ITT: Exercises in cruelty by players

ITT: Exercises in cruelty by players

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You can keep this going forever.

Attached: Durable civilian.webm (720x405, 2.72M)

Undo router lag, pls

The Tails Abuse series on Youtube


that was the best slam i've ever seen, i would be happy to die like that

based whoisthisgit fan

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the human body really is miraculous.

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Shit, were there any threads for the 10 year anniversary of Mr Bones.


wot gaem

Calm down jiggy, it's just videogames.

Prototype. If you ever played Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, it's that but more. Same people.

I started kidnapping other sims and locking them in another room. But if I ever leave the house, they all escape.

Holy shit it HAS been ten years.


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got any more?

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Dr. Freeman, thank god you-


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gibbing him for good measure gets me every time

Gordan Freeman was put in a self defense situation

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The disrespectful grenade at the end kills me

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What a classic. Takes me back.

I could have just shot him, but....

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I can’t read this on mobile. The text is blurry. How do I fix this?

Tropico 3. I remember those threads, but don't have the screencaps.

>almost all factions are in the red
>presidente still building statues and putting money into his swiss bank account
>a sizable military and secret police
>rival faction leaders keep dying in accidents

>open in new tab
>look at url
>remove the "m" at the end
>change jpg to png (if the original image is png)

>furfag posters
>caring what's left of Yea Forums board culture

>That ending
Fucking kek

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does anyone have the rest of pic related?

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is TTD fun for singleplayer? I used to like rollercoaster tycoon

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dumb phoneposter

not exactly cruelty, but i think this belongs here

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Is the second game with Tyrone any good?

there's no real goal, it's fun if you like sandbox games

>cerebral bore

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I have not played TTD, but OpenTTD is fun enough. Some anons don't like it because it's not autistic enough for them though (no individuals with a certain destination in mind for more logistics autism, for example)

Every hit keeps getting funnier.

>that added grey matter along with the splatter
Why can't FPS be this soulful anymore

>that perfect knock to the head halfway in


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Disregarding the story and whatever...
Controls changed too much for my liking, like the jump glide jump glide and almost all the attacks, so you need to start from zero to get use to them.
Also is not as responsive as before.

It's legally defensible to kill a smug looking white man; as sovereign citizens, they know the risk of walking around in our country.


It works. You some kind of computa wiz kid user?

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This is a fun concept for a game.

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i fucking love this one. sims autism is so much fun

And that, kids, was how he was born.

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i sort of miss the old archives that required a sufficient number of requests to trigger.