I get it
I get it
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I don’t get it
i m not reading
i sincerely thought the twist was gonna be that the hobo on the island wasnt the shooter but that lady with the boat sailed there and was the shooter. but lol big bug
+5 SC: gained Social Credit
most based character in the game after Kim
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
Haha so funny my dad told me that joke 20 years ago
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
> people shit on the game by calling it pozzed commie propaganda
> capitalists completely rip apart performative liberalism with pure words and logic if you actually give them a chance
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
why do they talk like *this*
Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
>this game talks shit about [the political system I have instead of a personality]
>IT'S OBVIOUSLY [the opposition I am sworn to oppose] PROPAGANDA
Disco Elysium shits on all forms of the human mental illness known as "politics" equally, get fucked knee-jerk hippies and seething nazi pigs.
Its trying to show you how a character is putting emphasis on certain words in their speech.
>Removes all context
>Ha, Gottem
actual leftist behavior btw
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
What context?
Seriously. Not only does it poke fun at communism constantly, but the jokes are actually quite funny. But because it's the player character saying the commie shit, a portion of Yea Forums just starts jumping up and down and screaming.
The game is free, folks. Just try your best.
well it's stupid can you remove it
The hundreds of words above the screenshot, lemming. The conversation she was taking part in when the words were spoken? I hope this isn't too foreign.
you're stupid and I can remove you
What words?
Everyone shut up. This is the most important line in the game.
...is she supposed to conduct it with her penis?
Myega based
Kinda of funny that the entire point of this 40+ hour game can be boiled down to a 1 minute speech.
is this game a 21st century terminally online leftist fantasy or are there proper political themes to it? like can a well read populist right wing guy enjoy it? be honest
I mean, that's objectively true. The issue is that while both capitalists and communists are hungry for that position, only capitalists are honest about it.
Welcome to human nature.
try me you son of a whore
The writers are communists and it shows, no matter how fairly they try to satirize each ideology. If you can deal with that, it is a very human and empathetic game that is occasionally laugh-out-loud funny.
you asked for it *kills you* shoulda backed off.. bitch...
>"populist right wing"
If you're easily triggered by being called a fascist, don't play the game.
It depends on how much of an ideologue you are. The game shits on politics in general, so if you can't handle criticism you're in for a bad time.
pic related? you know whomst it represents? it represents you you dumb son of a bitch
thats better than I thought
I think I'll give it a go, cheers anons
>fascist quest-line is pretty good
Who would guess?..
the "icebreaker" is about harry having a stroke
The game has basically 4 major political factions:
The Ultraliberals (hypercapitalists libertarian right-wing)
The Communists
The Fascists (Mostly of the monarchist variety)
And the Moral Intern (Centrism)
>tfw passing Rene's legendary pain threshold check
Might be.
But that's a small price for being the Last Kingsman
not true there is a distinct undertone about each ideology presented in the game. and communism is one of the harsher but clearly the most loved and researched by the writers. whereas other ideologies come off as more glib or under-thought.
>"right wing"
pick one, rightcuck
but did you join the semen retention society?
Aw come on, not in front of the washerwoman.
I tried but my SANDWICH kin affected my degradation. Or something like that. Who knew that Measurehead is pretty chill guy that loves his mother?
I'm failing to see how your response counters mine. I know more about communism than most political ideologies, because it's quite prevalent everywhere else on the internet and very funny to poke holes in, as the proponents of communism can't handle criticism in any way.
I would love the shit out of the idea of communism if it were possible. Talk to a communist, they'll describe it as heaven. Anyone else, it's hell. Them loving to research it but still treating it harshly isn't really indicative of anything meaningful. It's not even like they put the kid gloves on for communism, they put the kid gloves ON communism and went for a round one knock out, repeatedly.
He can pick two, genetically male virgin.
>you disgree with me
I wish everyone who thought this was a real argument would commit themselves to the the percentile they quote so often
>Respond to ad hominem with ad hominem
>Get more ad hominem
At least there was a 1% chance you were trans, and a 41% chance you'd kill yourself if I called it.
You're just another laugh. Find a hobby, kiddo.
But if you are trans, please do the right thing.
Kill yourself.
What was it about? I'm pretty sure I fucked up the whole game of petanque.
Corporations makes money off things critical of it
Example. The Boys is a television show that is clearly about how evil corporations are, but it's made by Amazon, one of the largest corporations that exists to day
For me it's Cunnette.
>implying a post from some faggot trannyhunter has ever made a single person kill themselves in the history of this site
the only thing more pathetic than acting like you do is believing it accomplishes anything at all
take your own advice and vacate my species.
>Tranny election tourist shill literally crying and demanding a safespace when he gets exposed as the subhuman he is
Why are all you DE shills like?
>mods simping for jannies
Do me a favor and make a post without buzzwords for one in your life, you creatively bankrupt little weaseldick
right, their was a true effort in their engagement of communism, be it cheeky or critically negative or hopeful. conversely, the other ideologies didn't get nearly enough attention, and were often anecdotal in tone. so to say communism was treated with as much scrutiny as the other political shit is unfounded, because their attention and critical lens was clearly bias toward communism. not saying it was a bad game, or whatever, just saying it would've been better to them put as much effort in the other schools of thought or whatever they call it.
Isn't this that commie trannie VN?
>The redditspacing leftist tranny subhuman is mad
Sorry, but everything I'm saying about you is true.
But are you *hardcore*, Yea Forums?
There's only two genders in-game: MAN and wö-MAN.
>the buzzwordbuzzwordbuzzword is mad
>clearly he is emotionally wounded by my scathing rhetoric!
okay fag, that's enough attention for you, remember
You Will Never Touch A Woman
why are you so *mad*?
>an anodic dance music rave hall built in a church is literally holding the fabric of the universe from falling apart
Fucking kino.
Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.
Why do you need to ERP in your discord shill thread, you anti white tranny shill?
>Reddit spacing tranny has no rebuttal
Why did you cut your penis off to Impress vaush?