I will bring his corpse to her, cast it at her feet. It will be as if killing her children...

>I will bring his corpse to her, cast it at her feet. It will be as if killing her children. I will kill all she protects, all she shields, until her hands are drenched in blood.
What the FUCK was his problem?

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Bald manlet.

He thought Kreia's whole philosophy of neutral detachment was retarded and just an edgier version of generic jedi beliefs

Couldn't get his dick hard.

>Star Wars Atheism


Mommy issues. Did you not play the game?

He was a dumbass fucked up Sith retard and then he died but he was too mad to die. That's pretty much it. He's one of the weaker characters.

Look at his body. His existence is pure agony

Its a threat to an individual.
An appeal to emotion that works real hard against liberals and leftist and irrational people. Written by a such mellow fag.

Compare that to the threat Malak makes.
>the full fury of the Star Forge
That is billions dead, worlds glassed like Taris and Telos, Indiscriminate destruction of everything living, evil bad good or innocent.

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What's the quickest way to blow through Narr Shadaa to pick up Hanharr/Mira?

Instead of solving their problems, persuade all of the named refugees in the Sector to give up on life

I love his introduction when the medical scanner kicks in when hes in the airlock.


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You dont get Mira if you go the quick route because all quick solutions in the Nar shada quests are darkside.

So what were these idiots doing during the events of Kotor1 anyways?
Presumably Malak (or especially Revan before getting Jedi warcrimed) would have taken some umbrage with 3 other Sith Lords existing.

I'm trying to save those for Hanharr influence boosts

Female Exile sucks. The male gets better romances and all of the sexual tension with Atris. Fem Exile gets that faggot Disciple and a zombie simping for her.

Well, IIRC Sion was a Sith from Exar Kun's time, so he's been fucking around for decades. Kreia was probably studying Sith lore. Nihilus was, uh, growling. I don't know.

Galaxy is enormous in size.
What they call beyond the outer rim is also part of the galaxy.
The timeline an chrosnology is fucked because of copyright reasons.
When you listen to Lucas talk about it he says its to give more creative freedom to the vidya dev teams but in between lines it can be assumed the gap in time is much much smaller than 4K years.


None of the kotor games make sense chronologically. Why would anyone fall for sith bullshit within living memory of Exar Kun? Where the fuck is Nomi Sunrider

I love KOTOR so much, bros.

The best thing about KOTOR to me were the parts that made you feel disconnected from the galaxy at large. Mass Effect side planet bases give a similar feeling. In KOTOR I don't really care about huge space battles, lightsabers, that kind of stuff. I like the loneliness, being on the edge of space from time to time, the mystery of it. I guess that's probably why I don't like 95% of anything that says Star Wars on it. The ideal KOTOR 3 would have a section about drug smuggling, underground trading, the seedy criminal side of the galaxy. Nar Shaddaa did this pretty well.

Sounds kinda dark.

This shit was so cringe. I couldn't take it seriously. Worst part of the game.

FYI, the Steam version of 2 has official controller support if you guys are into that.

Try Star Control 2.

Christ, talk about a blast from the pass. I wanna say we played this on five and a quarter floppy a hundred years ago. Wonder how it runs nowadays. I haven't used DOSBox in probably fifteen years.

Lucas was the one who said that the Jedi were guardians of peace and justice in the Republic for over 1000 generations. That's roughly 20,000 years.

>Why would anyone fall for sith bullshit within living memory of Exar Kun?
Revan corrupted everyone he could, and the ones who wouldn't convert were Malachor'd.

there's a sourceport lol

One of my favourite lore bits from 2 connecting to 1 is how Revan used the Mandalorian War to slowly mind break and corrupt the soldiers and Jedi under him. Seeping them in death and destruction, pulling them away from everything they once knew and believed until they were fully under his command.
It is a beautiful explanation as to how Revan was able to seduce so many normals and force-users to turn against the Republic.

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>HK-47 on how to kill a jedi
One of the best conversations in the game.

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He has to be a supreme edgelord at all times because otherwise he'd die. He also as a weird almost oedipian fixation on Kreia, being her most disliked student, and spends the game trying to prove otherwise in the only way an edgy sith knows

>He's one of the weaker characters.
he's pretty much immortal until you mindfuck him

Say it

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Ben Quadinaros

Darth Icky

Nevertheless the event fits better in some centuries or several decades far away past, not some millennia away past.

Personally I would have gone with Darth U'oh Stin'kay

Did you come here for answers? There are none. The call of Korriban is strong, but it is the call of the dead. It is fitting you came here.

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Which is fucking dumb because Revan was only involved in the war for about 3 years before it was over


Actually it's even dumber of a explanation than I recalled because now that I double checked Revan and Malak only fell.to the dark side 1 year before the war ended.

The latest example of why KotOR2 annoys me so much. It's a good game but it tries so hard to suck Revan off at all costs that it actually has to ignore the previous canon a bit in order to pull it off

Kotor2 tries to make Kotor1 interesting and actually does, I played Kotor2 before 1 and went I played 1 and saw Revan it was a letdown

damn why does your KotOR look so damn good

Probably uses texture mods.

If you don't like Kotor1 you don't like Star Wars.

Kotor 1 was interesting, it's just didn't have depth which is fine as Star wars has always been a classic story of black and white morality and good versus evil. I don't give KOTOR2 points for trying to make a generic game of thrones muh layers of grey plotline especially when the execution of it was so bad. KOTOR1 may have had a generic Star wars plot but it owned that and executed it flawlessly.

I'll also add that for as much grief as people give the first games plot compared to two, the Revan plot twist is far more iconic than anything that happened in two

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*sigh* Somehow, Jar-Jar has returned.


KOTOR 2 was shit. Anyone who liked this game is retarded

Die Obshitiantrannys

I wouldn't say that either. I think kotor 2 for all its flaws is a great critique of star wars. I can admire it for what it tried to do even if the execution at times left something to be desired. Unlike with say, the force awakens which was just trash.

Sleeps with vibroblades

501st storm tactics>HK's convoluted shit

I meant the last jedi not the force awakens. Although I honestly hate the entire sequel trilogy.

Jar-Jar is the key to all of this.

absolutely buttblasted Kreia viewed him as a failure
On a side note, having installed the partyswap mod to actually see what was up with Disciple, I guess I can see why so few people catch that Kreia is Arren Kae (and therefore Brianna's mum) since it's the Disciples dialog that actually ties the whole thing together quite explicitly in terms of the Kae->Kreia connection
2 is kino, but is more flawed than people like to admit.
like a DS Exile saving Telos doesn't really make any sense. at least with Malachor it shows you not blowing it up, yet even there the companion side stuff is virtually identical to the LS buildup.

I like it but's it's nothing compared to Kotor 2 or even the Tales of the Jedi and it's full of memberthings like the non Millennium Falcon, the non chewbacca, the non boba fett, the non yoda, the non vader, etc

what having a oneitis feels like

I like KOTOR 1, but honestly to me it feels like a Bioware RPG with a prequel coat of paint. I don't really get the "it feels just like the movies! " Thing a lot of people seem to get.