Why are we being deleted from the videogames board??
Other urls found in this thread:
I could understand, in the abstract, deleting threads in the middle of a content drought with absolutely nothing to talk about.
But a patch just came out today introducing a fight that's been hyped for a year and a half.
And don't give me that shit, I just looked in that thread and they're discussing fucking twink armpit hair.
Because we have a janny dedicated to deleting xiv threads. Its been this way for years.
I'm aware of the situation. I'm just voicing my frustrations.
As bad as Yea Forums is, /vg/ is a cesspool and /xivg/ is one of the worst boards there.
>"Teehee, look at my basic bitch catgirl's stomach."
Because it's Overwatch 2 beta day. Just like XIV threads were being deleted on the day of the WoW announcement.
Don't worry bro, the xenoblade and azur lane porn threads stay up all day every day. You can go talk in those.
user, the source, I beg you
FFXIV is a movie, not a video game.
Nigger tranny janny tongues my anus
Janny seems most active on the days XIV gets new content or announcements. XIV threads can usually fly under the radar on other days. Janny must think his efforts to suppress discussion of the game will somehow affect its level off success, imagine being that delusional lmao
janny is a wowfag
new weapons look like shit
People seems to get bumfuck by Estinog so far
Ultimate weapons always looked like shit
Literally all Ultimate weapons look like shit. Glowshit is disgusting.
They're drops from an ultimate; shit is to be expected.
woah you mean completely out of place particle messes look bad
no fucking wayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Out of curiosity I checked and /vg/ still has a general for Katawa Shoujo. I didn't have the courage to look at what was being posted but they're just shy of 4,000 threads about it.
Still ok for Yea Forums according to janny
>they're just shy of 4,000 threads about it.
The number has reset many times so they're well above that.
Its okay when Nintendo does it.
>queue for frontline
>get tadder
>maelstrom wins
>get maelstrom
>flame wins
>get flame
>adder wins
I just want my 10 wins for the garo shit, why does it have to be like this?
would've been better if they had better models with slight hue of intergrated runes on them
>/xivg/ would become usable if the jannies did their job.
>They spend their time deleting cultural phenomenoms on Yea Forums and micromanaging /wowg/
Alphinaud, no!
Have any of the groups that are actually streaming gotten past Estinihogg so far?
Glow weapons have always been and will always be shit no matter what content they come from.
No. No one had even made it to 79% of its hp
Because no one likes you people and square enix fans in general
Glowing Primal weapons (which you don't even have to clear the associated EX to get so you can't try this sour grapes bullshit) look like shit too. Simple and clean weapon designs are the best.
I've cleared two of em, there's only a few weapons per fight that look good
>clear all ultimate fights
>some cult faggot replies to me with foxes and grapes
Think Arthars did
What's with that granny skin?
Zurvan's glowy BLM staff is one of the best ones though.
>"Teehee, look at my basic bitch catgirl's stomach."
Is that bad? Stones in glass houses, seems to me
Then go change the conversation of the general to the patch when this discussion belongs
I don't believe any group at all has beaten Estinien yet
And /xiv/ threads on Yea Forums are the worst here
So far, here are all the known phases
>Vault Niggas
>Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr
>Final phase with unique model (because all ultimates have one)
and he's a furry too im not surprised
>one board consistently talks about the game at least tangentially
>one board talks about how much they want to have sex with each others characters
>dude just go to board number 2 and change the conversation!!
which board is which, is the real question
It shouldn't be but deflecting isn't an excuse
Yoichi Zeta is still the best BRD weapon
And nobody has figured out how to save Horsefart yet.
Both devolve into the same shit
I dunno if I'd call Golden Bahamut and Ultima "unique models"
Nope, it's Blade's Muse
This is Yea Forumsintendo.
Only Nintendo games allowed.
the best weapons are the ones with a nice design with sophisticated designs intergrated on them
Generals for other games exist too, yet when we have a thread on Yea Forums about those games that's apparently fine.
I don't think it is. The original post I made linked /vg/ users talking about armpits. Meanwhile this thread is talking about in-game weapons and Ultimate models.
what's the stream to watch, lads?
Because you go back in time later in the fight
Thats why it is so fucking long
Here is oyur final phase music bro
You're like the idiots who leave your country because it's corrupt and shit for another country.
How about you go back and fix your shithole you retards? I'm sick of you fucks being on Yea Forums you think you're not annoying but you really are.
You have a general.
Stay there. We're not going to argue about this. You know the rules.
I love this song so np for me.
>"Reeee, stop talking about video games on Yea Forums! I want to talk about TRANNIES instead!"
We know, faggot.
but I've never been to /xivg/ and have only ever discussed XIV on Yea Forums
>TDS already on phase 5 while everyone is stuck on Estinogg
Post the exact same thing on the elden ring threads or fuck off janny wannabe.
What causes a grown adult to play MMOs?
You sound like a redditor.
Why do we have a retard posting this? Is a new meme?
Adults play RPGs and MMOs and tactical games in general, what drives you zoomies to play fortnite huh?
>dude just be a janitor only even more ineffectual!
Community policing doesn't work you inbred mongrel, certainly not on the fucking internet.
Case in point: all you can do to me is tell me to "go back and fix my shithole." What are you going to do if I don't, retard? (You) at me some more?
Now imagine instead of trying to get me to change my mind, you're trying to get a horde of estrogen addicted no-life shut ins to stop talking about how they "wanna...?". It's like trying to fight a house fire with gasoline.
>This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Yea Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
If you want to be a janny so bad, you should at least know the rules.
Finally did the SB trials (can't believe they also had 2 dungeons to go with them), were quite fun and was wondering, how are the Ex versions? PFable? Can we solo them yet?
Streamers are faggots and so are you if you watch them.
>How about you go back and fix your shithole you retards
No. How about you fix your race first?
haha wow would you like at that
the cheaters found the enigma codex again
ggs guys see you for omega ultimate
Based. Refugees treat /xiv/ threads here like a general and then rally their discords when a thread gets preemptively deleted. Even now there are 3 xiv threads here.
because you retard keeps giving him attention
>the amount of seethe from this post
they're mad because you're right
they let mentally ill freaks ruin the general and ran like pussies
Vg has a janny who defends the weirdo xivg threads and deletes people's posts who go against it, you literally can't fight it and mods don't listen when you submit feedback
I see a huge faggot janny wannabe.
>say something stupid
>wait for the replies
>replies to himself to make it seem like another person
many such cases
nigga do you see the Fists of Wind icon right fucking there
I have unironically tried this and its a futile effort. The jannys on the general are in bed with the avatar fags of that place and will get suspended for even trying to get people to ignore the faggots there. Asmon posting fucking MINDBROKE them for weeks when no one was giving them attention.
Sounds like super smash bros music
there's a WoW biased mod inside the moderation team
Looks like he's going overtime doing his """job""" after dragonshite expansion shitstorm
Back at you
So why are Crystalline Conflict players so unbelievably fucking bad? It's like these people don't even want to win, they spend more time running around the map picking fights with random enemies than actually pushing the crystal. I get that they disabled chat because "muh toxicity" but holy shit these people literally will never get it, quick chat will never be enough.
Disabled chat, no coordination between randoms.
Why is this surprising?
wait until you get people that pile on the crystal instead of having 1 persona do it
I don't give a shit about this tranny board rules.
Unironically what's your rank? Those people might actually be doing the right thing if they succeed in picking people off, going 4v5 is a huge disadvantage for a team in the higher brackets.
Bros I think I could be gay
What now?
you only need one person to push the crystal. everyone sitting there is retarded it just opens you up to eat aoe WAR stun, WHM LB and etc. your DPS/tanks SHOULD be pushing off the crystal given opportunities
never played this shit, never will, meteion is pretty hot though, why are there so few lewds of her?
Have another mystery crop, user
You do, a little too much if you're trying to incite change and allow your general in everything but name only here
Move to the middle east.
Reminder that her original form was 6ft tall minimun
Ok tranny
it's 2022 user, nobody will judge you for being a faggot so just come out of the closet already