Final Fantasay is collapsing

Final Fantasay is collapsing

Attached: 1649594193756.jpg (2560x1080, 1.23M)

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FF16 is from the B-team. The A-team is working on FF7 remake part 2.

Left is cgi cutscene, right is in engine (gameplay) cutscene.
This is how ff 13 actually looks.

Attached: 1651007102316.jpg (1280x720, 742.06K)

But Remake is also shit.

Yeah, what's your point?

Sure, but the character models look amazing.
So much detail.
I like the Barret one with the cute Marlene dogtag.

>Left is cgi cutscene, right is in engine (gameplay) cutscene.

so OP's image is a cherrypicked Barry shitpost, got it.

So is XIII

are you implying XIII was ever good?

>*is* collapsing
lol. lmao

Attached: 1473088666250.png (800x933, 621.9K)

while not great, still better than the abomination known as XV

Attached: FF tiers.png (1064x463, 213.27K)

>The A-team is working on FF7 remake part 2

>durr this is how it looks
Ok? It's still nice and colorful...unlike screenshot from XVI which looks like a fucking Type 0

I honestly don't remember Fang or Vanille at all.

Yeah really, why can't we get fake advertising about self-playing interactive movies on 1-dimensional monorails anymore? Ugh!

At least 50% of Yea Forums posting now is just discord group/schizophrenic guy campaigns. The site is unusable for anything other than chuckling at braindead memes.

What am I supposed to be mad about? I hate the over-animefication of FF so the new designs are fine with me.
>It was always anime
Sure thing, buddy, Amano art was the peak of anime aesthetics.

I remember they were both Australian, That's it.

ahora tengo hambre

what an absolutely abominable list

can you fuck the boy in the red dress?

I know I should just ignore posts I don't like but as soon as I see someone criticizing 7R in any way something takes over and I just have to reply to make them know I disagree and they're wrong. I feel like a bot sometimes.

Would move IV up a tier but solid list

>shilling a bad game

You are a bot and haven't even realized it yet.

>criticizing in any way
You've made a sacred cow out of a game. You've genuinely become a bot. Touch grass. Its a game.

It's not a bad game. GOTY for me, can't wait for part 2.
You activated me

I asked this in vrpg, but got 0 replies.

It's been (probably) two decades since I played FF8. I was never a fan of it, I think that lots of things in this game were wrong, but for some reason I want to replay it. Maybe I will change my mind. Few questions about the main theme, since I forgot:
1. 'Eyes on Me' is a song that Julia wrote for Laguna. That song is the reason why she became popular, no?
2. Did Laguna ever found out it was a song about him?
3. Did they ever meet again? IIRC, he found out that she has a successful career, but did Julia ever found out what happened to Laguna, or she thought that he was killed during the war?
4. How and why did his wife (Raine) die?

Wrong, left is in-engine cutscene. The cgi cutscenes in FF13 look different.

i really liked the FF16 trailer, voice acting and music were stellar
no idea why they showed it off so soon though, would've thought squeenix would've learned about how bad dev hell can get

Everything about the Laguna subplot was so fucking garbage, I couldn't tell you a fucking thing. I was just excited to end the Laguna segments as fast as possible

>Left is cgi cutscene
>Here is how ff 13 actually looks
>posts picture where lightning looks exactly the same with no quality changes at all

it's crazy to think we are now praising FF13

Let's see user's list.

An eye exam would do you good user.

Depends on who you ask. I've always liked trilogy...and hated VI

they stopped caring with 15's release

Attached: DOWNGRADE.webm (1920x536, 2.94M)

Balamb Gardens music, I may have spelled that wrong, should put 8 in B tier alone. That shit is too fucking good cmon man

Decent taste
Move VII to B
>I,II,XIII-2 that high
>X-2 in the same tier as X
>XII that low

Peaked at 11 and completely died at 14. 14 players are eating actual shit and calling it candy.

>my drooling retard weeaboo brain needs bright colors so I can hold attention
the game isn't for you, try something with more fanservice

Attached: 27396.jpg (1226x636, 161.54K)

love of color indicates a real love for God's creation

Hm. Do you still play games on black/white TV with 4:3 ratio?

She might have known he was a journalist, but not sure. Isn’t it implied Raine died during Childbirth?

Left is a shit game. Right remains to be seen

Attached: 1.png (1140x463, 210.72K)

Attached: 1650024529864.png (1888x1466, 31.91K)

FF13 was the last game that ever impressed me with its graphics.

Attached: 1650608184884.png (598x590, 549.46K)

>muh gritty nu-fantasy
hang yourself already, trannimal.

Good list, user.

Attached: 1640286577035.png (967x588, 292.13K)

fang was american funnily enough

I don't think this guy knows what a cgi cutscene is

why do they desaturate games so much these days? It doesn't have to look like a cartoon but couldn't they at least add a bit of color?

It's not bait. I like melodrama, stories that focus on intimacy and sentiments, and beautiful characters. I like 3 because it's the culmination of 1 and 2 without being annoying and silly (5).

I don't like games that have no story (15), games for dweebs/funny 4reddit humor with ham-fisted writing (6, 5),
boring games (2, 1),
and Star Wars (12).

This sure are organic natural posts from 3 different people, not the same on at all

Good list yourself! Part of me wants to put 9 lower, especially considering how many characters are ignored, and the lack of good character moments. I simply admire the hair cutting sequence too much to do it tho

>Left is cgi cutscene

Attached: wrong.jpg (400x400, 37.72K)

>This is how ff 13 actually looks.

Attached: 20220426160920_1.jpg (1920x1080, 536.18K)

It’s good. 13 is dogshit.

500 hours in paint

Attached: Untitled.png (2555x770, 2.44M)

Games aren't desatured, it's just that since around 2006-2014/16 they were actually ultrasaturated, we're just now going back to normal levels and thank god for that.

You mean FFIX Remake Part 1

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