake from UC3

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It’s better than mario bros will be.


The absolute state of sony

>they turned a movie game into a movie
cant make this shit up

so since they cannot make tom holland look older/manlier, does it mean that every next installment will be another prequel with a younger Nathan?

What is the budget?

120 million

I didn’t hate it, but it was like a worse version of an Uncharted game. You have the one “treasure hunting” scene in Barcelona and that’s it. No slightly mythical elements to it that were beyond belief. So it was kind of like the Tomb Raider movie, where you should probably just play a game instead

Given usual marketing fuckery it did fine. But really went away like a fart.

sony is desperate, they will definitely make a sequel

honestly the mythical elements were the worst part of the games. you spend 80% of the game tracking down some lost treasure of some dickhead then suddenly yetis are coming out of the fucking woodwork.

Tom Holland and Mark Walhberg. You'd have to pay me to watch those onionss.

what does this even mean ?

thanks for the heads up user


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>the fuck is this casting
>because money! watch it goy!
Yeah nah, nice try schlomo.

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I haven't played the games so I don't know if it's true to source material but the movie was pretty fucking bad.

i havent seen it yet, but im dying to watch a decent action movie that isnt about superheroes. uncharted games were really fun and characters were charming but it still had a few problems. aside from obvious casting issues, what would u say went wrong?

based piratechads

watch it its decent the anons in this thread are just no fun allowed sourpusses

Making shit movies is immoral.

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Sanic movie was better

I'll check it out once it hits torrents

Spiderman and Marky Mark cracking shitty jokes and puns and action is pretty much Holland going Oops! Sorry! Hehe! while tumbling all over the scene and pretty much being a waste of space.

the writing in uncharted games felt really natural and humorous. marvel movies take it a step too far and it just comes out sounding forced and cringe. a shame they went with marvel movie writing instead of good writing.

Not to mention the obvious backstabbing shit that happens every 15 mins for no reason and in the next scene everyone's all cool with it and being friends again. Abysmal writing overall.

it was fun honestly

i was seriously hoping at the very least it wouldn't be exactly what i expected and it fucking was

>torrent movie
>dont even watch it
>just want hollywood to bitch about losing money
If asked, I would consider myself based

>redistributing something to the masses for free is immoral

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Yeah it do be like that these days, gotta keep it simple so midwits can enjoy it without getting a headache

i don't usually call people who call themselves based based, but i'm willing to make an exception in this intance.

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these posters are the blandest fucking shit ever

but user it's not the 18th month in '22 yet

I'll pay for movies when Hollywood starts making good ones again.

a poor excuse

Id unironically watch that shit then any movie with holland

At least they're being honest about their intentions.

Can't get more reddit than this.

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you guys call things reddit so often it has lost all meaning

the girl was cute

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why do people feel the need to defend reddit?