Master duel

smug forehead bitch

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I like Mechaba's animation

Combo trannies in suicide watch.

With this 4 card sequence, you can inflict 1200 damage per activated monster effect. THIS, kills the combotranny.

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1200 you say
what if i were to also do that while putting barrone de fleur on the board with only 2 cards instead of 4

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So what's up with these bots with random names that are playing the normal monster starter and either draw discard their way out of the game or wait until they get kicked out by timer?

You guys ever had a duel so good you don't want to play anymore for the day as you don't want to ruin the high as everything afterwards won't be as good, just had a great duel with my orcust deck vs a guy playing some despia hybrid deck that carried on for like 8 long turns where we constantly played to overcome eachothers boards and he just didn't let me set babel so i had to be careful with my orcust effects, it ended with me using ding to remove his big fusion monster and attacking for game, I'm just gonna go to sleep now and not play anymore today, duels like this make it worth it to climb through plat, hope you bros have games this good today

The theory is the pass bots are grinding out the battle pass which

How do we fix the generic link spam?

Archetype locked Pendulum links

Can someone explain what's going on here? My opponent tried to negate Schism with Toad by sending itself to the graveyard but somehow Schism wasn't negated and its effect went through.

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I'm guessing lunalights want to second. But what if my opponent makes me go first?

Ghost & Veiler or Ghost & Ash?


magical meltdown

Droll and D.D. Crow

Pass or do something like make Sabre Dancer + Abyss Dweller and turn off their graveyard effects on their turn, so if they blow up Sabre Dancer you can kill them more easily next turn while setting up your hand+graveyard, probably

Oh shit, so that's why. I used Meltdown on the previous turn to try baiting them into negating it so I can counter with Fleur but they didn't take the bait, turned out it actually worked in my favor. I always forget that Meltdown has a 2nd effect.

Ash&Maxx C

Depending on your built, Kali Yuga lockdown

entirely depends on your deck
You could run Ghost Reaper and be much better than any hantrap if you can invest in a staple ED and your deck doesn't use the ED itself

How do you do that in lunalights? I'm running pure btw. The best i could do going first is scythe lock + redoer.

What is a good deck to shove Despia with

seems to be Darklord now, Branded when there out

your own ass probably

Sounds like somebody got their nose honked.

why is this a level 5? I got it as a "reward" from Ranked and am fucking curious

Attached: Trent.png (300x441, 230.27K)

It's massive

Because he has 5 letters in his name.

It's immortal and guards the woods

>It's immortal and guards the woods

Can't be done with pure Lunalight, Raid Raptor Luna only.

Any cards that can force an opponent's monster to attack as soon as it's cast / equiped?

> Pendulinks
Becase you must be 1600 attack or higher to beat this tree.

If you mean force them to battle, Battlemania. If you mean force the battle phase to happen inmediately i don't know

yeah. battlemania doesn't exist; not in Master duel yet?

Nvm found it thanks bruv; it's battle mania . MD is a bitch when it comes to finding cards sometimes.

Like this?

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This is so childish but nothing grinds my gears like losing to a stun strategy not because of their stun but because instead of drawing useful cards I draw everything else except the basic monsters that would get my game going. Like im getting mad thinking about that smug fuck retard "tenyin into vanitys fiend" to whom I just lost because I just kept drawin useless spells that are useless when the game refuses to give me one fucking monster to play the game with.

If you have to go first in order to "kill" the combo trannies, then your strategy sucks. Combo decks want to go first. Going first usually kills them anyways. I don't understand how so many people don't understand this basic point. To own the combotards, your deck has to be good at going SECOND.

All you've demonstrated is a combo of your own.

>even fucking invoked players forget what meltdown does
I hate this fucking card

Thats how card filler was like before 2002

I'm the same way. Nothing pisses me off more than imagining some smug stunfag thinking he's "owning" me when all that happened was I bricked.

Your time is almost up Master Trans. Duel chads will WIN.

Attached: DUELCHADS.png (934x256, 128.88K)

Aside from Forbidden Droplet, what other cards are there for big advantage decks? Decks that plus themselves a lot but don't have anything to do with all that plussing. I'm running Patchwork Amazoness right now and even with droplets, polymerizations, and Princess dumping everything into the GY every turn, I often have way more cards in hand + on field than I could ever need, all gas with no payoff.

I can craft Appolusa and Accesscode for link payoffs but I'm wondering if there's anything else good that can go in the main deck.

All the handtraps.

How good/bad is Evil eye, I just got their UR link, dunno if I should answer the call, I like the art but yeah

Handtraps and removal like twin twisters, or karma cut if you feel like you can pull the "fuck the three copies of your card" move

They're good but I don't really have any way to get them in hand is the problem. My hand is full of like, polymerizations and random Amazoness spells that I searched. I guess there's always Magicians' Souls.

All it ever does is staying on the field and preventing me from playing Lightning Storm so I have to use Duster instead.

misogynist archetype

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Do they have sex in the end?

They're good. Serziel is the strongest normal summon in the entire game in a vacuum, an untargetable, indestructible Drident with several thousand attack. But he's so good that you will RARELY use the link monsters, because they don't really get much stronger. It splashes really well into other archetypes just like Aleister does, because of just how good Serziel is and how bad every other monster is by comparison.

I’d appreciate some critique please.

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My yugioh gif folder is fucking dry as bones, please help

Fill it
Problem solved

Yes, happened to me when I was using Despia in Gold to Plat 4.

>linkslayer doesn't slay links

>watch my daily Duel Live
>first guy plays Traptrix Atrax, sets Deep Dark and Gravedigger's Trap Hole and ends turn
>"Why no Sera? He even had Mantis and Myrmeleo in his hand, what is he planning?"
>next turn begins
>Duelist B won due to Time Limit

How anticlimatic.

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Found the combotranny.

-3 linkslayer
+3 shiranui solitaire