Private Hex Maniac Thread
Private Hex Maniac Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
not cow enough
You mean the only good action game ever created?
Not very private if I can see it dumbass
she's a big hex
Knot thread
I don't have your shitty coomer plugin, so I'm just throwing this out regardless.
>17. Do not upload images containing additional data such as embedded sounds, documents, archives, etc.
B-b-b-but third eye!!!!!
B-b-b-but just a l-l-link in the m-m-metadata!!!!!
>17. Do not upload images containing additional data such as embedded sounds, documents, archives, etc.
Sex Maniac!
Hehehe gosh i wish i could be hex maniac!
Marnie is better
I don't use that shit, relax.
Literally who?
i fucking hate cowtits
post more poke hebes
I am now associating your post and gay porn. Stop posting gay porn you homo!
that's not lana's mom
lmao this post is equivalent of boomer going to a pizza place and accuse the owner selling "cheese pizza".
Rent free
Theres no cuck sub humans in this thread user. Just cute hexs
Based post more cute hexs
Yep, that's right :)
>being computer illiterate
Third eye only reads the file name to. It doesn't embed anything with extra data. PEE however...
This thread is safe for now.
>shitty coomer plugin
do what now?
Third eye or PEE. In super simple terms it allows people to hide images in others. Most people use it to just post porn on sfw boards.
weird but alright.
bot thread
Hex thread
I would give my soul for a gloomy hex gf. Even a bf.
Okay I just saw it
>even a bf
what are you some kinda faggot?
Can the artist stop drawing big breasted women giving rimjobs to horses?
>tfw no giant yandere hex gf
Would look better pregnant.
if it insists
>the pokemon universe canonically has multiple ways of catering to size fetishists
Hex butts can't be beat.
This is a blatant blacked thread, mods do your job.
A bot I can get behind.
A bot with good taste
blacked posters really posted it so many times anons see hex and instantly think of black cocks
So I'm right
And water is wet
There are literally no extra images in this thread. None. Even the Marnie and Iris posts are clean.
user using PEE here and literally nothing has been posted.
+1 opposed to a public Hex Maniac thread?
>All this seething
Seems like you rustled some jimmies
Stay based
That's not how this training works you dumb shitposter.
Hexlovers you do not want to be associated with blacked, simple as
She looks like she fucks houndooms.
>Ampharos post derails entire thread
A classic
Based. Unfortunately mods are still sleeping on these extensions.
here's a present for the hexchads who still play ancient videogames on decrepit engines
if you don't know what this is, don't worry about it
>linking to dolphin porn
Enjoy your B& and V&
WTF Don't download this, I just did it and all my Hex images were stolen!
bros.. no.. i'm.. i'm..
more like SEX maniac haha!
Look at her go!
posted in ruga thread
>Trannies on Discord are saying things oh noooo!
It's a damn shame Dworven will never truly come back.
>Denies all connection to his old works and this animation too
They are talking about how schizos like you are ruining our hex thread.
The solution is don't use their fucking "secret image" plugins and never be bothered with their bullshit. A hex thread, even with sinister purposes, just remains a normal hex thread.
Just post Hex, it's not that hard.