I fucked your mom
I just bought it yesterday since it was on sale, so far its absolutely amazing, one of the best puzzle games ever.
piss bottle
>dude i love doing the same thing over 600 times!
Cool what part are you on?
same man video games are great
the puzzles are fucking boring slide this thing around type of puzzles that hipster video game journalists use to make themselves feel smart
No thanks. I'm good.
i got filtered hard by the audio section
I did okay on that part, but I still can't figure out the door in the bottom of the boat
I thought it was fun when the puzzles were easy and extremely tedious and boring when the puzzles got hard. The interesting parts were learning rules and some of the novel twists. But once you get all of that stuff done, the rest of it is just doing math and it sucks.
The presentation also annoyed me to no end. The game would've been so much better without the gay ass audio logs and movies. True ending was also disappointing.
Im at the area with colored glass you have to see the puzzle grid through, its pretty cool.
Johnathan Blow should Witness some bitches
I agree the audio logs and movies just seemed pretentious. The really long ones were especially annoying. But do have to say I kind of liked the puzzles hidden inside the movies
That was probably my favorite part
I consider myself filtered...
had fun with it as a puzzle game. I didn't bother trying to understand the "story" or any "le deeper meaning" if there was one but I'm a retard autist and have no patience for obfuscated subtext. I got the secret ending and didn't understand any of it
the way you learned information/mechanics and used them later was well done
The lack of music bothers me. Especially since the trailer played music in it.
I love this game. It's clear that lots of thought was put into the design of the game. I came into the conclusion that the design is like a metroidvania and I'm surprised I'm not the only one. God I wish I could experience it for the first time.
puzzle game with aesthetics
i like how the entire map was made as though a programmer tried to snapshot the entire world, its 4 seasons, and its history across all of time, into a frozen simulation
too bad the devs decided to go with 'make your own plot' instead of actually having a storyline in the game.
After playing this shit for too long I would start seeing circle and line formations in real life, and I would have a momentary impulse to click on them before realizing it was real life and I couldn't click. That was when I decided it was time to stop playing for a while. Still haven't gone back to it yet.
yeah fuck that audio section.
>The Witness
You mean this guy?
Yes, Tetris Effect is the point of the game, as demonstrated in the extremely masturbatory true ending. Would've been cool if the game didn't try to make such a big fucking deal about it.
Baba Is You > The Witness
They are both very good though
How do puzzles work in the game? For example, how would you solve the puzzle in the OP? I never understood the system so I haven't bought it before. A demo may be nice.
more like The Shitness lmao
that puzzle type, you have to draw a line so that it goes through all the dots. It area depending but it's all about line drawing, some could be sound based, colour based. It's pretty fun learning all the rule sets
Thought it was like Myst, bought it, hated it because it wasn't like Myst.
Tried it again a year later knowing it wasn't like Myst and enjoyed it a lot.
>present really neat looking world to explore
>stare at tablets for 90% of the game
what did blow mean by this?
omegafiltered kek
It's more like 60%.
listened to the recording on the top of the mountain and it was so unbelievably stupid that I had to quit on the spot and uninstall, it was okay up to that point
Of everything in the game, this little nigger was the one that filtered me.
The woman who reads those is truly awful
it's basically an autistic puzzle book, so if you're into that then great, otherwise it doesn't do anything really special or interesting with the medium
No, I think they mean this guy
The Witness is a very competent puzzle game, one of the best you can play. I recommend however to see the game as a big collection of puzzles of those that use quantity precisely to give the person the option to "give up" puzzles that they don't like and go to the ones they're more interested in, not as something that you need to complete 100%. The game is much more tolerable this way.
As for the totems, I recommend seeing them as a curiosity, an extra that you can look for once in a while but not worry too much about.
Players who face the game with the mindset of completing 100% will probably be quite bored.
what do you witness in the game?
One of the most dishonest, insulting and pretentiously shallow games I've ever played.
Problem is half the puzzles suck and they force you to do them in a certain order. If you get stuck on one you have to take a long walk around the island looking for another puzzle to do.
I got filtered really hard by the underground portion of the desert map where you have to make the water rise and lower painfully slowly and ended up looking up the solutions, and even then I didn't understand where they got their answer from. After that I just stopped playing.
Thats what made me stop.
I really would have prefered some sort of level select for all the non enviroment puzzles or just cutting down on them.
Half the puzzles are about organically learning the hidden rules. Those were good.
The other half were about finding the right spot the stand. Fuck those puzzles.
>pretentiously shallow
it's a fucking walking simulator with mazes, so your insane overreaction sends a clear signal that you were hard-filtered immediately
Hmm wasn't this free on PlayStation ages ago when they gave away free games for the pandemic?
Maybe I actually got it back then, maybe I should play it
But It's presented as being more than just a bunch of maze puzzles and if you expect more than that Blow will tell you you're stupid because you just don't get it, man.
is this from that vaporwave murder mystery? is it any good?
Probably one of the best examples of infallible, uncompromising game design I've seen. Every aspect of the game is in service to what it's trying to achieve. Also one of the only indie games I've played that does the heady philosophy and ambiguous symbolism actually well and was genuinely thought provoking. On top of all that the puzzles and the context they're used in is just genius game design. Easy 10/10
All the puzzles in the game, you draw a line from the start (the part that looks like a circle) to the end (the part that looks like a rounded nub). And you have to fulfill various conditions depending on the type of puzzle like putting the line across certain points, or separating colored squares.
A lot of puzzles require clues from the environment, and many puzzles conversely affect things in the surroundings for you to advance.
The totems I'm fairly sure are meant as a sort of "community challenge", and the game doesn't seriously expect you to 100% on your own. Though I think a reasonably observant person could probably figure 80-90%% or so on their own without too much grief.
kek you have to be trolling
For whatever reason, these were the ones that filtered me. I felt really stupid once I looked it up, but they just weren't clicking with my brain. I do think it's kind of interesting how different parts of the game filtered different people though
This. It's clear Jon put an immense amount of thought in the design. It's a shame that the final ending video doesn't seem to have as much effort put in as everything else.
Dialogue can be a bit cringe, especially starting out, but overall it's pretty good.
Worse than the talos principle.
I was 100% serious, I've played through the game 4 times now, I truly think it's a masterpiece
Please, you have to elaborate. What is the game "trying to achieve" and what does the "symbolism" mean?
To explain further would be to spoil the game, also everyone is going to have their own interpretation of the symbolism. Just play it for yourself, it's worth it to go in blind