The game that filtered trillions...
The game that filtered trillions
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The game that only braindead niggers defend....
>S-surely it's everybody else that's wrong
>S-surely this shit must be good! Look at all the other flies on it!
I've yet to see a das2 hater actually fornulate decent points instead of just parroting memes like an underage imbecile and I've been in DaS2 threads for 8 years now
it got these scores only because "omg you died!!!!1 such hardcore game"
it will forever be a filter
>What I can say objectively is that Dark Souls 2 is a bad game, it sinks below par. It has several incompetent pieces of design throughout many of the most fundamental parts of the game and a hefty amount of them are in its most celebrated features. The game is far from finished, it's far from refined, it's broken in several areas, is far from a completed work, and that is after they got a second release of the game, which they considered to be the completed work, which is more than the terrible DS1 port got. The fact is by any reasonable and objective evaluation this game falls short, because if it doesn't, then hardly any games do. Because you have to really think to yourself: if you are going to argue why DS2 is actually an amazing game, then make sure your argument doesn't involve feelings, because I don't have time for them
These are the people telling you DS2 is bad
its was janky, but fuck i loved DS2 so much. i’ll take DS2 over DS1 any day.
>be hbomberguy
>makes shitty video on why ds2 is actually good
>people eat it up??
>enter mauler
I make sure to make a pilgrimage to that video series at least once a year
okay that's fine I'll enjoy it quietly on my own
>Suddenly the opinion of journalists matters
I fucking hate you faggots
DS2 is slow, janky, full of random out of place stuff and repetitive enemies. Yet still my favorite souls game. DS3 nostalfag niggers can eat shit.
>a literal leftoid bootlicker is the main defense force behind DS2
I sometimes wonder why people with rotten minds are attracted to rotten things so much. Then I snap out of it and read the newest article about child rape through muslim gangs and how the natives of the country are to blame for it.
Based Mauler btfo'ing 2trannies
>those 30 thousand journalists who took the time to write steam reviews
Last I remember it had like 22 billion deaths.
>e-celeb faggotry
I like how you ignore anything above the steam reviews. And okay, steam users also gave Resident Evil 6, Dragon Age 2, Hitman Absolution and Final Fantasy 13 good scores. Does that mean they're good games now?
>30-40 reviews
>suddenly turn to 30k
alright fag, but maybe your were talking about user scores?
>user score ranged from 7.5 to 7.8
lmao you disingenous little shit
100% of the people who complain about this game have no right because they never played the original, unpatched version of the game
You guys think SOTFS is bad? Load up the unpatched PS3 version
Thats really fucking sad
I don't think there are even a trillion people
Bioware bonus
>Hitman Absolution
idk didn't play it
JRPG bonus
I think it's pretty comfy to go and see a pile of dogshit burn once a year than actually playing with the pile of dogshit and trying to argue to random passerby's how great this shit is.
wanna try a comprehensible version of that just to help me out here?
And what about the Fromsoft bonus?
You're thinking of a Miyazaki bonus.
>fromsoft bonus
I'm gonna be speculative for a minute as to why people reacted the way they have to DS2. I wonder if it's about ego, the main draw of the series is it's difficulty, whether that's about challenging players or simply wanting them to feel accomplished when they succeed, it doesn't matter why, it's just that mastering the game is the primary reason that people will play it
I wonder if going from DS1 to 2 after achieving some level of mastery of the mechanics in the original was an uncomfortable experience for some people, it's like learning how to ride a bike again when you're berating yourself that you should already know how to do it, things feel different, combat has changed, there's this focus on ganks that wasn't present as much in the first game
I think it's easy for some players to slip into the trap of thinking the sequel is more of the same and aproaching it like a glorified expansion rather than a new game, because that's exactly what I did on my first playthrough
I'm saying all this because I can understand when some people say the level design isn't as good, I can also understand why people don't like the bosses in the base game, but I don't understand it when people say that DS2 is cheap and unfair, virtually every instance that it gets close to deserving those labels the original does the same just as much or even more
It's easy to ignore the same amount of ambushes and suposedly cheap enemy placement in the first game when you were brand new and didn't know any better, just like it's easy to recognize ambushes in the sequel but now you have the experience to get frustrated with them
DS1 is a flawed masterpiece, DS2 comes close to matching it, sometimes I think it surpasses the original in the DLC areas, but I wonder if the real deciding factor is which one of these games you play first, because DS1 is the game I remember more fondly even if I'd rather play the sequel before going back to it
Good, Cataclysm: DDA it's all i need.
>but I don't understand it when people say that DS2 is cheap and unfair, virtually every instance that it gets close to deserving those labels the original does the same just as much or even more
My favorite example of DS2 encounter
>see doorway
>hug wall and try to look inside into all of the dead spets
>see a few enemies lurking
>either pull them out one by one, or run in, run out to pull them into the corridor
>kill them one by one while they neatly queue up
this is not fun. it's tedious, boring and feels like you are wasting time. it was a dogshit game, and to this, I have never seen anyone with more than two braincells defending it.
DS2 has an odd mix of some of the best and worst in the series
Best dual wielding
Worst matchmaking
Best magic
Worst polish (mostly in the base game)
Best invasion system
Worst gank halways
BY FAR the best unique weapons
BY FAR the worst quality of animation
It's so odd. I love it.
>I wonder if the real deciding factor is which one of these games you play first, because DS1 is the game I remember more fondly even if I'd rather play the sequel before going back to it
Absolutely true.
I look back on DS1 as a genre defining game and one of my favorites. But, coming up to the release of Elden Ring, me and my bro played through all the games again, in order.
By far the one we had the most fun on and spent the most time on was 2. Maybe it's because 2 starts weak and finishes strong, unlike 1 and to a lesser degree, 3
Evolutionary classic that has the most replay-ability to date. Unfortunately it’s release was tainted by the bullshots and because of this initial poor reception, lame niggas took it and ran back when trannies still ran incognito. Dark souls 2 built upon most of the game structure of the the first game and improved the dungeons. They are longer and more methodical, requiring a slow approach and the addition of the torch made you more cautions when exploring dark areas.
The game was the best with pvp. I know some people here are too cringe to enjoy a little man on man action so it filtered them out right away. Always automatically discard anyone’s opinion if they mention they dislike pvp, they played 2/3 of the game. It definitely wasn’t the best souls game but i think it’s better than 3. Ds3 abandoned what the previous games built and set you on an almost perfectly linear path with minor deviations like the order which you approach the bosses within the same dungeon. I really liked the theme of the third game but something felt off about the entire thing. It felt like they were too invested in the idea of concluding the series. Way too many “remember” moments that felt forced and the pvp scene was totally hooked whack. The only thing the pvp had going for it was people generally played with the weapons they liked rather than a meta call
sure, here you go
don't forget: you think that critics and ratings matter, so don't try to weasel yourself out of this one by being a disingenuous little shit again
PvP in 2 was the one I had the most fun with. Stamina was quite limited, and there was a nice push and pull that felt quite deliberate. It had the usual fromsoft jank, but not to an unmanageable level. Ice Rapier was bullshit but it wasn't half as bullshit as murky in 3 or some of the insane shit in elden ring.
It also had the best application of poise, even if it was a little weak.
>this is not fun. it's tedious, boring and feels like you are wasting time.
I dunno man, a lot of the time I just ran in balls-to-the-walls and was just fine. The game has tools for taking on multiple enemies at once, but I'm a big weapon guy so maybe it's harder with something shorter
Iv never played any souls game like that wtf lmao
This is trash.
>metacritic users
Haven't bought the game, have made multiple accounts just to bomb.
Apply yourself, shitposter-kun.
>S-surely it's everybody else that's wrong
Irony so thick you could cut it with a sword several feet away from its attack animation.
>Best dual wielding
>Worst matchmaking
ER unironically, I never had to so many disconnects
>Best magic
ER again, magic was never so versatile and OP before
>Worst polish (mostly in the base game), BY FAR the worst quality of animation
True, even with Scholar still the worst polish a from title ever had.
>Best invasion system
DS1 + DS3 (use item that buffs you = multiplayer activated)
>Worst gank halways
>BY FAR the best unique weapons
Never heard that one before. I barely even remember any of them and I have 200 hours in this game.
You have it backwards. It's the people who didn't play on release that defend this shit game.
>Htranny never tried to fight back
I don't get why people don't shit on more, you can get easy views with him being a spineless nig.
>"you see, this is why the game is good, all these ratings say so!"
>post ratings after the hype died down
>"no, that does not count. those rating were made AFTER the hype, and they were made by people that didn't play the game. source on that claim? why, my ass, of course"
nice try, nigger
>waah waaah I'm so shit at the game I have to slowly pull enemies one by one
>waaah waaah this is shit design I should be able to run into a room without paying attention but I'm not skilled enough to handle several enemies
>I dunno man, a lot of the time I just ran in balls-to-the-walls and was just fine
Of course, tell me how you did it in the area before the blue smelter demon.
Tell me how you play them, especially DS2. Do you just run blindly into every room and then play on pure reaction to 4 Melee Knights rushing at you and 4 more Knight archers shooting at you on a small bridge leading over lava?
>reviews from people that are confirmed to have bought the game are positive
>reviews from people that've never played it are relatively negative
I get that you're trying to project the whole "disingenuity" thing onto me but you're not making yourself look too good.
>DS2 is good because you are supposed to run into every room blindly and get ambushed
As I said, tedious dogshit level design and enemy placement. My argument still stands.
Yeah. I generally find it to be the worst of all the Souls, but there's no denying it had a lot of great ideas and got a ton of small stuff right. It fumbles pretty much all the major things I enjoy about the other Souls (or just Dark Souls 1 at the time). At least got a couple great levels and a couple of good bosses out of the DLC
>reviews from people that are confirmed to have bought the game are positive
Alright, lets go there
66% is positive, I give you that.
DaS2 is the easiest game in the series, the only way it "filters" people is by making them realize they're playing a digital turd instead of a respectable game
Fromsoft fanboy here.
Playing DS2 never even crossed my mind.
>>Best dual wielding
You've got to be kidding. Dual wielding in ER is poorly implemented, it just straight-up outdamages anything else with no tradeoff. Powestancing in DS2 had a stamina cost tradeoff for fuckhuge damage, and you could still use the running and rolling r1 of each weapon for cool combos. Plus you could use two different weapon types for more versatility. My personal favorite combo was a left hand greatsword and a right hand CGS, the running l1 > l1 > r1 was a lightning fast high damage combo.
Plus, if you wanted to use two weapons you couldn't powerstance, you still had acess to the full moveset in the left hand. In ER and the other DS games the left hand weapon can't do running, rolling, jumping, or heavy attacks which is lame as fuck. I'm sorry, but DS2 wins in that regard.
>Never heard that one before. I barely even remember any of them and I have 200 hours in this game
Heide sword, saintiers spear, yhorgs spear, red iron twinblade, helix halberd, loyce gs, just a few examples of weapons that mixed up movesets from other weapons. The heide sword has hammer R1's, for example. Plus you had insane shit like bone fist, and the smelter hammer
I think it had the best invasion system because everyone was invadeable all the time and you had priority if you were more hollow, which meant invaders got instant invasions and invasions were sporadic for hosts.
You had to spend the item to opt out instead of opt in, which helped the pool. The worst part was no REO
Those are two very specific spots in a massive game. Blue smelter is BS, but Iron Keep is perfectly manageable if you have good DPS since they run at you one by one. If you start getting overwhelmed then you can position behind a pillar, but usually offense is the best defense there
Probably, yeah. "Worst" is relative, I still like it a LOT. "Weakest" is probably a more apt word
>recent reviews: mixed
>elden ring tourists who got ds2 got filtered
Sweeter tears i ne'er did taste
>no see the overwhelmingly negative response on release was review bombing
The only people who even cared that the game existed back then were dark souls fans who wanted it to be good. The fact that this very same group of people came to a near consensus that the game was a disappointment is about as solid proof as you're going to have of a game being shit.
>no it's not hard
>no i didn't get filtered
meanwhile, their gameplay
Yeah half of the negatives seem to be by people crying about the lack of servers or got filtered
It's like you have less trouble spotting how dogshit a game is when you play the superior successor. God bless ER for opening the eyes of the unkempt masses.
Elden Ring, Sekiro, and the DS3 DLC are all a million times harder than anything in DS2 and yet they're actually good
same reason ER got the like 6.5 rating from all reviews. Technical issues and getting filtered.
>ywn coop or pvp in dark souls 2 ever again
what hard about this?
all I see is another ambush encounter that you need to carefully circumvent or plan for once again like in most of the levels.
A tedious slogfest of a """game"""
I already said this was trash.
Weird how that didn't happen to the other games. Just these two.
a lot of people were playing sotfs for multiplayer, and it was shut down, which is why recent reviews are bad
Lmao what do you mean nigger, DS1 got shit on, a modder had to fix the port.
God I hope those fucking hacks bring the servers back
>new good old bad
Borderline underaged take
I love ER but it's flaws are far more exasperating than DS2's
Endgame ER is even more ganky but the enemies do even more damage with even longer combos
>something you have to plan for
>bad game design
based retard
He also could have survived if he didn't stand there like a deer in the headlights or LOOKED AT THE ROOM HE WAS GOING TO DROP INTO
>Wanting to do co-op in DaS2 when the other games are much better for that activity thanks to not having Soul Memory in them
Soul Memory brackets are gigantic, you poser
The only people who complained about soul memory seriously were career pvpers since their characters would eventually become too high in the bracket to matchmake
which was fixed entirely with the ring, it's a nonsense complaint
Well, you're not wrong, but giving up a ring slot is lame as fuck
>Those are two very specific spots in a massive game
Don't give me your bullshit that DS2fags have been spouting since the beginning of time. If I would go and start to list every single unfun level and and encounter, I would be sitting here all night, and you would still go "b-b-but these are just 138 bad encounters in a game with at least 200 encounters". I still remember Huntsman's Copse, Shitted Woods/Ruins, Lost Bastille, or what a fucking disappointment Drangleic Castle was, both in terms of gameplay and graphics design.
There has never been a Souls title were I can think of any level and go "oh thank god never again".
>make claim about review bombing
>shift goalposts to technical issues
Does "got shit on" mean "was still more positively received than the games i'm claiming were review bombed"? And what happened to the talk about being "filtered"? Why was that only an issue for das2 and er?