To this day it's still the worst emulator ever made, and nothing else comes close

To this day it's still the worst emulator ever made, and nothing else comes close
not even Project64
not even Citra

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>daily PCSX2 seethe thread
Based PCSX2 filtering normalfags by the millions.

Factually Incorrect and homosexual

normalfags are the subhumans who continue to shill this garbage emulator and delude themselves into thinking that absolutely nothing is wrong with it

To this day this is still the worst thread ever made, and nothing else comes close
see you at the bump limit, Retards

works for me

>clueless nigger thinks the PS2 isn't complex to emulate just because it has low specs

just buy a PS2 if you care that much they're cheap as fuck and easy to hack

is the DSi good?

What's the best PS1 emulator?
I've tried DuckStation but controllers don't work on it no matter what. Both F310 and PS4 controllers.

beetle/mednafen and duckstation. the rest are trash.

All you're doing when you post this is giving me a free bump :)

works on my machine

>he doesn't own a backwards compatible fatty ps3

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imagine being this mentally broken because a pcsx2 dev fucked your wife. sad fate kek

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I use Beetle PSX on Retroarch, never had any problems with it

it just works

yes I don't like owning timebombs

>No native wayland support
>Blacklisted X11 and its components inside my USE flag
I can't sneed.

Lol Sony literally just started a preservation department. YouTubers around the word cope and seeth

No one asked for this thread and no one wanted this thread to be made

cool so can I play demon chaos on ps5?

good goy, buy the games you already own

Normalfags have no idea what the fuck an emulator is

>he doesn't know about sage

imagine being this obsessed with one Anonymous user you fucking freak

The niggers who make the “works on my machine” posts are newfags who don’t know how to Sage

Worthless post.
I will discuss what I want to discuss
You think some gay kid can tell me what to do

What's wrong with Citra? I never had a problem with it.

>so butthurt he has to samefag
Holy fuck, take your meds unironically.
The rest of you faggots really need to learn how to sage

I laff everytime I see your garbage thread.

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Lol I don't think he is samefagging, my friend

It was abandoned and still has tons of issues. Also retarded anti-piracy measures.

Yeah I agree

works on my machine

Lmao i disagree, since the same thread is made over and over again, my buddy

Played soul reaver 2 and Defiance on it near flawlessly. Dont see the issue.

>Anti-piracy measures
wat? I heard about the abandonment but I don't think it matters that much since it plays what I want it to fine.

Literally works on my machine.

Attached: Replay 2022-03-31 22-54-26.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

>he says while being obsessed with one great emulator
KEK no one cares he fucked your wife bro, just kys already

>I heard about the abandonment but I don't think it matters that much since it plays what I want it to fine.
This kind of shit is always retarded.

it's amazing how many individuals are so dumb they can't set up a fucking emulator lmao

It just requires tweaking between games. Still, if you have the means it's better to put a harddrive in a ps2

It's not like they stopped releasing shit for the 3ds years ago and the 3ds was already a lackluster system with few worthwhile games. They got better shit to work on now anyways.

nigga you dumb

Anyone that is okay with an emulator only working with "the most popular games" or "what they want to play" are retarded faggots that don't really care about emulation.

Alright faggot lets see what you want to play on the 3ds?

>not even Project64
Tried playing anything that is not zelda?
There's effects missing on Mario 64

>plays godhand without a single hitch

GT3 lags to shit if there are any other cars on screen for me. And also the game is retarded and tries to "calibrate" my wheel every time I start it, which makes it go absolute full force left and right until it kills me if I forget to hold it when I start the game so it chills the fuck out.

As opposed to what? literally everything I played on it worked great and it's still getting puills every now and then so I don't see any reason to complain.
Meanwhile actual bad emulators like PCSX2 have obvious flaws even when the games work.

Why are you playing that on an emulator? Theres a plethora of mods for the pc version that make it close to the console versions

>walking diagonally (or the weapon wheel in Ratchet & Clank) is screwed up on an analog stick unless you tweak the sensitivity values so they kinda work
they should just copy Dolphin's analog calibration code lmao

I really want them to fix the fucking stutters.
I saw they recently said they're working on a fix, which is great news.
After that, they really need per games settings.
Then I'll call it a good emu.

It's stuttering in the second half here.

I wish I knew you IRL so I could PUNCH YOUR FACE

Not as bad as that CD-i emulator with shitty controls that the creator actually expected you to pay for.

>everything i played worked so that means every game works!

Did you not read my post? literally never said that.

It's sad that the only even close to decent way to run CD-I is using fucking mame

>this is fine, even great, according to some retards

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Shit, you're right it's garbage.
Post the PS2 emulator you made that has perfect emulation of every title.
It's ok.
I'll wait.

did they fix the flickering headlights and basically any light shining through walls or do i still have to play in software mode

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