Why is Yea Forums like this?

why is Yea Forums like this?

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at this point I cant tell if its genuine retardation or if Yea Forums is playing along

Don't reply to this post

>tfw no irl Yea Forums friends to hang out and go to the zoo with

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The zoo is shit and overpriced.

its probably both. Tends to blend together sometimes

this is the entire site, and most places in the internet

Gp to a farm and walk around. Same shit smell. Same shit covered animals

all of Yea Forums is like this what are you new?

but I cannot see giraffes or pongos at the farm

Nothing ever changes

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Yea Forums is extra autistic. And hates videogames

It's an spiral of retardation that has reached a point of no return sometime after 2008
>Ironic retards having fun
>Actual retards being genuine
>Newfags acting retarded to fit in
>Trolls being retarded on purpose to fuck with people
>Way more pathetic trolls being even more retarded just for cheap (You)s
And every new low sets the bar for the next cycle

Everywhere online is this now. Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. Or just retards who are
>merely pretending
Ad infintum.

Legitimate threads are more likely to get washed away since the post rate in the troll threads is so high

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I sometimes think it's companies who hire trollfarms in order to astroturf their shit. Especially if it has a socially conservative tinge to it.

that's incorrect, no one is trying to fuck the monkey

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Has anyone ever found any super undeniable proof of this? Like an employee coming out with proof of some conversation saying they should shitpost on Yea Forums or whatever? I know we see repetitive spam threads that come across as shilling but I've never seen anything 100% legit

This is what happens when your board culture is based around irony.

It's very popular so it has a higher than average concentration of normalfags and underage posters that are bad at seeing through bait. You can make it EXTREMELY obvious you're being sarcastic and someone will still bite. There's a reason why normalfags started putting /s in their posts to indicate sarcasm.

Many retards here think they are in good company. Just look at election tourists. There's unironic SJWs and Christlets sincerely posting here.

>entire site has gotten worse ever since /pol/ became the most popular board
We all saw it coming. But I still hate it.

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at least Yea Forumstards were occasionally funny

Me on the bottom left

it maybe be a shithole but its OUR shithole


Isn't this old as fuck? I refuse to believe anyone actually still browses Yea Forums these days

Poltards unironically cannot go 30 seconds without thinking about trannies or jews

/vt/ that high
what in the fuck fucking fuck

nope still looks like this if you go to the site right now
Yea Forums is kept alive purely by the porn spam

Yup, they ruin everything. I miss ∞.

I grabbed it just before posting it user

Oh god, I didn't see /vt/ what the actual fuck

it has /vt/, it can't be that old
vt was added in 2021 iirc

>/vt/ is fourth and over Yea Forums and Yea Forums
how? but more important: WHY?

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There were some old screencap of someone admitting to be a shill but with no proof so it could be a troll for all we know.
And I think there was another one where someone found an employee by an email, but I can't remember the details.

>board I dedicated to being schizophrenic gossiping waifufags
>90% of Yea Forums is schizophrenic gossiping waifufags
Not to surprising, tho it might also be to it's literally impossible to discuss vtubers in any critical manner anywhere else, so fuckton of newfags show up and it doesn't help quite a few vtubers go there themselves for some godforsaken reason

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Maybe the zoos you have visited

> a few vtubers go there themselves for some godforsaken reason
wew lad
jp or eng ones?

Go to a nice zoo.

>3 porn dumps and an avafagging thread

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Do you understand how much an elephant eats?

Farms don't have cool shit like crocodiles or penguins

It's phone posters.
Ban evading was never rocket science, but it was still a filter that kept serial shitposters limited to people who weren't literal retards.
Inconsistent moderation also means that people who would normally toe the line don't bother, since they have no idea where the fuck the line is and just ban evade when they catch one.

It creates an atmosphere of broken windows that encourages even more

This is a cope comic

>inb4 it turned out he went to a roadside zoo like in tiger king

/pol/turds will chemically break down if they're not actively spreading their cancer outsife of their containment board, it's in their DNA

vidya "butts" thread

Teenagers with anger issues and lots of energy.

what the fuck is a "moot"?

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I think anyone capable of speaking English. Give /vt/ as much shit as you want, at least it doesn't leak anywhere to the extent that /pol/ does.

i go to a board game club and browse /tg/, you should too picard

>at least it doesn't leak anywhere to the extent that /pol/ does.
That's fair. I am honestly surprised that it didn't turned into GR15 part 2. I rarely notice them save for the occasional person shitting on them for using a reaction image.

There's a company that advertises that it will shill on Yea Forums. I don't remember the name, go ask on the /qa/ happenings thread if you really wanna know

>mfw real Yea Forums friends and we plan on going to aquarium and zoo in summer when the weather is nice

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It's activism. This place is great for it since anonymity makes it super easy and most people don't bother with asking for source on the claims you make. Activists live to spread their ideals, using any dirty trick necessary to indoctrinate more people. /pol/ is the perfect place to lure in and brainwash young people, turning them into whatever drone you want them to be. The fast paced posting also means short, low effort posts or a heavy reliance on images (MSpaint comics, infographics, etc) to convey a message and people have less time to ask for source. I am glad my first experience with Yea Forums was a slow, chill board. It gave me a good template for what being an anonymous poster really means.

I wish pol poster were flagged on blue boards so you know and can reply accordingly

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