Other urls found in this thread:
he used shitty MAME filters
he deserved to be blasted in the face by a seal and body thrown into the ocean
noo we're becoming terrorists
He said nigger a lot
>you never knew you were playing America's Army with Osama Bin Laden
He probably played SF hospital too
also watched anime
>Half-Life, Super Mario Bros., Yoshi’s Island DS, Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Ball Z, and Counter-Strike, a game where multiple players team up to fend off counterterrorism efforts.
kek such pleb tastes. glad he's dead.
do you think he played Postal?
Seething snoy
Hitler was a huge Pong enthusiast too. He broke records for High Score at the time, and was unbeaten in Multiplayer.
next time don't fuck with a gamer
>snoy seething at a literal terrorist because he would rather play good games
couldn't get anymore pathetic
>final fantasy vii
tendies really are delusional huh, kill yourself
for microsoft windows and Nintendo switch
Vladimir Putin is a known Among Us player, and he's really good at it too. nobody ever suspects he's the killer even someone witnesses him do it. he's that good!
you really are retarded, woah.
cope, seethe, sneed
you ever wonder what he thought about creepers?
gamers... now that baselon musk bought twitter can I call out trannies without repercussion?
basedlon musk is for trans rights
But did he like young pussys?
>video games make you a racist, transphobic, sexist, religious terrorist
>but video games can never influence your violent tendencies in any way
>and definitely not in a way that makes you more violent and prompts an actual act of violence
Burger logic.
rent free
I hope he'd refuse to play counter terrorists at any cost, that'd be kino.
He was a Muslim.
One of us could have played with him. I put 1000s of hours in to cs.
He had a Mancave. Of course he was.
Inshallah my friends we will smite the combine infidels
That first part is based, just stick with that.
old fucking news
He probably played flight sims
this is old, but here's the list
>counter strike
What would be funnier, him only playing as the terrorists or only as counter terrorist?
also the files that I forgot
Gamers did rise up...
imagine trusting the cia
I'll never not take theses things seriously, even if it's true, because of how retarded they look
In Islam, cunny sex is legal.
remember when they finally found him, killed him, dumped his body in the ocean, and crashed in a heli?
microsoft's flight simulator
Great taste
Its also funny that he liked Counter Strike, probably only played Terrorists
rest in power, king.
Hello friends here is the entire 258gigs that were found on Osamas computer
The fact that he hid in plain sight in a heavily guarded building its kinda crazy
Imagine being the farmer nearby who worked to grow crops for bin laden of all people
this drivel is itself a cia psyop concocted to make anyone who questions the official narrative at all look like a retard. the simple truth is saudi arabia masterminded it through osama but the us govt does big business with the saudis and a terrorist attack was a convenient excuse for ramping up their resource extraction efforts so 9/11 was allowed to occur
I'd bet he played Animal Crossing
CIA would never, EVER admit the Jewish tyranny over the USA since its true and even mentioning it is huge taboo
unironically though, how many people in Pakistan even heard of Steam in the late aughts, let alone used it
Who on his compound actually played counterstrike
If this were true he would've actually said so and the rest of the world woukd've found out
The most important question is
for your diligent efforts in regurgitating glowie propaganda i hereby bestow upon you the title of 'honorary fed'. your country thanks you for doing it for free
IS a gamer
I would love to open up his animal crossing wild world rom save
You are a smoothbrain, and probably the actual fed here.
Anyone with critical thinking skills, eyes and common sense can see we are ruled over by Jews.
You are the enemy.
you sound like the glowie here. user you are replying to is correct
>t.glowie sniffer
could it be any more obvious?
>The CIA found that a CIA plant who organized a strike against US soil played vidya, which would make him a gamer, a group which the US government is now trying to demonize and oppress
>Snoys are pedos and terrorist enablers
>Peace advocates like Osama are Nintendo chads
I'm 100% hate speech will still be banned
Also Bin Laden's family was connected to the Bushes similar to Ukraine's oligarchs to the Bidens, Clintons, Hines (yes the Ketchup company), and the Kerry's.
Did he play minecraft?
Osama Bin Laden is alive
Goldface wojak really fucked your heads up, huh? Yikes
Sounds like your average Yea Forums user hmmmmm
what /vg/ threads would bin laden have schizo'd up
Which Osama Bin Laden?